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Updated A.Y. 2018-2019

I. Overview
The course intends to make students familiar with the basic concepts of law though a comprehensive introduction to the Italian legal system, the European one and the global environment. The structure of the legal systems and legal orders, as well as the fundamentals of public law, will be analyzed. The course will offer a deep knowledge of fundamental rights regulation and protection, administrative law and procedures, legal regulation of economics and public finance.

II. Course content and structure

Issues of methods in legal studies
The Legal Systems: Civil and Common Law
Origins and features of the Nation-State
Domestic and International Public Law
Federalism and regionalism
Legal orders relationships: a) the European Union legal system
Legal orders relationships: b) the European Convention of Human Rights
Legal orders relationships: c) the Global arena
Legal orders relationships: d) transnational patterns
Forms of government – separation of powers
The Constitutional State: sources of law
Patterns of constitutional review of the legislation
Fundamental rights and freedoms (I)
Fundamental rights and freedoms (II)
Administrative law and administrative agencies: a) rule of law
Administrative law and administrative agencies: b) administrative proceedings
Administrative law and administrative agencies: c) remedies
The regulatory State

For details, see Inside Materials Syllabus 2019/2020