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European Corporate Law Exam December 17, First Group

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

As requested, I started the grading giving priority to the students who are leaving Rome soon.

Their results are uploaded on Teams (see General / Files).

The registration of the grades can only take place once I complete the grading for the rest of the students.

Best season’s greetings

Nicoletta Ciocca

What you need for the exam

Monday, December 16, 2024

Dear All, 

this is to clarify that:

- tomorrow the exam will be in writing;

- you will need YOUR pen;

- I will provide the exam questions form and some papers;

-you will be requested to show an ID or your student 'booklet': i.e. an official document with your photo;

-the exam lasts 90 minutes. You can of course leave before, but you will deliver your exam forms and papers and you shall not come back to class.

I do not know in which classroom we are going to be: please check the screen in the entrance hall (I will do the same!)


Nicoletta Ciocca


Last class today!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Dear All, 


with the class of today afterlunch. We will end the course (with all classes completed). 


Tomorrow there will be no European Corporate Law Class. 


Thank you for your participation.


My best seasonal greetings

Nicoletta Ciocca

Updated schedule

Monday, December 9, 2024

Dear All, please kindly notice that on Wednesday December 11, we will have two classes:

  • the first one 11-13 as planned;
  • the second one after a break for lunch (13:45-15:45). 


Updated schedule

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Dear All,

please find here the updated schedule of our classes https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/corso/lezioni/1290/

Tomorrow, November 15, Friday, at 11 we will have class in P2.

Monday, November 18, at 14, we will have class in P4

Thursday November 19 NO CLASS

Then back to the ordinary.

Thank you and see you soon