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Consumer Choices Presentations

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Dear students,

On Wednesday, 4th of April at 9 am we will finalize your presentations. Only those who are supposed to present, please join on MS Teams.

We have 2 groups to present the Final project as agreed:


Tamara Ramírez Estel Cardoner Glyne Michelo Finn Roell Hakim Ben Yacoub Prada
Antonia Lazarova Snezhana Madjunkova Eva Kocevska Lina Srbakoska Melanija Mitevska Dior 


Non-attending students please write me if you would like to present your assignments, so I can make a schedule for you as well in the same time slot.


See you soon.

Best regards,



Exam Registration

Monday, March 25, 2024

All students Attending and Non-attending MUST register the exam Consumer Choices on Delphie.

Thank you
