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AULA, Session 7 and don't forget to read the document: "Some New Concepts and Words"

Monday, December 16, 2024

Dear Students


Once again:  The exam will be held in  Aula Magna starting at 15h  ;

Please bring paper to write on!

Also, Session 7 Goals, Values,  and Performance, is part of the exam.

Please don't forget to read the document: "Some New Concepts and Words" - this is a "4 minutes read" but it might be very useful for the exam.

Last but not least, I wish you all the best tomorrow!


Prof. Marjan Bojadjiev

Schedule for the third week

Monday, November 25, 2024

Dear Students

Welcome back to the last third week of our CBS course

The classes this week shall be conducted in the following order

Monday 25th Blue Ocean Strategy  ( session 15)

Tuesday 26th Goals and Performance (Session 70

Wednesday 27th Vertical Integration ( Session 13)

Thursday 28th Organizational Structures ( Session 12)

Friday 29th Session 11 Diversification (Session 16)

Friday 29th Session 2 resources and Capabilities (Session 9)

Friday 29th Wrap UP and How will your measure your life

Next week, Thursday ( 05th) or Friday ( 06th ) we shall have another session with online presentations.

I will organize all the presentations and book chapters both on Teams and the Course Web Page tonight or tomorrow.




Prof. Marjan