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Updated A.Y. 2024-2025

Numbers in parentheses refer to chapter numbers in CORE Microeconomics. Extensions will not be covered unless otherwise stated)

The book is freely available at this link in various formats:


Unit 1: Prosperity, inequality, and planetary limits

Measuring wellbeing: climate change and inequality (1.1-1.4)

"Hockey-stick" growth (1.5-1.7)

The role of capitalism in economic growth (1.8-1.10, 1.12)

Economics and the biosphere (1.13)

Unit 2: Technology and incentives

Decision making (2.2)

Technologies and innovation (2.3-2.7, including extensions)

Economic models (2.8, 2.10)

Capitalism and climate change (2.11)

Unit 3: Scarcity, wellbeing, and working hours

Scarcity and choice (3.1-3.4, including extensions)

Decision-making under scarcity(3.5-3.6, including extensions)

Income and substitution effects (3.7 including extension)

Is it a good model? (3.8)

Applications to the real world (3.9-3.12)

Unit 4: Strategic interactions and social dilemmas

Game theory (4.1-4.2)

Types of equilibrium (4.3-4.4)

Evaluating outcomes (4.5)

Social Preferences (4.6-4.7, including extensions)

The Ultimatum Game (4.11-4.12)

Unit 5: The rules of the game: who gets what and why?

Institutions and power (5.1-5.3)

A model to study institutions (5.4, including extensions)

The distribution of income (5.5-5.14, including extensions)