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Final Mark

The Commission (composed by at least 5 members) evaluates the written thesis; the final score is expressed in 110/110, and it is attributed on the basis of these elements and criteria: 

1. Initial grade (it consists of the GPA): in allocating the final grade, the Commission rounds the grade to the higher or lower score (example: if the grade is 94.43, it becomes 94; if the grade is 94.53, it becomes 95 etc.) 

2. The "career points" are added to the initial grade, in the following way:

  • 4 points if the grade is equal or higher than 102;

  • 3 points if the grade is included between 99 and 101;

  • 2 points if the grade is included between 95 and 98;

  • 1 point if the grade is included between 91 and 94. 

The grade (composed by initial grade and career points) will receive 1 point if the student will graduate on schedule and 3 additional points for the quality of the thesis. 

Honors: the candidate that reaches the final grade of 110/110 can receive the Honor ("cum laude") if the Commission deliberates unanimously.