Student authentication

Is it the first time you are entering this system?
Use the following link to activate your id and create your password.
»  Create / Recover Password

Media Library On Line (MLOL)

A Media Library On Line (MLOL) has been activated.

An on-line library has been activated; a lot of books, newspapers and magazines can be consulted. Moreover, it is possible to download e-books, movies, papers, database, e-learning courses, music, images and so on. 

The contents are available by streaming or in download.

To access, just follow this procedure:

- enter on Consorzio Sistema Biblioteche Castelli Romani: (http://castelliromani.medialibrary.it/home/home.aspx)

- fill-in your credentials (username and password used for our technical services).


HERE the poster sent by our Rector. 


Tuesday, December 6, 2016