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We offer a Dual Degree in cooperation with the University American College of Skopje. We offer a Dual Degree in cooperation with the University American College of Skopje.

We offer a Dual Degree in cooperation with the University American College of Skopje.

Every year our 2nd-year students have the chance to apply to the international mobility program. Selected students will spend their third year at UACS.

We offer a Dual Degree in cooperation with the University American College of Skopje.

Every year our 2nd-year students have the chance to apply to the international mobility program. Selected students will spend their third year at UACS.

University American College of Skopje

The University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational experiences. It was founded in 2005 as one of the few private and independent universities in the Republic of Macedonia. It is currently ranked as the 1st private University in Macedonia and 5th on a national level according to the ARWU Shanghai Jiao Tong ranking.

UACS offers American efficiency through carefully designed curricula that incorporate up-to-date professional literature and case studies from distinguished authors. Most importantly, emphasis is placed on both professionalism and on a holistic educational approach to student development. This is a University where each student counts, where each student is taken seriously, and where faculty members know their students by name. The meticulous student attention is a distinctive feature of the University. 

The University is accredited in the Republic of Macedonia by the Board for Accreditation and is licensed by the Ministry for Education and Science to operate as an institution for higher education. Internationally, it is accredited by ACBSP – Accrediting Council for Business Schools and Programs.


I strongly believe that studying at our and your university will represent a great strife for your future education and professional deepening of the knowledge you have accumulated through all levels of education. Studying at the University American College Skopje will allow you to aid science in making huge steps towards the future and to use your knowledge for the good of all.

Marjan I. Bojadjiev, Rector of the University American College Skopje and visiting professor of Corporate and Business Strategy in Tor Vergata

School of Business Economics and Management

The School of Business Economics and Management is dedicated to providing excellent education to students and creating the professionals that the modern business world needs. We have carefully designed curricula that enable students to learn from vast academic material from renowned authors, using the latest research methods and understanding the most contemporary business analyses.

The School of Business and Management is also dedicated to introducing students to the real world and adapting them to the needs of the modern businesses. This is done with practical information during the studies, delivered by professors of practice, and also with direct immersion in the business and corporate world through internships and job offers in various companies, with UACS serving as a point of contact and networking.

The UACS SBEM Faculty combines academics who are recognized scholars with significant science and theory achievements, with professors of management practice, who are business experts, company CEOs and eminent experts in their respective industries. Also, UACS SBEM provides international exposure by organizing classes conducted by international lecturers from renowned universities.

Dual Degree Program with Tor Vergata University

Every year, second year students have the opportunity to apply to the Dual Degree Program in cooperation with the University American College of Skopje. 

After the first two years in Tor Vergata, selected students will spend the third year in Skopje. At the end of the international mobility period, students come back to Rome and discuss their Bachelor Thesis in Tor Vergata. They will receive a Degree in Business Administration (L-18) or in Economics (L-33) by Tor Vergata University and a second Degree by the University American College of Skopje.

The call for application opens every year in February/March.

More information about the program, selection criteria and the study plan are available in the open call page.



Open Call - Academic Year 2024-2025

The call for the academic year is open and the application deadline is scheduled for March 7th, 2025.


Call for application
Annex 1 - Application form
Annex 2 - Privacy declaration


For the application you have to provide the copy of your passport or identification card, the list of exams and grades recorded on Delphi on the application data and the two annex duly signed.



There are 10 one-year scholarships available for students enrolled in the second year of the bachelor in Business Administration and Economics.

Please remind that in order to have access to the Erasmus+ scholarships, you also have to apply to the Erasmus+ call not later than March 3rd, 2025.