Updated A.Y. 2014-2015
This part of Macroeconomics focuses on Theories on economic fluctuations, in particular we study the variations in economic aggregates as like as unemployment and output.
Why do countries experiment different level of gdp growth?
Why so many different theories on the determinants of economic fluctuations?
Why it’s so controversial the Government intervention on markets?
in B. Snowdon and H.R. Vane
Modern Marcoeconomics Edwar Elgar edt 2005
1. The Classicals and Keynes
cap 2 pag 85
in David Romer
Advanced Macroeconomics
Real Business Cycle Theory
cap 4 pag 146- 183
Trad Keynesian theories of fluctuations
capo 5 pg 195-232
The New Classical Macroeconomics
cap 6 pag 241-250
The new keynesians
pag 256-300
Inflation and Monetary Policy
cap 9
pag 388-429
cap 10
Other readings (not required)
the interviews with:
R. Slideslky, James Tobin, Milton Friedman, Robert E. Lucas Jr., Edward C. Prescott, Gregoey Mankiw, Alberto Alesina, Robert M. Solow, Paul M. Romer in
in: B. Snowdon and H.R. Vane
Modern Marcoeconomics Edwar Elgar edt 2005