ENGLISH TOLC-E: April 18th, 2025
Registration on DELPHI: April 30th, 2025
How to apply
In order to apply to the course, all candidates, including students who want to transfer to the Bsc Business Administration and Economics from another Tor Vergata Course or another University, must take part in the selection.
There is a limited number of places available each academic year. For the academic year 2025/26, there are 200 places available:
- 190 places are reserved for Italian citizens, EU citizens and non-EU citizens already legally residing in Italy, pursuant to law no. 189/2002 art. 26
- 10 places reserved for non-EU citizens residing abroad and applying for visas.
In order to participate in the selection, all the candidates have to be in possession of a secondary school diploma, issued by Italian Institutions, recognized as suitable accordin to the legislation in force in Italy for admission to degree courses or an international qualification considered valid for admission to Italian Universities.
Participants may also be enrolled in the last year of Italian secondary education institutions, or in the last year of a non-Italian secondary education instution, which awards a qualification deemed valid for admission to university courses in Italian Universities.
The qualification must be obtained by the enrollment dates foreseen for the selection round the canditates want to apply to.
If you want to know whether your academic qualification meets the eligibility criteria for admission in Italian Universities, you can read this page and/or contact for additional information.
- Non-EU citizens applying for visas and residing abroad can apply only in the FIRST SELECTION ROUND.
- The places reserved for non-EU citizens applying for visas and residing abroad, if they are not assigned, will be made available for Italian citizens, EU citizens and non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy.
In order to take part in the selection, all candidates must follow these steps, otherwise the application will not be considered valid and it will not be possible to apply to the Bsc.
The call for application for the A.Y. 2024/25!

All the information about the selection criteria and the application process are available in this webpage
Detailed and complete information on the admission and enrollment procedures to the Degree Course
are available in the Call for application:
BSc BAE - Selections 2024/25
BSc BAE - Selections 2024/25
Rounds for selections
First round: From Friday February 16th 2024 - To Tuesday April 30th 2024 - CLOSED
Possible second round: From Tuesday July 16th 2024 - to Tuesday July 30th 2024
We will admit a maximum of 200 students to the programme, of which 5 NON-EU students residing abroad.
Application process
The first round for selection is from Friday February 16th 2024 to Tuesday April 30th 2024.
NON-EU students can ONLY apply in this round.
The merit ranking list will be published within June 15th 2024. Students have until June 30th to start the pre-enrollment procedure.
The possible sliding ranking list will be published within July 1st 2024, while the pre-enrollment deadline will be on July 14th, 2024.
PLEASE NOTE: it is possible to participate in all selection rounds by submitting a specific application for each of them following the procedure referred to in this article.
The possible second round of selection will start from Tuesday July 16th 2024 to Tuesday July 30th 2024.
The merit ranking list will be published within September 15th 2024 and students will have until September 30th to enroll.
The possible sliding ranking list will be published on October 1st 2024 and the enrollment deadline would then be postponed to the 16th of October 2024.
PLEASE NOTE: it is possible to participate in all selection rounds by submitting a specific application for each of them following the procedure referred to in this article.
Further information:
Requirements for participation and selection (Art.2)
In order to apply in the Bachelor Course of Business Administration and Economics, the candidate:
- Needs to have at least 12 years of education
- may apply after the high school diploma is obtained, or if it will happen within the enrollment deadlines scheduled for the chosen selection round.
- Knowledge of the English language. No English certificates are required, however, having a B2 level of English knowledge is highly recommended.
Admission procedure and methods of participation in the selection (Art.3)
To successfully complete the admission procedure, the candidate needs to:
- Enroll in the ENGLISH TOLC-E test; the minimum grade to pass is 10/36.
- Attend the oral interview; the minimum grade to pass is 15/36;
- Apply in DELPHI to be in the selection ranking list, according to the deadlines and requirements indicated in Art. 5.
Please note: Candidates with a score lower than 10 and/or a score in the oral interview assessment lower than 15 will be ineligible.
What is the ENGLISH TOLC-E?
The CISIA Online Test (TOLC-E) is an orientation tool used to assess your initial abilities. This individual test, different for each participant, comprises questions that are selected automatically, at random, from the CISIA TOLC database by software developed and administered by CISIA.
The test is made up of 36 questions (13 Logic questions, 10 Verbal Comprehension questions and 13 Mathematics questions). The ENGLISH TOLC-E test lasts 90 minutes, 30 minutes for each section. Each question is a multiple-choice question with 5 possible answers, of which only one is correct.
On CISIA website ( ) it is possible to simulate the ENGLISH TOLC-E test, find commented and solved questions, as well as test preparation manuals and mentors.
Where and when to take the ENGLISH TOLC-E?
Look at the CISIA website for news about where and when to take the test. You can take the test on any date or city available on the CISIA website, as long as it is English TOLC-E (TOLC@CASA).
To participate in the selection applicants must take only and exclusively the ENGLISH TOLC-E TEST, provided by CISIA in any modality, from January 2023 and :
no later than April 30, 2024 (to participate in the FIRST selection round );
no later than July 30, 2024 (to participate in the POSSIBLE SECOND selection round )
In the event that a candidate has taken more than one ENGLISH TOLC-E (CISIA) test, for the purposes of selection regarding this announcement and formulating the ranking, the score of the last ENGLISH TOLC-E taken will be considered.
Please note: for each date, a maximum number of students are admitted to take the test. Candidates are invited to register for the test in good time via the CISIA website.
Merit rankings and sliding ranking (Art.8)
For each ordinary selection round (first round and possible second round) a merit ranking will be drawn up. The candidates who have registered for that selection round will be included, and the final score will be formulated based on the mathematical sum of the scores obtained in the two evaluation phases, as specified in Article 6 of this notice.
Please note: placement in the ranking in the first selection round is not relevant for the ranking of subsequent selections (possible second selection round and extraordinary selection). Each selection is independent of the others.
The merit ranking and any sliding ranking will be published for each selection round on:
1.) the University website
> educational offer >
>degree courses>
>Business Administration and Economics>
2.) on the website of the Faculty of Economics
3.) and on the website of the degree course in Business Administration and Economics (BAE)
The publication of the selection rankings will be valid for all legal purposes as notification value.
No other forms of communication of the ranking will be envisaged.
In the first and (possible) second selection round, only candidates who have obtained a score in the "English TOLC-E" test equal to or greater than 10 and a score in the oral interview assessment equal to or greater than 15 for a total of 25 out of 72 points.
In the event of a tie, the candidate who obtained the highest score in the oral interview will prevail.
In the event of a further tie, the youngest candidate will prevail.
In scrolling the ranking of the first or possible second round, the candidates who have obtained a score in the "English TOLC-E" test equal to or greater than 10 and a score in the evaluation through oral interview equal to or greater than 15 for a total of 25 out of 72 points, are considered winners according to the availability after the first round.
In the event of a tie, the candidate who obtained the highest score in the oral interview will prevail.
In the event of a further tie, the youngest candidate will prevail.
However, in the event that places still remain, these will also be assigned to ineligible candidates, i.e. candidates who have obtained a score in the "English TOLC-E" test equal to or greater than 10 and/or a score in the oral interview assessment less than 15.
In the event of a tie, the candidate who obtained the highest score in the oral interview will prevail.
In the event of a further tie, the youngest candidate will prevail.
In case there are places available after the merit section, Ineligible candidates may still be able to enrol, but with the attribution of an additional educational obligation (OFA) which must be completed within the first year of study. For further information on OFA and how to complete it, you can consult the BAE Degree Course website and/or contact the teaching secretariat of the Course itself (art. 16).
Transfers, changes and course abbreviations (Art.11)
For admission to the SECOND and THIRD year of the aforementioned degree course, the following limits of places available in the reference cohorts are envisaged:
- 10 places available for enrollment in the second year (2023/2024 cohort)
- 10 places available for enrollment in the third year (2022/2023 cohort)
Therefore, the candidates, after having submitted an application for selection and taken the admission test, divided into two moments of evaluation (articles 3, 4) will be admitted on the basis of the criteria and rankings developed by the competent Commission (articles 5 and 6 ), respectively to:
- SECOND year of the course, in the case of recognition of a number of credits consistent with the chosen degree course equal to at least 27 CFU ;
- THIRD year of the course, in the case of recognition of a number of credits consistent with the chosen course equal to at least 54 credits (part of which was achieved by passing exams required in the second year of the previous Degree Course ).
Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (Art.14)
Students with a disability equal to or greater than 66% or with recognized handicap pursuant to art. 3, paragraphs 1 and 3 of law 5 February 1992, n. 104 are totally exempt from paying university taxes and contributions for enrollment and will have to follow the same online enrollment procedure provided for all students, self-certifying the invalidity in the enrollment application itself .
Subsequently they must deliver to the CARIS Secretariat (email: ) all the documentation issued by the competent authorities certifying the state of disability.
In case of failure to present or non-suitability of the documentation presented by the student, the latter will be required to pay all university taxes and contributions.
For information and contacts, consult the website
Questions regarding the admission competition for the degree course in Business Administration and Economics for the accademic year 2024/2025, as well as inquiries about application and admission procedures, can be directed to the new e-mail address