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Updated A.Y. 2018-2019

Michela Mingione, PhD in Management (mingione@economia.uniroma2.it)


Monday, 4.00-6.00 pm. Room 56, first floor

This is a core-marketing course designed for understanding and managing the principles of Marketing. Three macro-areas characterize the course: analytical, strategical and operational. Therefore, this course starts giving students the skills and capabilities to develop market research, to identify and measure consumers’ needs and wants, and to assess the competitive environment. Then, it helps in selecting the most appropriate customer targets and developing marketing strategies, including branding ones. Finally, a more operational section will help students in understanding how to implement strategies and how to deal with an implementation program for an offering that satisfies consumers' needs better than the competition. Lessons include in-class exercitations and presentations about what has been theoretically explained, in order to improve their communication capabilities and their capacity of making judgments over different marketing topics. Additionally, students will deal with real case studies, in order to apply their marketing knowledge and understanding. In particular, the marketing case (team of 8 students) is not mandatory, and is valued additional 2 points (32/30). 

Kotler P. & Keller, K.L., Marketing Management (Global Edition), Pearson Education, 15th Edition.
Lecture slides will be posted on the course website, “Teaching Material” section, after each lecture.

In general, students are not required to study the sub-sections available in the textbook “Marketing Memo (MM_)”, “Marketing Insights (MI_)” and “Marketing Excellence (ME_)” except when indicated. Following, additional details:
#1_Defining Marketing for the New Realities. The paragraph “Company orientation toward the marketplace” (pp.42-47) is not included in the program. “MI_Understanding the 4As of Marketing” (p.48) is included.
#2_Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans. In general, excluded. However, in the section "Further Material" students can find a document related on how to develop a marketing plan.
#3_Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand. “Estimating current and future demand” (p.111-115) is excluded.
#4_Conducting Marketing Research. “MM_Conducting Informative Focus Groups” (p.127), “MM_Marketing Questionnaire Dos and Don’ts” (p.130) and “MI_Understanding Brain Science” (p.133) are included.
#5_Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships.
#6_Analyzing Consumer Markets. “MM_The power of sensory marketing” (p.189) is included. The paragraph “Behavioral decision and behavioural economics” (pp.202-205) is excluded.
#7_Analyzing Business Markets. This chapter is entirely excluded.
#8_Tapping into Global Markets. This chapter is entirely excluded.
#9_Identifying Market Segments and Targets. “MI_Chasing the long tail” (p.289) is included.
#10_Crafting the Brand Positioning. “MM_Constructing a brand positioning Bull’s-eye” (p.309) is included. The section “Positioning and branding for a small business” (pp.314-316) is excluded.
#11_Creating Brand Equity. “MI_The brand value chain” (pp.337-338) and “MI_What is a brand worth” (pp.339-340) are included.
#12_Addressing Competition and Driving Growth. This chapter is entirely excluded.
#13_Setting Product Strategy.
#14_Designing and Managing Services. This chapter is entirely excluded.
#15_Introducing New Market Offerings. “MM_Seven ways to draw new ideas from your customer” (p.462) and “MM_How to run a successful brainstorming session” (p.464) are included.
#16_Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs; #17_Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels; #18_Managing Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics. These three chapters are summarized in a pdf related to lecture slides (Teaching Material). Students must study the parts highlighted in the slides.
#19_Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communication. This chapter is entirely excluded.
#20_Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales promotions, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations.
#21_ Managing Digital Communications: Online, social media and mobile.
#22_Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Database Marketing and Personal Selling. The sub-paragraph “Sales force structure size and compensation” and the paragraphs “Managing the sales force” and “Principles of personal selling” (pp.667-674) are excluded.
#23_Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization for the Long Run. This chapter is excluded, unless the part related to Sustainability concerns, which you can find in the lecture slides related to chapter  #13.

The pre-exam is designed only for atendance students (9 hours of absence are allowed). The exam includes a written test with three open-ended questions (100% of the total grade). The marketing case is valued 2 additional points and is not mandaory. Lastly, the oral exam is not mandatory.