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Learning Objectives

The course provides students an European policy narrative able to introduce fundamental processes in territorial planning and economic-territorial and governance that guide the development of contemporary European transion economy, considering both national and regional geographical diversity (place evidence) towards 2027-30. Specific impacts on economic, societal and environmental domains will be measured and related to the training offer of new skills for the future employment of youth people in Europe in several policy sectors (New Generation EU goals). Particular attention is paid to dynamism of the Urban and Territorial Agendas as new frameworks of saustainable regeneration planning, whose road map includes Circular Economy, Digitalisation, Smart Specialisation 4+ Strategy and Industry 4.0, Inclusive Gorwth, Cultural Heritage and societal wellbeing, adaptable soft skills; targeted policy guidelines; research and use of Big Data to identify in real time the territorial dynamics in progress (affordable housing, Real Estate, taxation, etc.). Highlighting both European Data Base as source, and Data functionality and potential of cities are captured as well as the new ERDF funds and investments in the framework og resilience and Recovery Plan, relating them with digital ecosystems. Metropolitan, Urban-rural and inner periphery phenomena will be interconnected with the Cohesion Policy by FUA beyond simple physical accessibility referring to the new models of governance. Overall, the general field of study and application is part of the sustainable, cohesive and competitive development of economic, social and territorial systems, offering a theoretical interdisciplinary vision in the framework of Next Generation EU Plan as well as the Recovery and Resilience one. The course includes, among other things, the holding of seminars to promote the integration of students into the world of work in the EU. All accompanied by the examination of concrete cases and excellence to measure the real connection between new green economy and the territorial policy needs. In this context, the basic applications of TIA process, indicators and GIS-STeMA are also provided.
Classroom tutors are available to students during the exercise phases.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Student will be able to interpret the phenomena of place evidence that assume territorial relevance and orient policy/decision making (e.g. innovation technologies, tourism, digital, Cultural heritage, ESDP 2020 s, Green/Blue economy, Climate Change, circular economy, new territorial and urban agenda, etc.) in regional, national and international networks 2020 and post. Therefore, the student will acquire the methodological and cognitive tools to understand the fundamental territorial processes that affect urban and rural society based on the most recent European and international guidelines.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Student will be able to apply, through exercises and the drafting of targeted reports, the theoretical knowledge provided. Themes already tested with the support of explanatory case studies concerned: spatial planning contents, migration, Climate Change adaptation and mitigation, Cultural Heritage, EU and national/regional expenditure of the Cohesion Policy and ESIF, TIA Applications.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Through the knowledge gained through the study of teaching, and practical exercises, the student will be able to assess the main determinants, problems and institutional and public sector interests in the complex areas of planning, quality planning and sustainable development; the paradigmatic transition towards a culture of soft-flexible-adaptive skills in economics and planning; of territorial competitiveness design; of the organisation of economic space on a European and local scale; of urbanization and de-urbanisation; of the circulation of people, goods and information according to green and blue parameters. Students will acquire their own judgement skills thanks to their theoretical and applied understanding of the fundamental points of reference in the explanation of economic-territorial processes and territorial economic development at different subsidiary scales and multilevel governance.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The course will enable the student to transfer the knowledge acquired in their own contexts of origin. In this sense, at the end of the course, students must be able to demonstrate their ability to communicate, through classroom presentations, the readings and skills acquired through the study, the paradigmatic foundations of progress underway in the EU, the transition to development processes that affect the economy and territorial planning. Some addresses from the European communication arena will be shared.

LEARNING SKILLS: The student will be put in a position to learn not only the knowledge related to the discipline in question but will also be able to acquire the knowledge related to the study of other teachings of territorial sciences and the knowledge to address the problems of the territory of reference of the institutions to be support to policy / decision making.


Since it is a optional course, it is not necessary students has taken preparatory examinations before.
However the student is required to have a minimum geographical knowledge of the EU structure and organisation. A constant commitment in the classroom is suggestedin order to participate to critical discussion and applied exercises.
To have the access to course's material, students are required to register by the course page.
The instructions are directed towards both those who regularly attend and those who do not.


The couse is organised in 5 modules, by 36 hours of lessons in presence (6 CFU)

Module 1: Introduction and education to a common lexicon (12 hours)
• policies and dimensions of the European Union development: sustainability, cohesion, subsidiariety, competitiveness, social territorial integration
•• regional and macro-regional approach to the cooperation
• Main changes and place evidence of the EU structure; effects on the regional organisation
• Spatial and Territorial policy and cross-border cooperative integration into the 2021-27 Strategy Next Generation EU and the Recovery and Resilence one 2022-26.
• drivers of economic development in EU: capital city-regions, cities and towns, metropolitan and large areas. Comparative case studies (Rome, Berlin Paris, Vienna, London, Madrid, Great region, etc.)
Module 2: Modelling in EU Territorial Planning: from theory to practice (8 hours)
• Interpretative and predictive models: as models in space continuum, hierarchical models, in discrete space models, aggregated and dynamic disaggregated models, ecological and biological models, models for sustainability in competitiveness, polycentric organization and models
• From the review of Territorial Agenda 2030 to new relationship between firms and territory (i.e. industrial metabolism, Industry 4.0, Smart Specialisation Strategy, Technology applied to Creative industry, etc.)
• Cities in Europe: networks and economic development models, new functionality, challenges by Urban Agenda 2030

Module 3: Determinants of the territorial development 2021-27 (4 hours)
• the impact on polycentrism
• role of the new FUAs: inner periphery and shrinking phenomena
• ESI Funds 2021-27
• Cohesion Policy and territorial potential capital
• Technology, smart models and platforms in EU
•• Sustainable development: Green Infrastructures, Energy policy and Network od Protected Areas, SDGs, toward Green Deal amd neutral Economy
• resilience, new wellness indicators and new multilevel governance models
Case studies and best practices

Module 4: Trans-national cooperation, programs and projects in EU and Italy (6 hours)
• Europe 2021-27 and the new Territorial Cohesion Policy
• Regional policy 2021-27, the 5 pillars and related flags (Climate Change, Energy, migration, technology, etc.)
• the revisited Territorial Agenda 2030
• from the Leipzig Chart 2010 to Urban Agenda 2016 to the new Leipzing Charrt 2019 again
• Paris 2015-2030, circular and green economy
• the new Blue Growth
•Strategy for Infrastructures, digitalisation and connectivity
Examples of EU (ESPON, ENPIMED, MED, URBACT IV, Adrian-Jonian, etc) and national programs (NOPs and ROPs, Territorial Agenda, Habitat IV, Inner peripheries and internal areas)

Module 5: New tools (6 hours)
• Geographical Information System (GIS) and AI
• data gathering, organisation and territorial geo-reference (at NUTS and LAU)
• Data base and Atlas – Use of ESPON tools
• Territorial Capital and ex ante assessment processes
• Territorial Impact Assessment process by STeMA
• Environmental Strategic Assessment process by STeMA
• how support the “decision making”


U. Fratesi (2024). Regional Policy. Theory and Practice. London, New York: Routledge, per I soli Capp. 1, 3, 4, 5.6, 6.6, 6.7, 7, 8
ARL (2024), Planning, https://www.arl-international.com/sites/default/files/dictionary/2021-09/planning.pdf.

Other documents and paper useful for the exam's preparation will be made available by the course's web page

Other documents and paper useful for the exam's preparation will be made available by the course's web page


slides, papers and documents will be made available during the course dvelopment

main references for policy sectors

Territorial Agenda 2030
Urban Agenda 2019
European Commission Recovery and Resilience Plan

Teaching methods

The course is held in presence, according to the guidelines of the University and the Faculty of Economics.

Exam Rules

for the Academy Year 2024-2025 the typology choice is 'oral examen' in presence, in compliance with the University guidelines. Any change will be communicated to scholars by mail.
The objective of the exam is to assess the achievement level of the expected learning outcomes, by an oral exam of variable duration (20-30').
During the oral exam, the level of knowledge of the topics covered will be verified evaluating both the ability to expose the course' topics in an appropriate manner and, above all, the ability to connect and compare the different topics covered in the course.
Learning verification apply equally to attending and non-attending students and must be consistent with the expected learning outcomes defined above.

Criteria for the formulation of the opinion expressed in thirtieth:
o Not suitable: important deficiencies and/ or inaccuracies in the knowledge and understanding of the topics; limited ability to analysis and synthesis, frequent generalizations.
or 18-20: knowledge and understanding of arguments just enough with possible imperfections; ability to synthesis analysis and autonomy of judgment sufficient.
o 21-23: Knowledge and understanding of routinary topics; Ability to correct analysis and synthesis with coherent logical argument.
or 24-26: Discrete knowledge and understanding of the arguments; good analytical skills and synthesis with strictly expressed arguments.
or 27-29: Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topics; remarkable analytical skills, synthesis. Good judgment autonomy.
or 30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and understanding of the topics. Remarkable ability of analysis and synthesis and autonomy of judgment. Arguments expressed in an original way.

Exame session 2024-2025 Oral examen
1. The exam bookings will be available on Delphi as usual (http://delphi.uniroma2.it) according to normal procedures. Students are invited to participate in the examination
2. The examination appeal will be done in presence, strictly following the indications as set out in a University course guidelines. Students need to be prepared in order to sustain a mature dialogue and to demonster the full knowledge of topics.
3. The candidate and the Commission component shall be simultaneously in place for the duration of the examination session. Physical presence is required in the same place as all the teachers.
4. Registration of the examination session is prohibited.
5.On the day of the exam, the roll call of the booked students will be made in order to verify the students actually present, then the exam roll call will be open; students will be called to take the exam in the order deemed appropriate. It is recommended that other students are advised to not disturb the examiner.
6.The student called will be explicitly asked to close the mobile phone. The identity of the candidate examined will be verified by exposing the ID cardt. Ihe student will not be allowed to wear hats and will have to show his ears (to avoid the use of micro-earphones).
7. At the discretion of the Commission, it will be communicated to the Student as soon as the result of the examination or the next student will proceed to the examination.