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Learning Objectives

LEARNING OUTCOMES: to provide a basic knowledge of all the elements of business administration.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: to understand business administration and the fundamentals of business management (strategy, organization, measurement, reporting) managerial functions (marketing, financial function, human resources, etc.) Understand what the role is of business organizations in society, theri responsibilities and how they create value.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: to be able to apply one's knowledge and draw original conclusions, using managerial tools and techniques.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: to be able to use the knowledge acquired during the course to assess the pros and the cons of managerial actions.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: to devolelop communication skills, using appropriate business language.

LEARNING SKILLS: to develop the skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy


Being an exam scheduled in the first semester of the first year, there are no specific prerequisites


- Economic problems, economic activities and different types of companies;
- The creation of value in companies
- Organizational culture and its impact on business
- Globalization and its implications on business management
- Strategies and planning and control systems
- Leadership
- The organizational structure
- Introduction to cost accounting
- Introduction to financial accounting


Fundamentals of Management (Mike Smith) McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011

Teaching methods

- Lecture by teacher
- Slides projected during the course
- Teaching notes
- Class discussion conducted by teacher
- Discussion groups project work
- Textbook and case studies assignments

Exam Rules

For attending students there are some classroom activities carried out in groups that contribute to the final assessment (maximum 3 additional grades). Furthermore, for attending students, the assessment is based on an intermediate test and a final exam. In both cases, the exams are written and consist of 15 multiple choice questions (1 point for each correct answer) and 3 open questions (max 5 points for each answer).
For non-attending students there is a written exam consisting of 15 multiple choice questions (1 point for each correct answer) and 5 open questions (max 3 points for each answer).
To pass the exam, students must get a mark of at least 18/30; to this end, students must demonstrate a sufficient knowledge about the topics covered in the program and that they must be able to apply the business administration concepts at a basic level; to achieve a grade higher than 25/30, students must also have acquired a solid and in-depth knowledge about the topics covered in the program and demonstrate a good ability to apply the business administration concepts; to achieve a score of 30/30 cum laude, students must show an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered during the course and an excellent ability to apply the business administration concepts.