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Regolamento esame

Learning outcomes are assessed through a written test (50% weight), and an oral final exam (50% weight); the final grade is the outcome of their average.

The written test consist of a test with 30 questions with closed answers (4 answers for each question), one mark for every correct answer, no penalisation for wrong answers.

Minimum pass grade is 18/30. Students who passed the written exam will be allowed to take the oral exam immediately after or in the course of any call of the same session.

The criteria for grading the oral part of the exam are as follows:

o 18-20: barely sufficient knowledge and comprehension of topics, possibly with flaws; sufficient level of analysis synthesis and autonomous judgment

o 21-23: Standard knowledge and comprehension of topics; correct analysis and synthesis, logically coherent reasoning

o 24-26: Fairly good knowledge and comprehension of topics; good analytical and synthetical abilities, logically rigorous reasoning.

o 27-29: Full knowledge and comprehension of topics; remarkable analytical and synthetical abilities. Good judgmental autonomy.

o 30-30L: Very good level of knowledge and comprehension of topics. Outstanding capabilities of analysis and synthesis and of autonomous judgment. Ability for reasoning in a personal way.