Next week readings
Dear all,
as for next week, we will work on the following cases:
Lautsii case
Les Verts case
have a nice week end!
Textbook at discounted price for students
Dear All,
please download the .pdf file 'Dear students' in Textbook section of the course's website and follow the instructions.
Next week readings
Dear all,
please, find below the program for next week:
Legal orders relationships: a) the European Union legal system
Readings: ECJ, Van Gend en Loos (1963)
Textbook references: pp. 272-297
Legal orders relationships: b) the European Convention of Human Rights
Readings: ECHR, Lautsii case (2011).
Textbook references: pp. 267-272
Forms of government
Textbook references: pp. 44-58; 84-87; 102(box only);132-136; 140-145; 172-190; 192-251
Have a nice week!
Seminars by Dr. Federica Marconi on Forms of Government
October 11, 11-13
October 17, 11-13
October 24, 11-13
Room T4
Please take your own device wirh you in order to experiment the platform Forms, under the guidance of Professor Vannini.
Next week readings
Dear all, please follow the list for our incoming week:
Lecture 5 Sources of Law
- Notes for students on antinomies
Lecture 6
- US S.Ct., Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Lecture 7
International Law: Reading 1; Reading 2 (Introduction to public International Law, 1 & 2)
Have a nice week end, see you on Monday!!!
Next Week readings
Dear all,
find below the program for next week:
Please, re-read the paper on Civil Law-Common Law
Add the following readings:
US S.Ct., NFIB v. Sebelius (2012); Only parts highlighted
Federalism/Regionalism Excerpt
Notes for students on antinomies
I do remind you all that materials have been uploaded on the course website.
Have a nice week and a nice week end, see you on Monday!