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This page contains material and information regarding the Extra Activities on Classroom Experiments in Experimental Economics.

Students willing to write their final theisis in Microeconomics are required to participate in the Extra Activieties on Classroom Experiments during their second year of the Bachelor Degree.

The Extra Activities for the academic year 2017/2018 will be presented in a meeting with the students on Friday, October 27 from 10.30 to 11.30. 

Students who participate in the Extra Activities are expected to:
(a) provide assistance to the organization and the realization of classroom experiments for the first-year students during the Spring semester 2017/2018;
(b) provide assistance in managing a database which collects that data from the classroom experiments. The database will be made available to students for writing their thesis;
(c) learn the principles of the methodology of experimental economics;
(d) prepare a report of the activity regarding the classroom experiments;
(e) organize a presentation based on the aforementioned report.

Regarding points (d) and (e), students are expected to:
- learn to use the scientific writing program Latex;
- learn to organize a bibliographic search;
- learn to organize a short scientific report and its presentation using slides.

Main references for the Extra Activies on Classroom Experiments in Microeconomics

1) Experiments with Economic Principles: Microeconomics, by Theodore Bergstrom and John H. Miller (Mc-Graw-Hill, 1999, web page here)

2) Market, Games, and Strategic Behavior, by Charles A. Holt (Pearson, 2007, index here)

Textbooks (the introductory chapters are recommended)

1) Experimental Economics, by Davis and Holt (Princeton University Press 1993, introductory chapter here)

2) Economics Lab: An Intensive Course in Experimental Economics, by Alessandra Cassar and Dan Friedman (Routledge, 2014, web page here)

3) Experimental Methods. A Primer for Economists, by Daniel Friedman and Shyam Sunder (Cambridge University Press, introductory chapter here)

4) Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interactions by Colin Camerer (RSF/Princeton University Press, 2003, introductory chapter here)


1) Handbook of Experimental Economics, vol.1, edited by John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth (Princeton University Press, 1995, web page here)

2) Handbook of Experimental Economics, vol. 2, edited by John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth (Princeton University Press, 1995, web page here)

3) Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, edited by Charles R. Plott and Vernon L. Smith (North-Holland, 2008, web page here)

Web Sites for Classroom Experiments

1) VeconLab Experiments (web page here)

2) ClassEX (web page here)


1) ShareLatex (online platform)

2) MikTeX (for Windows) 

3) MacTeX (for Mac)

4) "The Not So Short introduction to Latex 2e"