January 17th Exam - written test
Hi All,
this is a reminder for all of you who need take the written test for tomorrow's exam: please bring with you a device (Laptop, tablet, smartphone) with internet connection/wifi and logged with your Office 365 Tor Vergata account, so as to be able to open the test in the Microsoft Forms' platform. See you in Room T4
Best regards
Problems with exam bookings on Delphi!
Dear All, we have been made aware of technical issues with the Delphi booking platform: it could be that for some of you the exam booking for the current winter session (January 17th and February 5th exams) has been inadvertently canceled! Therefore, you should check if your booking is still present and active on Delphi: in case you should find that it has been canceled, please book again. This is still possible, as the deadline will expire on January, 13th for the January 17th exam, and on February 1st for the February 5th exam.
Please help us in sharing this info with all of your colleagues, as far as possible.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
Best regards
Results written exams
Please find in the folder Exams the results of those who completed the written exam but did not take the oral part. We will register your position as Ritirato.
link to forms 28 october exam
Monday 28th October exam
Dear All,
in view of next Monday's exam, a few useful reminders:
1. Carry with you a device (tablet, laptop, smartphone) synced with your Tor Vergata Office 365 account
2. Come a few minutes before 9,00, so that we can start all the necessary logistic operations on time (roll call, etc, proper spacing in the seats...)
3. Your desk must be kept clear and free form anything except your device; no other tabs or webpages except the Forms one can be open on your device, no attempt to look/communicate with other candidates. Violation of this rule entauls exclusion from the exam
4. The allotted room is T-3 (ground floor, left side upon entering)
Next week readings
Dear all,
the following readings will be discussed next week:
-Fratelli Costanzo
-Omega case
We will refer to the Charter of Nice and the Italian Constitution as a background.
Next week readings
Dear all,
as for next week, we will work on the following cases:
Lautsii case
Les Verts case
have a nice week end!
Textbook at discounted price for students
Dear All,
please download the .pdf file 'Dear students' in Textbook section of the course's website and follow the instructions.
Next week readings
Dear all,
please, find below the program for next week:
Legal orders relationships: a) the European Union legal system
Readings: ECJ, Van Gend en Loos (1963)
Textbook references: pp. 272-297
Legal orders relationships: b) the European Convention of Human Rights
Readings: ECHR, Lautsii case (2011).
Textbook references: pp. 267-272
Forms of government
Textbook references: pp. 44-58; 84-87; 102(box only);132-136; 140-145; 172-190; 192-251
Have a nice week!
Seminars by Dr. Federica Marconi on Forms of Government
October 11, 11-13
October 17, 11-13
October 24, 11-13
Room T4
Please take your own device wirh you in order to experiment the platform Forms, under the guidance of Professor Vannini.