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Learning Objectives

The course lays the foundamentals for the statistical and econometric analysis of both sectional and time series data, highlighting the potential applications to economic and financial research questions.
Contents cover the Linear Regression Model, in both simple and multiple specification, with its assumptions and properties. As for the time-series analysis, the course introduces the notions of auto-correlation, heteroskedasticity and non-stationarity, analysing the consequences in terms of model estimation outcomes and illustrating how to properly deal with those features in the data analysis.

Practices, coupled with the use of statistical software for the analysis of real-world data, will allow students to gain their abilities in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting macro and micro data.

The course also develops digital competences as of EU DIGCOMP 2.1 (Competence area 1: Information and data literacy; Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration; Competence area 3: Digital content creation).

Knowledge of data types and related univariate analysis techniques, including simple linear regression model, multiple linear regression model, time-series models.

Ability in selecting appropriate data analysis methods, and in analyzing relationships among variables in economics, finance and management.

Ability in collecting, using and critically interpreting quantitative and qualitative data related to economics, finance and management, achieved through the analysis of documents issued by official national and international statistics, scientific articles on statistical
methods and applications, case studies.

Ability to spot and present the most suitable empirical framework for the analysis based on the nature of the data at hand and effective communication of data analysis results, also by means of graphs and tables.

Ability to learn autonomously further data analysis techniques, in professional activities or subsequent studies, achieved through the analysis of econometric methods applied in economics, finance and management.


Data Analysis and Descriptive Statistics, Probability and Inference. ANOVA


Linear Regression Model, both simple and with multiple regressors (10 hours)
Assumptions and Diagnosis (8 hours)
Inference (4 hours)
Internal and External Validity (2 hours)
Regression Analysis of Economic Time Series Data (8 hours)
Dynamic Causal Effects (4 hours)


James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson (5a ed.). Introduzione all'Econometria

Teaching methods

During the whole duration of the course (6 weeks), there will be 3 weekly classes of 2 hours each, and 1 practice of 2 hours.
In all appointments, an active participation to the class will be strongly encouraged.

Exam Rules

The final written exam is a closed-book exam, consisting of both theoretical and empirical questions covering the entire program of the course. Questions can be both open and multiple choice and can feature graphs and estimation output, with the aim to evaluate the ability of the student to interpret the final results of a rea-world dataset.

Final evaluation ranges between 18 and 30. Scores lower than 18 will be recorded as Fail.

Students must book through the DELPHI website to take the written exam. Students who are not registered will not be admitted.

During the exam, materials such as books, notes, slips of paper, formulas, etc., are not allowed.

Final grades will be recorded directly in DELPHI. Please note that the electronic recording system requires the indication of the exam result for each student registered for the exam. The rule of tacit acceptance applies for accepting the grade, and electronic recording does not require physical presence. Those who intend to refuse the grade must do so through Delphi, specifying it in the communications to the teacher. This is the ONLY WAY to refuse the exam result. Emails, TEAMS messages, or oral communications to the teacher are not valid for this purpose.