2014/2015 Cohort

Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Konstanz
Daniele Angelini
Thesis: "Evaluating the role of technological and non-technological shocks as a source of Business Cycle fluctuations: a FAVAR approach" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda

Credit Risk Manager at EnBW Energie Baden
Riccardo Bernabei
Thesis: "Differences in earnings between married and cohabiting couples: evidence from Italy" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Gagliarducci

Data Scientist at Lottomatica
Andrea Bezzi
Thesis: "EU citizens and waste managemnet behaviours" Supervisor: Prof. Mariangela Zoli

Reserach Doctorate at Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Giuseppe D'Amico
Thesis: "Platform Competition and Consumer Myopia: a case of Airports." Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Iozzi

Postdoctoral Fellow at HEC Montréal
Erminia Florio
Thesis: "Propensity to borrow: Evidence from a Microfinance Institution in India" Supervisor: Prof. Luisa Corrado

Quantitative Analyst at Sistemia S.p.A.
Eugenia Gambaro
Thesis: "Returns to experience and the gender wage gap: evidence from Italy." Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Gagliarducci

Postdoctoral Researcher at Luiss Guido Carli University
Sara Landi
Thesis: "Online advertising industry: how tracking technologies contributed to Facebook's increasing revenues" Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Iozzi

Economist at Bank of Italy
Kevin Pallara
Thesis: "The dynamic effects of government spending shocks and the Fiscal Foresight issue: a FAVAR approach" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda

PhD student at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Veronica Pizziol
Thesis: "Merger vs Licensing in a Duopoly Model with Product Innovation" Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Iozzi

Credit Risk Modeller at Rabobank
Noemi Sfregola
Thesis: "Assessing Economic Integration in Europe: a Forecast-based Approach" Supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cubadda