2015/2016 Cohort

PhD candidate at Tor Vergata University of Rome
Berkan Acar
Thesis: "Electricity Generation Substitutes and Environmental Benefits of Wind Power in Turkey" Supervisor: Prof. Alessio D'Amato

PhD candidate at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Olawale Adisa
Thesis: "Economic growth and remittances its effect on poverty in an economy: case study Nigeria" Supervisor: Prof. Anita Guelfi

ESG Officer at Cofinimmo
Flaminia Borrelli
Thesis: "Trusting Inference in the presence of High-Leverage points: the case of The Journal of Political Economy" Supervisor: Prof. Franco Peracchi

Master in Economic Analysis at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Tommaso D'Amelio
Thesis: "The effects of the recent immigration flows on the italian job market" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Gagliarducci

Phd Researcher Assistant at European Central Bank | Phd Candidate at University of Warwick
Andrea De Polis
Thesis: "Evaluating Quantitative Easing in the Eurozone: a Bayesian DSGE approach" Supervisor: Prof. Luisa Corrado

Trainee at European Banking Authority (Risk Analysis and Stress Testing Unit)
Fabrizio Failla
Thesis: "Price effect caused by the American Airlines/ US Airways merger" Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Iozzi

Junior Consultant at Lear
Clarissa Lotti
Thesis: "The Heterogeneous Consumption Response to Income Shocks: Reconciling Theory and Evidence" Supervisor: Prof. Luisa Corrado

PhD candidate at Tor Vergata University of Rome
Stefano Manfredonia
Thesis: "Measuring the impact of environmental damage on a firm financial performance: evidence from a novel dataset" Supervisor: Prof. Leonardo Becchetti

Account Executive at Salesforce
Eleonora Manias
Thesis: "Child Labor in Ivory Coast: a comparison between cocoa and non-cocoa communities" Supervisor: Prof. Anita Guelfi

Junior Consultant at IFAD
Piero Massotti
Thesis: "Bayesian estimation of a DSGE model for European Fiscal Compact" Supervisor: Prof. Luisa Corrado

Valerio Pieroni
Thesis: "Trusting Inference in the Presence of High-Leverage Points" Supervisor: Prof. Franco Peracchi

Assistent lecturer at University of Essex
Annalivia Polselli
Thesis: "Trusting Inference in Presence of High Leverage Points: The Case of the American Economic Review" Supervisor: Prof. Franco Peracchi