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2017/2018 Cohort

Junior Analyst at Eni

Gabriele Atturo

Thesis: "Determinants of Road Traffic Accidents and Intervention Policy: a Synthetic Control Approach to Italy" Supervisor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
Analyst at Finalta by McKinsey

Alexandre Barros

Thesis: "Explaining time overrun of infrastructure investment projects funded by the European structural funds and the cohesion fund in Italy" Supervisor: Prof. Elisabetta Iossa
Budgetary Policy Advisor at Deutscher Bundestag

Michael Bruch

Thesis: “100% Reserves and Seigniorage: Budgetary consequences of implementing the Chicago Plan" Supervisor: Prof. Robert Waldmann
Doctoral Student at Università degli Studi di Padova

Emanuele Caggiano

Thesis: "Forward guidance: measuring the effects of ECB communication using speeches" Supervisor: Prof. Luisa Corrado
Quantitative Officer at Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) - PhD Candidate at Tor Vergata University of Rome

Marco Carli

Thesis: “Pecuniary Externalities through Financial Constraints” Supervisor: Prof. Leo Ferraris
PhD Candidate in Economics at University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Consultant at Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)

Francesco Colcerasa

Thesis: "Inequality and Growth: A Panel Analysis in EU-15 between 1990 and 2016" Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Paesani
Analyst Consultant & Software Engineer at Capgemini

Giovanni La Rosa

Thesis: "The Determinants of CDS Spreads and the impact of ESG Factors" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Caiazza
PhD candidate at the University of Innsbruck

Luisa Lorè

Thesis: "Does difference in Expiration Date labelling infuence Food Waste? An Experimental Approach" Supervisor: Prof. Mariangela Zoli
PhD candidate at Tor Vergata University of Rome

Filippo Maurici

Thesis: "The Role of Liquidity in the Kiyotaki-Moore Model" Supervisor: Prof. Leo Ferraris
Junior Software Developer at TAS Group

Tiziano Medas

Thesis: "Long Short-Term Memory Techniques for Time Series Prediction" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Grassi
PhD candidate at Tinbergen Institute

Gabriele Mingoli

Thesis: “Score driven models for time varying tail dependence” Supervisor: Prof. Tommaso Proietti
PhD candidate at University of Padova

Federico Navarra

Thesis: “Theory of optimal income taxation and the effects of side trading over redistribution" Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Kamal Attar
PhD Candidate at Luiss Guido Carli

Jacopo Orlandi

Thesis: “Liquidity management in inefficient credit booms” Supervisor: Prof. Leo Ferraris
Regulatory affairs specialist - Spot market regulation at Terna Driving Energy

Davide Pannozzo

Thesis: “Eliciting time preferences of entrepreneurs as individuals and within the firm environment: survey evidence from an Italian sample” Supervisor: Prof. Robert Waldmann
Research Assistant at Lear - Economic Consultancy, Rome

Flavia Paoloni

Thesis: "Finite sample properties of control function approaches for nonlinear models with endogenous explanatory variables" Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti
Junior Econometrician at FAO

Flavia Pellegrini

Thesis: "Impact of Cash Transfer Programs on Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers: The Case of Lesotho’s Child Grants Programme" Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti
Research Analyst at the European Central Bank

Giovanni Primativo

Thesis: "Investigating Hospitals Technical Efficiency: A Spatial Stochastic Frontier Approach" Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti
Economic Analyst at CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Laura Recagno

Thesis: “Using Electronic Health Records for Attributing Medical Spending to Conditions: The Italian General Practitioners” Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti
PhD candidate at University of Bologna

Andrea Renzetti

Thesis: “Static and Dynamic Correlated Random Effects Models for Household Portfolios” Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti
Senior Economist at Ofwat

Gilda Romano

Thesis: "The estimation of economies of scale in the water residential retail sector in England and Wales" Supervisor: Prof. Mariangela Zoli
Trainee at Economic Research Department - BNL BNP Paribas

Andrea Ruffelli

Thesis: "Macroeconomic Models with Financial Frictions: The Gertler and Kiyotaki Model" Supervisor: Prof. Fabrizio Mattesini
Expert at Bank of Italy

Massimiliano Sfregola

Thesis: “The role of different international shocks on a small open country: a FAVAR approach for Sweden” Supervisor: Prof. Tommaso Proietti
Business Analyst at Armundia

Antonio Stanco

Thesis: "The Determinants of Non Performing Loans" Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti