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2020/2021 Cohort

Negotiator at Hyresgästföreningen, Göteborg

Pontus Blad

Thesis: "Swedish Public Service: Politically biased or not?" Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Sobbrio
Master / PhD program in Economics at Carlos III Madrid

Luca Caggiano

Thesis: "LATE in Macroeconomics: Application on High-Frequency Identification of Money Non-Neutrality" Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Casini
PhD Candidate at RED

Valentina D'Anna

Thesis: "Do gender stereotypes affect women's labor market opportunities? Evidence from European countries" Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Gagliarducci
Front Office Strategy and Knowledge Department Intern at IFAD

Andrea Mastroeni

Thesis: "Urban influences on rural schooling choices in Sub-Saharan Africa" Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti
PhD Candidate in Economics and Finance at Tor Vergata University of Rome

Jacopo Pitari

Thesis: "A Control Function Maximum Likelihood approach in the context of Spatial Panel Data models with additional endogenous regressors" Supervisor: Prof. Federico Belotti
June 2023 Graduate

Elisa Ranuzzi

Thesis: The economic effect of mafia confiscated asset reuse: a difference-in-differences model