Regolamento esame
The examination for the course foresees two phases:
1. The first phase is the "closed book” oral exam that covers all the topics of the course and may be composed of both numerical exercises and theoretical open questions. It will be administered from remote using Teams platform. Those who have registered for the exam will be added to the exam activity on Teams. You need to be prepared with a computer or a mobile device with a functioning camera and microphone, and a valid Teams login. You also need to prepare some blank paper sheets to solve numerical exercises if required.
2. The second phase is the take-home assignment on applied health economics issues, with an analytical problem to solve in Stata or another software (R, python) and then the description of the relevant results in a small paper (approximately 4-5 A4 pages, including text, figures and tables). The solution to the problem is supposed to be provided in a framework of applications covered in the classroom, based on Instrumental Variables, Differences in Differences or Regression Discontinuity design. The problem together with a suitable dataset will be sent to you on the day after the written exam, and you will have 10 days to send it back to me.
The final grade is computed averaging the grades of the oral "closed book" exam (50%) and the take-home applied assignment (50%).
The examination for the course foresees two phases:
1. The first phase is the "closed book” theoretical exam that covers all the topics of the course and may be composed of both numerical exercises and theoretical open questions. The exam is supposed to last 1,5 h and is to be seated in the classroom on the day of the appello you book for.
2. The second phase is the take-home assignment on applied health economics issues, with an analytical problem to solve in Stata or another software (R, python) and then the description of the relevant results in a small paper (approximately 4-5 A4 pages, including text, figures and tables). The solution to the problem is supposed to be provided in a framework of applications covered in the classroom, based on Instrumental Variables, Differences in Differences or Regression Discontinuity design. The problem together with a suitable dataset will be sent to you on the day after the written exam, and you will have 10 days to send it back to me.
The final grade is computed averaging the grades of the written "closed book" exam (50%) and the take-home applied assignment (50%).