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MSc Economics Course Presentation

Get to know details and professors for compulsory and elective courses

We have organized a MSc Economics Course Presentation for all of you on 16 October at 11am.
The following professors will join us: Andrea Attar, Federico Belotti, Alessandro Casini, Luisa Corrado, Alessio D'Amato, Alessio Farcomeni, Leo Ferraris, Stefano Gagliarducci, Stefano Grassi, Elisabetta Iossa, Alberto Iozzi, Alessandra Pelloni, Andrea Piano Mortari, Roberto Sarkisian, Robert Waldmann.
They will present the following courses: Econometrics, Microeconomics I and II, Macroeconomics I and II, Time Series, Big Data for Economics and Finance, Public Sector Economics and Management, Law and Economics, Labour and Personnel Economics, Development Economics, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Industrial Organization, International Economics, Macroeconometrics, Microeconometrics, Monetary Economics. Lear more about the MSc Economics Program Structure.
This orientation meeting will be a useful way to meet your professors, learn more about the unique characteristics of each course, and find out which elective courses might be best suited to your interests. 
The meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams (please click).