Quality assessment
Quality Management Structure at Tor Vergata University of Rome
Documento sul Sistema di Assicurazione e Gestione della Qualità
General description of the Quality Management System at the University (approved by the Academic Senate on 21 July 2015 and by the Board of Directors on 28 July 2015). This document is only available in Italian.
Il Sistema di Assicurazione di Qualità dell’Ateneo
Annually updated description of the roles, procedures and deadlines for quality management at the University. This document is only available in Italian.
Presidio di Qualità di Ateneo
Quality Assurance Unit at the University. This information is only available in Italian.
Nucleo Di Valutazione
University Evaluation Team. This information is only available in Italian.
This information is only available in Italian.
Quality Management Structure in the School of Economics and in the Department of Economics and Finance
Each University Department designates a professor who is the official representative of Education Quality Standards. This person dialogues directly with the Evaluation Team and the Quality Assurance Unit of our University, and contributes by helping to define the internal policies together with our Vice-Rectors and other delegates. This professor coordinates all the Coordinators, the Re-examination Teams and the Joint Committee. For the Department of Economics and Finance, the representative is Professor Lorenzo Carbonari.
Each University Department designates a staff member, who coordinates the academic planning and data base for the Department’s bachelor and master degrees. For the Department of Economics and Finance, this is Maria Cristina Di Ienno.
Each University Department designates a Joint Committee, composed of students and professors whose roles and activities are indicated in the Regolamento delle Strutture Didattiche e Di Ricerca (which is only available in Italian).
Joint Committee for Students and Professors
Composition: The Joint Committee is composed of the following members:
- 4 Professors elected from the Faculty Council and selected among the Professors of the School of Economics; they are elected for a three-year period.
- 4 Student Representatives elected by all the regularly enrolled students and selected among all the students who are not late with their studies; the representatives are elected for a two-year period, and can be re-elected once.
Activities: The Joint Committee carries out the following responsibilities and tasks:
• Monitors academic planning and the quality of teaching activities, as well as the student services provided by professors;
• Identifies the indicators that can be used to evaluate the results;
• Expresses its opinion about the creation of new or suppression of the bachelor and master degree programs [L.240/10, Art.2, g)];
In autumn each year, the Joint Committee compiles an annual report to monitor the quality of the Academic Program.
The current Joint Committee is composed of the following members:
Professors (2024/2027): Stefano Grassi (President), Anna Maria Battisti, Annalisa Fabretti, Angela D’Orazio.
Students (2024/2027): Valerio Terrasi, Alessia Angeli, Pietro Lucia, Gaia Palladino
Quality Management within the academic program
Monitoring is regularly performed to ensure high educational standards and that internal policies are followed and corrective actions taken when necessary. Through use of periodic consulting of the supporting structures, the academic council may take measures to guarantee the continual improvement of the academic objectives as well as the tools used to achieve these objectives.
Each academic program identifies a professor responsible for Quality Assurance, which usually coincides with the Program Coordinator.
The Program Coordinator is responsible for the following activities:
• Operative manager for the entire quality monitoring process of the academic program. He is responsible for the planning, the implementation and the monitoring of the academic program (including the preparation of documents such as the annual evaluations Scheda di Monitoraggio Annuale and the cyclical evaluations Riesame Ciclico);
• He is the guarantor of the level of Quality of the academic program. He informs the Head of the Department about possible problems which might interfere with the correct actualization of the academic activities, also with the help of students’ feedback;
• He communicates the results of actions and decisions taken, also through use of the Scheda Unica Annuale (SUA-CdS) which is an online platform that the University uses to share information with the Ministry of Education and the public about the academic program.
The Coordinator of MSc Economics for the Academic Board (for a three-year period 2024-2027) is Professor Gianluca Cubadda, a professor in the Department of Economics and Finance.
The MSc Economics Academic Board expresses its opinion of the subjects of competence of the academic program and formulates proposals to the Department Council in regards to academic planning, the educational program content, individual study plans and the monitoring of didactic activities.
The MSc Economics Academic Board is composed of the following members:
• Professor Gianluca Cubadda (Coordinator and professor for the Department of Economics and Finance)
• Professor Alberto Iozzi (professor DEF)
• Professor Federico Belotti (professor DEF)
• Professor Giorgio Gulino (professor DEF)
• Professor Eloisa Campioni (professor DEF)
The Student Representative is Virginia Enrico.
The Coordinator is assisted by the Re-Examination Team, which monitors data in regard to the academic program (teaching activities and student services). Re-examination activities include the identification of the academic program’s strengths and weaknesses, the preparation of a proposal of actions aimed at improvement, and the verification of the correct implementation of the actions taken.
The Quality Assurance Group is responsible for the following evaluation activities:
• Verification of the interest and demand for education in a particular academic area;
• Verification of the specific objectives of the academic program and their consistency with the qualifying objectives of the students as well as the current needs of the job market;
• Verification of the existing job opportunities and their coherence with the qualifying objectives of the class and the academic program, as well as the needs of the job market and the analysis of the external effectiveness of the academic program;
• Verification of the expected learning outcomes;
• Monitoring of the adequacy of the University infrastructure and student services.
The MSc Economics Re-Examination Team and Quality Assurance Group is composed of the following members:
- Professor Gianluca Cubadda
- Professor Giorgio Gulino
- Professor Federico Belotti
- Professor Eloisa Campioni
- Professor Alberto Iozzi
- Student Representative Ginevra Yumi Vella
- University Staff Lea Cicellyn Comneno, Jennifer Vieley, Susanne White
Student Questionnaires
Students are regularly involved in the compilation of the questionnaires aimed at evaluating the quality of the academic program, teaching and University services.
Students are required to fill in an online questionnaire each time they register to take an exam (according to the ministerial decrees D.M. 509/1999 and D.M. 270/2004). The online procedure is straightforward and facilitates the gathering of useful information in an anonymous way from students, and the results are published annually. The questionnaire provides the students with a vehicle to express their opinions regarding several aspects relevant to their expectations as students including the courses, the professors providing lectures, the teaching material and the University facilities. The student opinions are essential to understanding where improvements can be made, and the compiled results are shared with professors, the University President, the Academic Program Coordinators, the Joint Committees, the Re-Examination Teams, the University Evaluation team and all the other bodies of the University.
Therefore, students, are asked to be responsible and provide honest and complete evaluations, because the results will be analyzed and used to develop strategies to improve the quality of the students’ academic experience at Tor Vergata.
Moreover, to help the academic program monitor quality in a more timely manner, MSc. Economics students are requested to complete an additional evaluation about half-way though the lecture period of each module. All of the courses are hence evaluated through a supplementary questionnaire that is administered by the Program Office and evaluates different elements than those found on the online survey.
Evaluation of students’ opinions from past academic years may be found here.
Consultation with representatives of management and labor
The meetings held with representatives of management and labor are documented and are available here for consultation (the information is in Italian).
Questionnaires are regularly submitted to the representatives of management and labor in order to evaluate whether the specific objectives of the academic program are aligned with the needs of the job market. Subsequently, the questionnaires are used to determine whether the academic program is sufficiently preparing students to qualify to meet the needs in the professional sector related to their studies. The information provided allows for an evaluation of the external effectiveness of the academic program and helps determine whether changes should be made in the academic programming to further facilitate graduates to find jobs when they complete the academic program (the information is primarily in Italian). Details can be found here.
Comments, Complaints and Suggestions
The MSc in Economics welcomes comments and suggestions from enrolled students, reflecting its commitment to enhancing the quality of the academic program. If you have a comment about the University and/or our Program, please follow the procedure below and feel free to share academic-related comments, complaints, suggestions, or specific concerns about the provisions of our study program or a related academic service, including teaching and academic facilities.