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Scholarships for Tor Vergata International Students

Academic Year 2017/2018

Tor Vergata University of Rome has launched the selection for the award of 20 scholarships, € 1.288,00 each, paid in a lump sum (gross of tax law withholding taxes) for foreign students with a high school diploma obtained in a foreign country.


Application is open exclusively to foreign students regularly enrolled in the academic year 2017/2018 (“in corso” students), according to the following requirements:

  • have a qualification for the access to the University issued by a a foreign higher education institution;
  • be enrolled within the regular duration of the study course;
  • have the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Index) not exceeding € 30,000.00. For the assessment of the threshold will be considered the ISEE-University valid as well as resulting in Delphi, submitted for the calculation of university fees a.a.2017/2018.

NOTE: Students who already benefited, during the 2017/2018 A.Y, of scholarships, contributions, loans supplied in accordance with the current regulation about the right to education, scholarships supplied by other agencies or students who benefited of university fees’ exemptions recognized by the University, are considered ineligible from the selection. 

Participation at the selection, Selection Committee and criteria

In order to participate at the selection of this call, students will not have to submit a formal request, since the list will be redacted taking into account merits and income data held by the University database.

Within November 30, 2018 students must:

  • be in compliance with the payment of the University fees and contributions a.a.2017/2018;
  • have all the requirements described and requested by the Call.

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