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Research field: Competition Policy

PhD in Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Short bio

I have been working in the field of competition policy since 1994. After five years spent as an economic advisor at the Italian Competition Authority, in 1999 I set up Lear, an economic consultancy. Since then I have advised private clients and public institutions on a wide range of competition issues, including cartels, abuse of dominance, vertical agreements and mergers in a variety of industries, before the European Commission and several national competition authorities. I have prepared witness statements in private litigation cases and assisted clients during regulatory reviews. I regularly act as a consultant for the World Bank and the EBRD and have led several research projects for the European Commission, the European Parliament and several national competition authorities in the world. My research interests are competition policy and law and economics. I have published articles in several international journals, including the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Industrial Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Review of Legal Studies, the Journal of Regulatory Economics. I have edited the Handbook of Antitrust Economics (MIT Press). I hold an MSc in Public Economics and a Ph.D. in Economics awarded by the University of Rome La Sapienza. I have been a Visiting Scholar at George Mason University and New York University. I am also a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe.


MSc in Economics course:
