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Learning Objectives

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students at the end of the course will have proved their understanding of the main public economic issues such as: public goods, externalities, political economy, health-care, social security, optimal tax theory and tax incidence.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The acquired information set is a fundamental support for the understanding and deepening of the studies of all higher-ranking economic and financial subjects.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: By the end of the course, students will be able to interpret the main dynamics of public economics and will be able to apply these notions in evaluating the effects of various economic and fiscal policies.

Students will be able to identify the most appropriate models, among those presented in the course, to describe public economics phenomena in their relationship with the real world.

Students will be able to describe public economics problems analytically, with the opportunity to refer to the scientific literature proposed in the course. Students will also be able to interact in operational contexts related to economic phenomena, being able to develop analyses through the identification of causality links and the most appropriate methodologies to interpret them.

At the end of the course students will master a good degree of understanding of the key tools and concepts of public economics that will enable them to tackle studies in the economic and financial sectors at more advanced levels.


Microeconomics and calculus


Week 1: Pareto Efficiency and welfare theorems
Week 2: Public Goods and Externalities
Week 3: Political Economy and Education
Week 4: Health care
Week 5: Social security
Week 6: Optimal tax theory & Tax incidence


H. Rosen , T. Gayer. Public Finance, Tenth (Global) Edition. McGrwaw Hill- International Edition. (2014)


H. Rosen , T. Gayer. Public Finance, Tenth (Global) Edition. McGrwaw Hill-
International Edition. (2014)

Lecture slides

Teaching methods

Lecture slides

Exam Rules

The student will be evaluated at the end of the course via a written test. The written test consists of a mix of open-ended questions, multiple choice questions and exercises, with which the student have to demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical notions of the course, knowing how to apply them in practical cases demonstrating that he has achieved the method of study and the learning ability necessary to continue the study of the subject autonomously.

Insufficient (0-17):
Knowledge and Understanding: Significant deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in knowledge and understanding of the topics.
Skills: Limited analytical and synthesis skills.

Sufficient (18-20):
Knowledge and Understanding: Adequate knowledge and understanding of the topics with possible imperfections.
Skills: Sufficient analytical, synthesis, and independent judgment skills.

Adequate (21-23):
Knowledge and Understanding: Understanding of routine topics.
Skills: Correct analysis and synthesis skills with coherent logical argumentation.

Good (24-26):
Knowledge and Understanding: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics.
Skills: Good analytical and synthesis skills with rigorously expressed arguments.

Very Good (27-29):
Knowledge and Understanding: Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topics.
Skills: Remarkable analytical and synthesis skills. Good independent judgment.

Excellent (30-30L):
Knowledge and Understanding: Excellent level of knowledge and understanding of the topics.
Skills: Exceptional analytical and synthesis skills and independent judgment. Arguments expressed in an original way.