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Learning Objectives

Learning outcomes
The course aims to transfer to students theoretical and practical advanced knowledge on the fundamentals and the analytical and operational tools of marketing for understanding and interpreting firms’ approach to the market.
The ultimate aim of the course is to develop key competences and abilities necessary to operate as entrepreneur, manager and as a professional in the field of management consulting able to carry out market research related to products, make decisions on market strategies and the creation and transfer of value to the customer, and implement such strategies.
At the end of the course, on the basis of the knowledge acquired and skills developed through the course material, project work (in teams), business cases, and interaction with experts in the field, students will have learned the fundamental concepts of marketing, relating both to the analysis of consumer behavior and business strategy. In particular, students will be able to: identify the factors influencing competitive dynamics, recognize the decision-making processes underlying consumer behavior; understand the competitive levers (product, price, distribution, communication, band) and their importance for pursuing company objectives.
Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide the student with the specific marketing knowledge and skills necessary for understanding and interpreting firms’ approach to the market, through the transfer of advanced knowledge, both theoretical and practical, and ad hoc analytical and operational tools. To this end, ample space within the course is dedicated to the study and discussion of business cases through expert testimonials from the industry.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The ability to apply knowledge and understanding will be assessed during the exam as well as through the preparation of a group work by the students. Moreover, the ability to apply knowledge and understanding will also be verified informally and gradually during the course, through teacher-student interaction.
Making judgements
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired adequate marketing knowledge and competencies for understanding and interpreting firms’ approach to the market. The student will be able to formulate autonomous judgments that allow him an average level of critical reading of the aforesaid approach. The ability to apply knowledge and understanding will be assessed during the exam as well as through the preparation of group works by students. In particular, the elaboration of group works by students aims precisely at evaluating the ability to synthesize and the autonomy of judgment gained by them.
Communication skills
The communication skills are developed and evaluated not only through teacher-student interaction, but also through group works, discussion of business cases, as well as through the exam. All of this will allow the student to improve his/her ability to expose the topics related to the course in a clear and exhaustive way.




The course program is articulated into three parts closely related to each other.
Part I – The Market-Led Organization. The Nature of Marketing; Marketing Strategy and Planning; Understanding Customer Behavior; Marketing Research and Customer Insights; Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (14 hours)
Chapter #1: The Nature of Marketing
Chapter #2: Marketing Strategy and Planning
Chapter #3: Understanding Customer Behaviour. The paragraph “Influences on organizational buying behaviour” (pp. 79-83) is excluded
Chapter #4: Marketing Research and Customer Insights. The sub-paragraphs “Initial contact”, “Research brief” and “Research proposal” (pp. 105-106) are excluded.
Chapter #5: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.

Part II – Creating Customer Value. Value through Products and Brands; Value Through Services, Relayionships and Experiences, Value through Pricing (10 hours)
Chapter #6: Value through Products and Brands.
Chapter #7: Value through services, Relationships and Experiences.
Chapter #8: Value through pricing.
Part III – Delivering and Managing Customer Value. Distribution; Integrated Marketing Communications (Mass, Direct and Online Communications Techniques) (12 hours)
Chapter #9: Distribution: Delivering Customer value
Chapter #10: Integrated Marketing Communications I: Mass Communications Techniques
Chapter #11: Integrated Marketing Communications II: Direct and Online Communications Techniques
Chapter #12: The Marketing Environment.
In each of the abovementioned chapters, the sub-sections titled “Marketing Spotlight”, “Marketing in Action”, “Critical Marketing perspective”, “Appendix” and “Case” are not included in the program.


Fahy J. & Jobber D, Foundations of Marketing, McGraw Hill, 7th Edition.


Material indicated by the professor
Supplementary study material pertaining to in-depth analysis (thematic seminars and analysis of company cases).

Teaching methods

The teaching activity, in line with the training objectives of the course, responds to a theoretical-practical approach that combines lectures, thematic seminars with testimonials, discussion of business cases, and project work for a total of 36 hours of training, according to the calendar published before the start of the semester on the Bachelor’s Degree Course website.
The lectures include the discussion of the theoretical and methodological foundations included in the course program and their application through the use of business cases and examples to allow students to develop understanding and application skills of concepts and methodologies suitable for solving marketing issues issues of firms.
In addition, for some topics of the course chosen by the professor, also in relation to the socio-economic and environmental changes in the national and international contexts, thematic seminars are planned introduced by the professor and given by managers, entrepreneurs and experts in the marketing field. These seminars are an integral part of the educational objectives of the course as they further and effectively develop the students’ ability to understand and apply through a direct approach to specific marketing issues that can occur during the different phases of the life cycle of a firm.
During the lectures, the analysis of the cases, the discussion of the project work and the conduct of the thematic seminars, students are encouraged by the professor to ask questions and express doubts and their critical point of view by highlighting the theoretical concepts and tools used for their arguments, starting from those learned during the course. This allows the development of transversal skills useful, in particular, for organizing, selecting, making decisions and solving problems.

Exam Rules

For both attending and non-attending students, the exam focuses on the topics of the course program, including topics emerging from in-depth seminars and from the analysis of business cases. The exam consists of a written test on the contents of the course and a presentation and discussion of a project work. The project work is valid only for one academic year.
For attending students, the evaluation of the project work (in team) is based on a PowerPoint presentation and classroom discussion. Each student, with his own work group, will present the project created during the course in the classroom and the grade will be given to the group. For non-attending students, the evaluation of the project work takes place on the basis of a report that must be delivered to the professor via email one week before the exam; the grade will be given to the individual student.
The exam assesses the overall preparation by the student in accordance with the Dublin descriptors, as follows: acquired knowledge (quantity and quality) in relation to the topics of the programme and consequentiality of reasoning; ability to apply such knowledge and to make connections among the different parts of the programme, including also the acquired knowledge from other similar courses; analytical ability, synthesis, and autonomy of judgement; communication skills of the student (language properties, clarity of presentation, and appropriate use of terminology, specific to the course).
The final mark of the exam is expressed out of thirty and will be obtained through the following grading system:
o Not suitable: significant deficiencies and/or inaccuracies in knowledge and understanding of the topics; limited analysis and synthesis skills, frequent generalizations.
o 18-20: just sufficient knowledge and understanding of the topics with possible imperfections; Sufficient analytical, synthesis, and independent judgment skills.
o 21-23: Knowledge and understanding of routine topics; Correct analysis and synthesis skills with coherent logical argumentation.
o 24-26: Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics; good analytical and synthesis skills with rigorously expressed arguments.
o 27-29: Complete knowledge and understanding of the topics; remarkable analytical and synthesis skills. Good independent judgment.
o 30-30L: Excellent level of knowledge and understanding of the topics. Remarkable analytical and synthesis skills and independent judgment. Arguments expressed in an original way.