Updated A.Y. 2024-2025
Obiettivi Formativi
1. fornire conoscenze intermedie sulle valutazioni delle più importanti poste di bilancio; 2.
fornire conoscenze basilari sottostanti la redazione del bilancio consolidato e relativi analisi.
conoscere i criteri di valutazione delle poste di bilancio e saper leggere le relazioni tra gli
schemi di bilancio; conoscere il concetto di gruppo e dei criteri di consolidamento
essere in grado di registrare, valutare e rappresentare in bilancio le poste più critiche che lo
compongono. Mettere in pratica il processo di riconoscimento del concetto di controllo e di
avvio delle fasi di consolidamento
esprimere opinioni compiute circa la corretta rappresentazione di talune poste di bilancio ed
il peso che le società partecipate esprimono all'interno di gruppi quotati
capacità di esporre le principali ragioni dietro differenti performance economico finanziarie
di aziende quotate
Capacità di apprendere in modo crescente le determinanti dei differenti livelli di
performance raggiunti dalle aziende
sempre, a prescindere da casistiche particolari o dall'essere iscritti a corsi di laurea che
mutuano il corso, inclusi i Dual Degree Programs. L'unica tipologia di studenti a cui non si
applica il prerequisito sono gli studenti erasmus in entrata iscritti in corsi di Laurea di altri
importanti poste di bilancio e a far loro comprendere elementi di analisi dello stesso e della
maggior complessità che il documento assume allorchè riferito ad un gruppo di imprese
(Bilancio Consolidato).
Di seguito il programma per punti cardine:
1. Richiami di Contabilità Generale e sui principali documenti di bilancio
2. La Valutazione degli elementi dell'attivo fisso (Immobilizzazioni Materiali ed Immateriali)
3. La Valutazione delle Rimanenze
4. Classificazione e Valutazione degli Strumenti Finanziari
5. Basi sul concetto di consolidamento
6. Basi sull'analisi di bilancio
Testi Adottati
Serie di capitoli estrapolati da differenti risorse e testi. Il set completo delle letture sarà disponibile in tutte le librerie o facile da reperire usando i normali canali di approvvigionamento. In Particolare, le letture sono:
Horngren et al., (2014) Introduction to Financial Accounting,11th edition, Wiley, Chapter 5 and 7
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso: Financial & Managerial Accounting 3rd ed. (for short: WKK) Ch 4, 6, 9, ch 8 par. 17, 10, 11
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapter 15;
Altre letture caricate sulla pagina web del corso
Tutti i materiali di qualunque tipologia, sempre caricati sulla pagina web del corso
Horngren et al., (2014) Introduction to Financial Accounting,11th edition, Wiley, Chapter 5 and 7
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso: Financial & Managerial Accounting 3rd ed. (for short: WKK) Ch 4, 6, 9, ch 8 par. 17, 10, 11
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapter 15;
All IAS-IFRS currently issued at the starting day of the courseModalità di svolgimento
esercizi, casi pratici, lavori di gruppo circa 40%
Regolamento Esame
esame scritto 70%
redazione e presentazione di un lavoro di gruppo 30%.
I lavori di gruppo, generalmente vengono presentati per stati di avanzamento o comunque
entro la fine delle lezioni e fungendo così anche da strumento valutativo su base
continuativa. Gli studenti non frequentanti dovranno sottomettere e presentare il loro lavoro
di gruppo (se del caso anche in forma individuale) nelle date di esame ordinarie, come
stabilito da calendario. Il lavoro di gruppo per i non frequentanti (o per coloro che per
diversi motivi non lo abbiano realizzato in precedenza) viene presentato il giorno dell'esame
dopo aver sostenuto con successo lo scritto.
Inoltre, fattori come la frequenza, la partecipazione proattiva e la risposta a quesiti di natura
facoltativa assegnati dal docente saranno suscettibili di produrre dei bonus da aggiungere
al voto finale a discrezione del docente titolare.
Le modalità di esame non differiscono tra studenti frequentanti e non frequentanti, se non
per l'impossibilità per questi ultimi di ottenere dei bonus derivanti da attività di valutazione
su base continuativa durante il corso.
l voto finale sarà rapportato per il 70% al grado di conoscenza e per il 30% alla capacità
espressiva e di giudizio autonomo dimostrate dallo
La prova di esame sarà valutata secondo i seguenti criteri:
Non idoneo: importanti carenze e/o inaccuratezze nella conoscenza e comprensione degli
argomenti; limitate capacità di analisi e sintesi,
frequenti generalizzazioni e limitate capacità critiche e di giudizio , gli argomenti sono
esposti in modo non coerente e con linguaggio
18-20: conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti appena sufficiente con possibili
generalizzazioni e imperfezioni; capacità di analisi sintesi
e autonomia di giudizio sufficienti, gli argomenti sono esposti in modo frequentemente poco
coerente e con un linguaggio poco
21-23: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti routinaria; Capacità di analisi e sintesi
corrette con argomentazione logica
sufficientemente coerente e linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
24-26: Discreta conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti; buone capacità di analisi e
sintesi con argomentazioni espresse in modo
rigoroso ma con un linguaggio non sempre appropriato/tecnico.
27-29: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti completa; notevoli capacità di analisi e
sintesi. Buona autonomia di giudizio. Argomenti
esposti in modo rigoroso e con linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
30-30L: Ottimo livello di conoscenza e comprensione approfondita degli argomenti. Ottime
capacità di analisi, di sintesi e di autonomia di
giudizio. Argomentazioni espresse in modo originale e con linguaggio tecnico appropriato.
Updated A.Y. 2024-2025
Learning Objectives
provide basic knowledge and understanding on selected issues in financial reporting,
analysis, and, to a lower extent, consolidation.
recognize the impacts of selected items on financial statements and to be able to
distinguish main elements in financial statements
Provide basic financial statements analysis for different purposes
apply basic consolidation accounts techniques
expressing opinion about the overal financial health of listed firms
to be able to explain, adopting a differences in differences approach, why some companies
perform better than others
Capacity of gradually acquiring the drivers of performance of different firms
all students, including those enrolled in other Bachelor programs or in dual degree
programs with other countries. The prerequisite is not applicable only for incoming erasmus
you should be able to:
1. read and provide a general analysis of the most important items within financial
statements of listed companies for different purposes;
Provide basic financial statements analysis for different purposes;
apply basic consolidation accounts techniques.
Here below, the detailed syllabus:
Refreshment on Financial Statements
Valuations of main fixed assets (Tangible and Intangible)
Impairment and Provisions
Financial assets, debt and equity
Basics of Financial Statement Analysis
Basics of Consolidated Financial Statements
A series of chapters extrapolated from different books and sources. A complete set of readings will be available at the bookshop or easy to get elsewhere. In Particular:
Horngren et al., (2014) Introduction to Financial Accounting,11th edition, Wiley, Chapter 5 and 7
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso: Financial & Managerial Accounting 3rd ed. (for short: WKK) Ch 4, 6, 9, ch 8 par. 17, 10, 11
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapter 15;
Additional readings uploaded on the course webpage.
All the materials uploaded on the course webpage
Horngren et al., (2014) Introduction to Financial Accounting,11th edition, Wiley, Chapter 5 and 7
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso: Financial & Managerial Accounting 3rd ed. (for short: WKK) Ch 4, 6, 9, ch 8 par. 17, 10, 11
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapter 15;
All IAS-IFRS currently issued at the starting day of the courseTeaching methods
Teaching methods:
Lecture 60%
Exercises, Discussion and group presentation 40%
(Homework assignments are the basis for class discussion)
Exam Rules
Final exam 75%
Total 100%
The following factors are considered in the class participation and they can give to students
additional individual bonuses:
1. Attendance.
2. Volunteering answers to questions or asking good questions.
3. Responses to discussion questions.
As for the assessment, there are no differences between attendants and non-attendants,
except by the fact they cannot collect additional bonuses as for the aforementioned 3 bullet
points. Non Attendants will submit and present their projects (also made individually) the
day of the exam.
Students will succeed in the exam by getting a grade equal or higher than 18/30. Below 18
student will be rejected and invited to attempt again at a future date after having deepened
the lackings reported.
Within the range of positive grades (from 18 to 30) it is possible to recognize the following
sub-range and related features:
18-20. The student can succeed in the light of a very basic understanding of all topics and
ability to report and discuss them with a very minor critical approach.
21-23. The student got the basics well and is able to understand and quickly well-debrief
the major concepts and issues faced during the course.
24-26. The student is mature with respect to the course contents and related understand.
He/she can fairly report all concepts in a correct manner by well balancing synthesis and
27-29. The understanding is full and appreciable. The student not only has learned much,
he/she is also able to infer his/her knowledge in connection with other subjects and
discipline and he/she is also able to open up future critical issue.
30- 30 cum laude. The student's preparation and performance is outstanding. He/she is at
ease in perfectly respond to whatever issue around those faced during the course. He/she
is able to make connection and bridges in the vast field of business administration and this
attitudes demonstrate the student's potential to succeed in the job market in the areas
related with the course.
Obiettivi Formativi
1. fornire conoscenze intermedie sulle valutazioni delle più importanti poste di bilancio; 2.
fornire conoscenze basilari sottostanti la redazione del bilancio consolidato e relativi analisi.
conoscere i criteri di valutazione delle poste di bilancio e saper leggere le relazioni tra gli
schemi di bilancio; conoscere il concetto di gruppo e dei criteri di consolidamento
essere in grado di registrare, valutare e rappresentare in bilancio le poste più critiche che lo
compongono. Mettere in pratica il processo di riconoscimento del concetto di controllo e di
avvio delle fasi di consolidamento
esprimere opinioni compiute circa la corretta rappresentazione di talune poste di bilancio ed
il peso che le società partecipate esprimono all'interno di gruppi quotati
capacità di esporre le principali ragioni dietro differenti performance economico finanziarie
di aziende quotate
Capacità di apprendere in modo crescente le determinanti dei differenti livelli di
performance raggiunti dalle aziende
Learning Objectives
provide basic knowledge and understanding on selected issues in financial reporting,
analysis, and, to a lower extent, consolidation.
recognize the impacts of selected items on financial statements and to be able to
distinguish main elements in financial statements
Provide basic financial statements analysis for different purposes
apply basic consolidation accounts techniques
expressing opinion about the overal financial health of listed firms
to be able to explain, adopting a differences in differences approach, why some companies
perform better than others
Capacity of gradually acquiring the drivers of performance of different firms
sempre, a prescindere da casistiche particolari o dall'essere iscritti a corsi di laurea che
mutuano il corso, inclusi i Dual Degree Programs. L'unica tipologia di studenti a cui non si
applica il prerequisito sono gli studenti erasmus in entrata iscritti in corsi di Laurea di altri
all students, including those enrolled in other Bachelor programs or in dual degree
programs with other countries. The prerequisite is not applicable only for incoming erasmus
importanti poste di bilancio e a far loro comprendere elementi di analisi dello stesso e della
maggior complessità che il documento assume allorchè riferito ad un gruppo di imprese
(Bilancio Consolidato).
Di seguito il programma per punti cardine:
1. Richiami di Contabilità Generale e sui principali documenti di bilancio
2. La Valutazione degli elementi dell'attivo fisso (Immobilizzazioni Materiali ed Immateriali)
3. La Valutazione delle Rimanenze
4. Classificazione e Valutazione degli Strumenti Finanziari
5. Basi sul concetto di consolidamento
6. Basi sull'analisi di bilancio
you should be able to:
1. read and provide a general analysis of the most important items within financial
statements of listed companies for different purposes;
Provide basic financial statements analysis for different purposes;
apply basic consolidation accounts techniques.
Here below, the detailed syllabus:
Refreshment on Financial Statements
Valuations of main fixed assets (Tangible and Intangible)
Impairment and Provisions
Financial assets, debt and equity
Basics of Financial Statement Analysis
Basics of Consolidated Financial Statements
Testi Adottati
Robinson et al., (2015) International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Wiley.
Chapters 7
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso: Financial & Managerial Accounting 3rd ed. (for short: WKK) Ch
4, 6, 9, ch 8 par. 17, 10, 11
Additional readings uploaded on the course webpage.
All the materials uploaded on the course webpage
Robinson et al., (2015) International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Wiley.
Chapters 7
Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso: Financial & Managerial Accounting 3rd ed. (for short: WKK) Ch
4, 6, 9, ch 8 par. 17, 10, 11
Additional readings uploaded on the course webpage.
All the materials uploaded on the course webpage
edition, chapters 1, 2, 3,4,5;
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapters 8, 9,
and 10;
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using
IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
All IAS-IFRS currently issued at the starting day of the course
Subramanyam (2014), Financial Statement Analysis, 11th edition, McGraw-Hill
edition, chapters 1, 2, 3,4,5;
Aerts, Walton, Global Accounting and Reporting, Cengage, 2017, 4th edition, chapters 8, 9,
and 10;
International Financial Reporting Standars – Accounting and Financial Reporting Using
IFRS, 2015, McGraw-Hill, chapters 1 and 2
All IAS-IFRS currently issued at the starting day of the course
Subramanyam (2014), Financial Statement Analysis, 11th edition, McGraw-Hill
Modalità di svolgimento
esercizi, casi pratici, lavori di gruppo circa 40%
Teaching methods
Teaching methods:
Lecture 60%
Exercises, Discussion and group presentation 40%
(Homework assignments are the basis for class discussion)
Regolamento Esame
esame scritto 70%
redazione e presentazione di un lavoro di gruppo 30%.
I lavori di gruppo, generalmente vengono presentati per stati di avanzamento o comunque
entro la fine delle lezioni e fungendo così anche da strumento valutativo su base
continuativa. Gli studenti non frequentanti dovranno sottomettere e presentare il loro lavoro
di gruppo (se del caso anche in forma individuale) nelle date di esame ordinarie, come
stabilito da calendario. Il lavoro di gruppo per i non frequentanti (o per coloro che per
diversi motivi non lo abbiano realizzato in precedenza) viene presentato il giorno dell'esame
dopo aver sostenuto con successo lo scritto.
Inoltre, fattori come la frequenza, la partecipazione proattiva e la risposta a quesiti di natura
facoltativa assegnati dal docente saranno suscettibili di produrre dei bonus da aggiungere
al voto finale a discrezione del docente titolare.
Le modalità di esame non differiscono tra studenti frequentanti e non frequentanti, se non
per l'impossibilità per questi ultimi di ottenere dei bonus derivanti da attività di valutazione
su base continuativa durante il corso.
l voto finale sarà rapportato per il 70% al grado di conoscenza e per il 30% alla capacità
espressiva e di giudizio autonomo dimostrate dallo
La prova di esame sarà valutata secondo i seguenti criteri:
Non idoneo: importanti carenze e/o inaccuratezze nella conoscenza e comprensione degli
argomenti; limitate capacità di analisi e sintesi,
frequenti generalizzazioni e limitate capacità critiche e di giudizio , gli argomenti sono
esposti in modo non coerente e con linguaggio
18-20: conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti appena sufficiente con possibili
generalizzazioni e imperfezioni; capacità di analisi sintesi
e autonomia di giudizio sufficienti, gli argomenti sono esposti in modo frequentemente poco
coerente e con un linguaggio poco
21-23: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti routinaria; Capacità di analisi e sintesi
corrette con argomentazione logica
sufficientemente coerente e linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
24-26: Discreta conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti; buone capacità di analisi e
sintesi con argomentazioni espresse in modo
rigoroso ma con un linguaggio non sempre appropriato/tecnico.
27-29: Conoscenza e comprensione degli argomenti completa; notevoli capacità di analisi e
sintesi. Buona autonomia di giudizio. Argomenti
esposti in modo rigoroso e con linguaggio appropriato/tecnico
30-30L: Ottimo livello di conoscenza e comprensione approfondita degli argomenti. Ottime
capacità di analisi, di sintesi e di autonomia di
giudizio. Argomentazioni espresse in modo originale e con linguaggio tecnico appropriato.
Exam Rules
Final exam 70%
Total 100%
The following factors are considered in the class participation and they can give to students
additional individual bonuses:
1. Attendance.
2. Volunteering answers to questions or asking good questions.
3. Responses to discussion questions.
As for the assessment, there are no differences between attendants and non-attendants,
except by the fact they cannot collect additional bonuses as for the aforementioned 3 bullet
points. Non Attendants will submit and present their projects (also made individually) the
day of the exam.
Students will succeed in the exam by getting a grade equal or higher than 18/30. Below 18
student will be rejected and invited to attempt again at a future date after having deepened
the lackings reported.
Within the range of positive grades (from 18 to 30) it is possible to recognize the following
sub-range and related features:
18-20. The student can succeed in the light of a very basic understanding of all topics and
ability to report and discuss them with a very minor critical approach.
21-23. The student got the basics well and is able to understand and quickly well-debrief
the major concepts and issues faced during the course.
24-26. The student is mature with respect to the course contents and related understand.
He/she can fairly report all concepts in a correct manner by well balancing synthesis and
27-29. The understanding is full and appreciable. The student not only has learned much,
he/she is also able to infer his/her knowledge in connection with other subjects and
discipline and he/she is also able to open up future critical issue.
30- 30 cum laude. The student's preparation and performance is outstanding. He/she is at
ease in perfectly respond to whatever issue around those faced during the course. He/she
is able to make connection and bridges in the vast field of business administration and this
attitudes demonstrate the student's potential to succeed in the job market in the areas
related with the course.
Updated A.Y. 2022-2023
Updated A.Y. 2022-2023
Subject learning objectives:
Knowledge and Understanding
The course is aimed at giving a depiction of the meaning of financial statements besides the basic rules used for its preparation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the main existing financial analysis techniques useful to convert numbers in judges and judges in numbers
Making Judgements
Thanks to the knowledge developed students will be able to formulate basic advice on the financial health of listed firms
Communication Skills
Students will be able to summarize a financial statement analysis in an analyst report readable for people who want to have information of the financial health of a firm
Learning Skills
Students will enforced their capabilities in work together and underpressure. Overall their knowledge in the accounting field will be completed in order to prepare them to face on a master of science or business school in business administration
Financial statement analysis gives investment professionals important insights into the true financial condition of a company. With it, realistic valuations can be made for investment, lending, or merger and acquisition purposes. The process is becoming increasingly complex, but this course helps students andr readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level.
Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting
Discover the differences between statements from around the world
Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation
Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics
Course Materials
Textbooks:Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn, Anthony T. Cope (2015), International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw Hill. Besides, annual reports from worldwide listed companies, academic papers, auditor reports plus all the materials provided from the instructors (teaching notes etc.)
Teaching Methods
Lectures, case study, interactive lectures, reverse lecture, lab
Assessment objectives and subject learning outcomes
Open-ended and multiple choice question plus a series of brief numerical exercises or to draw out a brief financial statement analysis based on official annual reports of listed firms ( in both cases the written exam would take 2 hours and weights the 70% of the final grade). Besides the assessment will emerge on the ground of the preparation (and discussion) of co-authored group works (this part weights the remaining 30%). The cases for these works will have to be chosen under the allowance of the instructor. Further, the class commitment (e.g. preparation and discussion of ‘live’ case studies during the course) will be highly appreciated.
Updated A.Y. 2021-2022
Updated A.Y. 2021-2022
Subject learning objectives:
Knowledge and Understanding
The course is aimed at giving a depiction of the meaning of financial statements besides the basic rules used for its preparation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the main existing financial analysis techniques useful to convert numbers in judges and judges in numbers
Making Judgements
Thanks to the knowledge developed students will be able to formulate basic advice on the financial health of listed firms
Communication Skills
Students will be able to summarize a financial statement analysis in an analyst report readable for people who want to have information of the financial health of a firm
Learning Skills
Students will enforced their capabilities in work together and underpressure. Overall their knowledge in the accounting field will be completed in order to prepare them to face on a master of science or business school in business administration
Financial statement analysis gives investment professionals important insights into the true financial condition of a company. With it, realistic valuations can be made for investment, lending, or merger and acquisition purposes. The process is becoming increasingly complex, but this course helps students andr readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level.
Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting
Discover the differences between statements from around the world
Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation
Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics
Course Materials
Textbooks:Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn, Anthony T. Cope (2015), International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw Hill. Besides, annual reports from worldwide listed companies, academic papers, auditor reports plus all the materials provided from the instructors (teaching notes etc.)
Teaching Methods
Lectures, case study, interactive lectures, reverse lecture, lab
Assessment objectives and subject learning outcomes
Open-ended and multiple choice question plus a series of brief numerical exercises or to draw out a brief financial statement analysis based on official annual reports of listed firms ( in both cases the written exam would take 2 hours and weights the 70% of the final grade). Besides the assessment will emerge on the ground of the preparation (and discussion) of co-authored group works (this part weights the remaining 30%). The cases for these works will have to be chosen under the allowance of the instructor. Further, the class commitment (e.g. preparation and discussion of ‘live’ case studies during the course) will be highly appreciated.
Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
Updated A.Y. 2020-2021
Subject learning objectives:
Knowledge and Understanding
The course is aimed at giving a depiction of the meaning of financial statements besides the basic rules used for its preparation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the main existing financial analysis techniques useful to convert numbers in judges and judges in numbers
Making Judgements
Thanks to the knowledge developed students will be able to formulate basic advice on the financial health of listed firms
Communication Skills
Students will be able to summarize a financial statement analysis in an analyst report readable for people who want to have information of the financial health of a firm
Learning Skills
Students will enforced their capabilities in work together and underpressure. Overall their knowledge in the accounting field will be completed in order to prepare them to face on a master of science or business school in business administration
Financial statement analysis gives investment professionals important insights into the true financial condition of a company. With it, realistic valuations can be made for investment, lending, or merger and acquisition purposes. The process is becoming increasingly complex, but this course helps students andr readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level.
Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting
Discover the differences between statements from around the world
Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation
Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics
Course Materials
Textbooks:Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn, Anthony T. Cope (2015), International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw Hill. Besides, annual reports from worldwide listed companies, academic papers, auditor reports plus all the materials provided from the instructors (teaching notes etc.)
Teaching Methods
Lectures, case study, interactive lectures, reverse lecture, lab
Assessment objectives and subject learning outcomes
Open-ended and multiple choice question plus a series of brief numerical exercises” written test (2 hours) (weighing 70%). Besides the assessment will emerge on the ground of the preparation (and discussion) of co-authored group works. The cases for these works will have to be chosen under the allowance of the instructor. Further, the class commitment (e.g. preparation and discussion of ‘live’ case studies during the course) will be highly appreciated.
Updated A.Y. 2019-2020
Updated A.Y. 2019-2020
Subject learning objectives:
Knowledge and Understanding
The course is aimed at giving a depiction of the meaning of financial statements besides the basic rules used for its preparation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the main existing financial analysis techniques useful to convert numbers in judges and judges in numbers
Making Judgements
Thanks to the knowledge developed students will be able to formulate basic advice on the financial health of listed firms
Communication Skills
Students will be able to summarize a financial statement analysis in an analyst report readable for people who want to have information of the financial health of a firm
Learning Skills
Students will enforced their capabilities in work together and underpressure. Overall their knowledge in the accounting field will be completed in order to prepare them to face on a master of science or business school in business administration
Financial statement analysis gives investment professionals important insights into the true financial condition of a company. With it, realistic valuations can be made for investment, lending, or merger and acquisition purposes. The process is becoming increasingly complex, but this course helps students andr readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level.
Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting
Discover the differences between statements from around the world
Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation
Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics
Course Materials
Textbooks:Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn, Anthony T. Cope (2015), International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw Hill. Besides, annual reports from worldwide listed companies, academic papers, auditor reports plus all the materials provided from the instructors (teaching notes etc.)
Teaching Methods
Lectures, case study, interactive lectures, reverse lecture, lab
Assessment objectives and subject learning outcomes
Open-ended and multiple choice question plus a series of brief numerical exercises” written test (2 hours) (weighing 70%). Besides the assessment will emerge on the ground of the preparation (and discussion) of co-authored group works. The cases for these works will have to be chosen under the allowance of the instructor. Further, the class commitment (e.g. preparation and discussion of ‘live’ case studies during the course) will be highly appreciated.
Updated A.Y. 2018-2019
Updated A.Y. 2018-2019
Subject learning objectives:
Knowledge and Understanding
The course is aimed at giving a depiction of the meaning of financial statements besides the basic rules used for its preparation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the main existing financial analysis techniques useful to convert numbers in judges and judges in numbers
Making Judgements
Thanks to the knowledge developed students will be able to formulate basic advice on the financial health of listed firms
Communication Skills
Students will be able to summarize a financial statement analysis in an analyst report readable for people who want to have information of the financial health of a firm
Learning Skills
Students will enforced their capabilities in work together and underpressure. Overall their knowledge in the accounting field will be completed in order to prepare them to face on a master of science or business school in business administration
Financial statement analysis gives investment professionals important insights into the true financial condition of a company. With it, realistic valuations can be made for investment, lending, or merger and acquisition purposes. The process is becoming increasingly complex, but this course helps students andr readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level.
Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting
Discover the differences between statements from around the world
Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation
Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics
Course Materials
Textbooks:Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn, Anthony T. Cope (2015), International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw Hill. Besides, annual reports from worldwide listed companies, academic papers, auditor reports plus all the materials provided from the instructors (teaching notes etc.)
Teaching Methods
Lectures, case study, interactive lectures, reverse lecture, lab
Assessment objectives and subject learning outcomes
Open-ended and multiple choice question plus a series of brief numerical exercises” written test (2 hours) (weighing 70%). Besides the assessment will emerge on the ground of the preparation (and discussion) of co-authored group works. The cases for these works will have to be chosen under the allowance of the instructor. Further, the class commitment (e.g. preparation and discussion of ‘live’ case studies during the course) will be highly appreciated.
Updated A.Y. 2017-2018
Updated A.Y. 2017-2018
Subject learning objectives:
Knowledge and Understanding
The course is aimed at giving a depiction of the meaning of financial statements besides the basic rules used for its preparation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the main existing financial analysis techniques useful to convert numbers in judges and judges in numbers
Making Judgements
Thanks to the knowledge developed students will be able to formulate basic advice on the financial health of listed firms
Communication Skills
Students will be able to summarize a financial statement analysis in an analyst report readable for people who want to have information of the financial health of a firm
Learning Skills
Students will enforced their capabilities in work together and underpressure. Overall their knowledge in the accounting field will be completed in order to prepare them to face on a master of science or business school in business administration
Financial statement analysis gives investment professionals important insights into the true financial condition of a company. With it, realistic valuations can be made for investment, lending, or merger and acquisition purposes. The process is becoming increasingly complex, but this course helps students andr readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level.
Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting
Discover the differences between statements from around the world
Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation
Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics
Course Materials
Textbooks:Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn, Anthony T. Cope (2015), International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw Hill. Besides, annual reports from worldwide listed companies, academic papers, auditor reports plus all the materials provided from the instructors (teaching notes etc.)
Teaching Methods
Lectures, case study, interactive lectures, reverse lecture, lab
Assessment objectives and subject learning outcomes
Open-ended and multiple choice question plus a series of brief numerical exercises” written test (2 hours) (weighing 70%). Besides the assessment will emerge on the ground of the preparation (and discussion) of co-authored group works. The cases for these works will have to be chosen under the allowance of the instructor. Further, the class commitment (e.g. preparation and discussion of ‘live’ case studies during the course) will be highly appreciated.
Updated A.Y. 2016-2017
Updated A.Y. 2016-2017
Subject learning objectives:
Knowledge and Understanding
The course is aimed at giving a depiction of the meaning of financial statements besides the basic rules used for its preparation
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Students will be able to apply the main existing financial analysis techniques useful to convert numbers in judges and judges in numbers
Making Judgements
Thanks to the knowledge developed students will be able to formulate basic advice on the financial health of listed firms
Communication Skills
Students will be able to summarize a financial statement analysis in an analyst report readable for people who want to have information of the financial health of a firm
Learning Skills
Students will enforced their capabilities in work together and underpressure. Overall their knowledge in the accounting field will be completed in order to prepare them to face on a master of science or business school in business administration
Financial statement analysis gives investment professionals important insights into the true financial condition of a company. With it, realistic valuations can be made for investment, lending, or merger and acquisition purposes. The process is becoming increasingly complex, but this course helps students andr readers deal with the practical challenges that arise at the international level.
Understand the accounting mechanics behind financial reporting
Discover the differences between statements from around the world
Learn how each financial statement element affects securities valuation
Master analysis for clues into operations and risk characteristics
Course Materials
Textbooks:Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn, Anthony T. Cope (2015), International Financial Statement Analysis, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw Hill. Besides, annual reports from worldwide listed companies, academic papers, auditor reports plus all the materials provided from the instructors (teaching notes etc.)
Teaching Methods
Lectures, case study, interactive lectures, reverse lecture, lab
Assessment objectives and subject learning outcomes
Open-ended and multiple choice question plus a series of brief numerical exercises” written test (2 hours) (weighing 70%). Besides the assessment will emerge on the ground of the preparation (and discussion) of co-authored group works. The cases for these works will have to be chosen under the allowance of the instructor. Further, the class commitment (e.g. preparation and discussion of ‘live’ case studies during the course) will be highly appreciated.