FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Section A – APPLICANTS - Undergraduate Admission test (Entry Test) & Application process
Reference links: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/call-for-application/ and https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/foreign-qualifications-to-apply/
1. Who can enroll in Italian Universities?
All the students who have at least 12 years of education.
Please check all the information in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2. If you have a foreign diploma, you can also check in here.
2. Who can participate to the admission test in order to enroll for the first time in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Economics?
- All the Italian students who:
- Already have an Italian diploma;
- Will get an Italian diploma within the academic year of reference;
- Have a foreign diploma with at least 2 years abroad;
- All the foreign students who satisfied the pre-requisites contained in Attachment 1;
- All the students who:
- Already have a bachelor degree and want to enroll in Business Administration & Economics;
- Are currently enrolled in another University and want to transfer to Business Administration & Economics;
- Are currently enrolled in another bachelor course at University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and want to change our bachelor course;
- Have bought and passed single teaching modules and want to request the recognition.
For those who have a foreign diploma, more information are available here.
3. I have an international baccalaureate diploma; can I apply?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is recognized by the Italian Universities, but please read the following information about its recognition.
In the Attachment 2, it is possible to find the list of the high schools offering the international Baccalaureate program recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR), whose diplomas are equivalent and automatically recognized as Italian high school diplomas.
For the Diplomas obtained from high schools included in the list, the Italian Consulate in Geneva must only certify, with the affixation of a stamp, that those Diplomas are exempted from the legalization process.
Contrary, if you have obtained the Diploma in a high school that is not included in the above list, you need to get in contact with I.B.O. (http://www.ibo.org/) which will work with the Italian Consulate in Geneva to obtain the Declaration of Value of your Diploma (DoV), a document necessary for the enrolment in any Italian University >
http://www.consginevra.esteri.it/consolato_ginevra/it/i_servizi/per_i_cittadini/studi/equipollenza_titoli .
However, you can still apply for our Bachelor course just sending your IB Diploma; in case of a positive evaluation and so an admission, you can later validate your Diploma at the Italian Consulate in Geneva before your enrolment in our University.
4. Which is the application procedure?
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Economics (BAE) requires a mandatory and selective admission test (ENGLISH TOLC-E).
For more information about the English TOLC-E exam structure and syllabus, you can refer to this page.
Candidates will be suitable for the admission with an ENGLISH TOLC-E score equal or higher than 10 out of 36.
Candidates who pass the TOLC-E are required to take an oral interview, aimed at verifying the candidate's maturity, verifying aspects of general culture, based on the upper secondary school programs, ascertaining the predisposition for disciplines covered by the course of study, knowledge of the English language (according to the reference framework of the Council of Europe "level B2"), knowledge of mathematics, logic and text comprehension. This second phase will award a maximum of 36 points .
For more information on application procedures please visit: http://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/call-for-application/.
5. When is the application deadline?
All the information about the applications and deadlines are available in here.
6. How do I apply?
After the completion of the ENGLISH TOLC-E, it is necessary to submit the application to participate in the selection by connecting to the DELPHI system: http://delphi.uniroma2.it within the deadline specified in the Call for application for each selection in which you intend to participate.
7. Is there any material consultable for the preparation of the admission test?
To prepare yourself you have at your disposal:
- the practice and placement area with the TOLC simulations
- the volumes downloadable from the practice and placement area
8. When and how are applicants notified about admissions decisions?
All the information are available in our Call for application.
9. I received the Conditional Acceptance Letter. What should I do now?
Non-EU students who successfully pass the selection will receive a "Conditional admission letter" from our offices. With that letter and other documents, you will have to complete a pre-enrolment procedure at the Italian Diplomatic Representation in your Country of residence, within the deadlines set by the Italian Ministry of Education. You will also need to apply for the study Visa, which will be granted if and when the pre-enrollment procedure is completed correctly.
10. Which documents will you obtain from the Embassy?
1. Your original high school diploma, legalized and translated in Italian language;
2. the DOV - Declaration of Value of your original high school diploma;
3. any other academic and post-secondary certificates, also legalized and translated;
4. an authenticated passport photo;
11. I received the Formal Acceptance Letter. What should I do now?
After obtaining the documents from your Embassy, you must send us by e-mail the scanned version of your DoV (Declaration of Value). If we consider it valid to be enroled to our bachelor programme, you will receive our e-mail with your Formal Acceptance Letter.
Once having received the Formal Acceptance letter, students are able to enroll to our Bachelor course with the on-line procedure.
Please Note: Students with a Foreign diploma, regularly resident in Italy (check in the section "Steps to do - For foreign students), before proceeding with the on-line enrolment, should go to the "International Students Office" (Office Hours: Monday and Friday: 9-12 a.m.; Wednesday: 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. - international.students@uniroma2.it) presenting the following documents:
- High school Diploma or equivalent first level degree translated into Italian by an official translator, authenticated by the authorities of the country where it was obtained
- Declaration of Value of the qualification
- Certificate listing the exams passed, translated and legalized (translation is not required for transcripts originally produced in English) or the “Diploma Supplement”
- Copy of the passport
- Copy of the Italian Fiscal Code
- Three passport photos (and 1more passport photo authenticated by the Italian Embassy for the non-EU students resident abroad)
- Two copies of residence permit or receipt confirming the permit request ONLY FOR non-EU students resident abroad
- Pre-enrollment application form issued by the Italian Embassy of your country, ONLY FOR non-EU students resident abroad
12. Can I defer my acceptance until next year or later?
It is not possible to defer the acceptance. If you wish to delay your studies for a year or more, you will need to redo the application procedure.
Section B – APPLICANTS FROM OTHER Bsc - Change of Programme and Transfers
1. I want to make a change of programme i.e. passing from any bachelor course within the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” to Business Administration & Economics. Which steps do I need to take?
If you want to transfer to Business Administration and Economics, first you need to be admitted to our bachelor course, so you will need to follow the same procedure specified in the call for the admission to the first year. Then, please follow these instructions:
1. Access your student career: go to the DELPHI website https://delphi.uniroma2.it/totem/jsp/index.jsp?language=EN, select “Students section”, and search for “MANAGE CAREER ONLINE” (4th section). In this menu select “Access to the students section” entering your student “matricola” (ID) number and password.
2. Active the procedure: In the section “DURING THE STUDENT CAREER” select “Request for Change of Degree Programme”;
3. Create the bulletin: Fill-in the module on-line and print it; the system creates a module with a payable bulletin of 66 euros (50 euros + 16 euros for the tax stamp nonrefundable).
4. Pay the bulletin (invoice): you can do it in any Unicredit Bank branch;
5. Validate the payment on line: go on http://delphi.uniroma2.it (student access), in the sec¬tion of the menu “PAYMENT OF TUITION AND CONTRIBUTIONS” select “Confirm payment of succeeding instalments”, using the CTRL and AUTH codes that you will find in the payment receipt released by the bank;
6. Automatic change: once the Student Secretariat Office will receive the payment validation, the Change of Degree Programme will be processed.
The student can follow the progression of his/her application on-line, once the change has been processed, the student can enroll to the new Degree Programme.
The student is not allowed to enroll in deactivated Programmes.
The student can apply for the Change of Degree Programme in the period indicated in the Call for application.
• From the moment of the change, the student will pay the fees and taxes related to the new Degree Programme. However, it is necessary to be in line with the previous payments (of the old programme).
• To start the procedure for Degree Programmes which require an admission test, the student must pass the test, before being able to complete the on-line Request for Change of Degree Programme.
• The student should keep the old “libretto” (student booklet) and give it to the new Student Secretariat. Once the on-line Change procedure has been completed and the payment of fees and taxes is done, the Student Secretariat will release a new booklet with the new Degree Programme indications.
2. I want to transfer from another University to Business Administration & Economics. Which steps do I need to take?
f you want to transfer to Business Administration and Economics, first you need to be admitted to our bachelor course, so you will need to follow the same procedure specified in the call for the admission to the first year. Then the student must obtain the “Nulla Osta” (clearance) from his/her original University. Then, pleasefollow these instructions:
1. Connect to the DELPHI website: http://delphi.uniroma2.it;
2. Select “Student Section”, Area 2 – Requests from Transfer-in;
3. Click on “Fill-in the application”;
4. Select “Business Administration & Economics” (T16 for Business Administration curriculum, T17 for Economics curriculum);
5. Fill-in the application by inserting all the data and the passed exams;
6. Confirm the transfer request;
7. Present to his/her University the request of transfer-out.
It is important to check the Transfer Status on the DELPHI page; when the system will show “Your request of transfer has been accepted”, it will be possible to complete and proceed further with the procedure:
1. Connect to the DELPHI website: http://delphi.uniroma2.it
2. Select “Student Section”, Area 2 – Transfer In – Select c. “Enrolment request after accepted transfer” and complete the enrolment procedure.
The student can activate the transfer procedure in the period indicated in the Call for application.
• The student has to pay the fees and taxes related to the new Degree Programme and it is necessary to be in line with the previous payments (of the old programme), even if the student has already paid the enrolment tax in the other University;
• The regional tax has to be paid only if the previous University is based outside the Lazio Region.
3. Recognition of the exams after transfer or change programme. Which steps do I need to take?
The student must send to the “Segreteria Didattica” (Programme Office > bae@economia.uniroma2.it ) the transcript of records, with clear indication of: name of the course, numbers of ECTS/CFU, and final grade, along with all syllabuses of each exam. The Coordinator of the course will decide which modules can be recognized and then the Council will approve the final decision.
Section C – CURRENT STUDENTS - Plan of Study, Courses & Extra Activities, Certificates
Reference link: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/dida/corsierogati and https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/extra-activities/
1. What is a study plan?
The study plan is a document that includes all educational activities to be done in order to graduate and thus achieve an academic title.
Each student must refer to the official study plan of the academic year in which s/he is enrolled. It is not possible to change/substitute any module.
The sample program curriculum is available here
Please note: In relation to students who had transfers or changes, in case of doubts about the curriculum and study plan to be followed, please contact his/her “Segreteria Didattica” (Programme Office > bae@economia.uniroma2.it ).
2. How long is the program?
The BSc in Business Administration and Economics is a three-year full-time program.
3. Business Administration & Economics is a two-curriculum programme. What does it mean and when can I choose my curriculum?
The first two academic years share a base of common modules while on the third year, students can choose between two different curricula, Business Administration (T16) or Economics (T17). The choice should be made upon the enrolment in the third year.
4. Which is the procedure for choosing the curriculum?
When you will finalize the enrolment to your third year (regular enrolment and payment of the first installment), and you want to switch from T16 to T17 or viceversa, you have to go to our Student Secretary and ask for the change through the "diritto d'opzione" solution. This operation has to be done AFTER the official registration of all the exams done during the Autumn session.
5. Is it possible to graduate in both curricula?
No, students need to choose one single curriculum and attend modules belonging to its path.
6. What are the "optional courses"?
Optional courses are scheduled on the third year. Both of the curricula have a list of recommended optional modules. Students must cover 12 CFU with optional courses.
If a student wants to take an optional "not recommended" module from his / her study plan, he must to complete the online form of "Modulo Esame Opzionale Non Consigliato".
This module will be transferred to the Course Coordinator and, for information, to the Lecturer responsible for the module and to the Student Secretariat. They will confirm the possibility to take the module as optional.
Please note:
- The non-recommended optional module request must be sent at least 25 days before the exam call;
- Without prior authorization, modules “not recommended” will not be accepted as optional;
- It is not possible to accept as Optional Course any language course.
AUTHORIZATION. The principle of the Coordinator's silence-agreement is valid: if no objections are received by the Coordinator within 10 working days of the request, the replacement is deemed to be accepted.
BOOKING. When the exam call will be made known, the student has to send an e-mail to the Lecturer or the “Segreteria Didattica” (Programme Office) of the course in order to be inserted within the DELPHI booking list.
It is up to the student to verify the actual inclusion of his/her name in the Delphi booking lists.
7. How many optional course do I have to do?
You have to choose two courses of 6 credits.
8. What are the Extra Activities?
During the academic career, the student should cover 6 CFU with Extra Activities. All the activities that can be done are available at the following link: http://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/extra-activities/ .
9. Is it possible to substitute an optional course with a seminar?
No, extra activities do not substitute any exam.
10. Is it possible to attend a Summer School and having recognized some credits/modules for it?
The attendance to a Summer School can be recognized as Extra Activity, for 3 CFU only.
11. If I have found an internship or I am interested in doing one, what can I do?
An internship can be valid for the credit realying on Extra Activities but it has to be authorized in advance from the Coordinator and formalized within the starting date.
Internships are arranged in two different ways:
- by the Desk-Imprese Office of the "Tor Vergata" School of Economics (the office is inside the Research building, "Presidenza" corridor, room 1A.03)
- by the students themselves.
All the informations and the procedures to follow are available at the following link: http://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/internship-rules/
12. If I am a worker student, can I obtain some Extra Credits?
Yes, through the Project Work it is possible to reach a maximum of 6 CFU for Extra Activities. All the information are available here: http://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/extra-activities/
13. At what times will classes be offered?
Classes will be offered during the day and the evening. See the Timetable with all the courses.
14. Is it possible to attend the program from the second semester?
No, it is not possible. All students must attend the program starting from the FIRST semester (September).
Our bachelor course does not permit the enrollment in the middle of the Academic Year.
15. How can I know the academic calendar?
Every year, the academic calendar is published here: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/academic-calendar/ It supports students in knowing when exams will be fixed, and also the holidays.
16. I am regularly enrolled in the Bsc in Business Administration & Economics, and I need a proof of my enrolment. How can I obtain it?
Regular students can obtain the enrolment certificate with exams directly from their personal DELPHI page, on the "Print certificate" option. See here: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/enrolment-certificates/
17. I have printed the enrolment certificate, but there is no my current GPA. How can I obtain a certificate with this information?
Waiting that DELPHI system will be updated with this kind of information, you can ask to Dr. Arianna Valeri, by sending her an e-mail to arianna.valeri@uniroma2.it
18. I am regularly enrolled in the Bsc in Business Administration & Economics, and I need a document that certifies that the course is held in English. How can I obtain it?
You can go on your personal area on the DELPHI system, go to the section "Certificates - Print Certificate". You can print the "Enrollment Certificate with Exams". The system will print the enrollment certificate with exams in which is stated that the course is held in English.
Section D – CURRENT STUDENTS - Exam calls and Exams booking
Reference links: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/exams/
1. In a year, How many exam calls are there?
The dates/calls of the exams are communicated before the beginning of the academic year, or at least two months before the beginning of the exam sessions following this general scheme:
- 1 (one) exam date/call at the end of the module;
- 2 (two) exam dates/calls in the winter session;
- 2 (two) exam dates/calls in the summer session;
- 1 (two) exam date/call in the fall session.
The possibility (or not) for students to withdraw from an exam, to refuse a grade or to re-sit the examination in a subsequent exam date/call of the same session is granted at the discretion of the professor of each module.
2. I am a student enrolled under the scheme “domanda cautelativa” (provisional enrolment), what are the exams can I do during the winter session?
The students “in cautelativa” (provisionally enrolled) can take their remaining exams during the winter session (January and February) booking them through the Delphi system; if the module is delivered in the second semester as ordinary exam , while if the module is delivered in the first semester as extraordinary exam.
Please note: in case of a change of the professor responsible for the module (a different professor from the previous year), the students “in cautelativa” (provisionally enrolled) must contact the Segreteria Didattica (Programme Office > arianna.valeri@uniroma2.it ), that will inform the students about the modalities and the professor with whom the exam needs sustained.
3. How can I book my exams?
Bookings can only be made through the University website: https://delphi.uniroma2.it/totem/jsp/index.jsp?language=EN
In here it is possible to find a Booking Tutorial.
On the webpage of the single teaching modules, in the exam section, it is available a calendar with the exam dates/calls and the period for booking (when it begins and ends). Bookings will not be accepted beyond the terms indicated.
The list of bookable exams will be displayed on the Delphi system, as soon as their booking period begins.
Please note: The system allows booking examinations only to students up to date with payments of the university fees.
4. I cannot find an exam I want to book in the Delphi system. What should I do?
Please check on Delphi the “Status Bulletins”. All the payments need to be validated, otherwise you cannot book further exam; If the student is in line with the payment of the university fees, but the system does not allow the booking to the exam and/or the exam date/call is not included in the list please refer to your Segreteria Didattica (Program Office > arianna.valeri@uniroma2.it ).
5. Is it possible to re-take an exam?
If you are not satisfied with the final grade, it is possible to reject the grade and re-take the exam. It is not possible to re-take the exam once the final mark has been officially registered on DELPHI.
Section E – GRADUATING STUDENTS - Final Exam and Thesis
Reference link: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/graduation-session/
1. In what subjects can I graduate? To whom professors can I ask my thesis to?
Students may choose to prepare their thesis in a subject taught during their study course. If the Professor changed, the student may decide to prepare the final thesis with the new Professor.
Please note: you do not have to deliver the thesis assignment module in Student Secretariat (Segreteria Studenti) and Programme Office (Segreteria Didattica).
2. Is it a problem if I do not have a record of all my exams on the booklet?
No, you should only check to have all the exams recorded correctly on your DELPHI page.
3. What does it happen if I still have to sustain some exams after the November graduation session?
You can enroll under the scheme “Domanda Cautelativa” (provisional enrollment), which gives you the opportunity to finish your exams in the winter session and graduate in March without paying any extra-fee.
4. Which exams can I do if I am enrolled in DOMANDA CAUTELATIVA?
Students who have presented the “domanda cautelativa” (provisional enrollment) can sustain all the exams scheduled in the Winter Session, by registering on DELPHI:
- To the ordinary call, for the modules scheduled in the second semester;
- To the extraordinary call, for the modules scheduled on the first semester.
5. Where can I find the ALMALAUREA test?
While doing the Graduation procedure on DELPHI, you will find a direct link to the ALMALAUREA test.
6. What are the details to fill my "Bollettino 500" of 16 euros?
All information and details are already on the “bollettino 500” (bulletin 500) that the system will release you at the end of the graduation procedure.
7. In order to graduate in July, I am allowed to sustain exams only on the first date/call?
Yes, you can sustain exams only on the first date/call for each module.
8. Which professor can I choose as supervisor?
Any Professor you have done an exam/module with. In case the Professor with whom you sustained an exam changed, you can prepare your final thesis with the new Professor responsible for the course/module.
9. Do I have to prepare a Power Point presentation and present it during the discussion of the thesis?
Usually no Power Point or presentations are required during the final dissertation session.
10. Do I have to upload my thesis on Delphi?
Yes, you must upload your final thesis on DELPHI (zip format) within five days before the dissertation date. Thesis must be uploaded also on Turnitin (for a maximum of 4 uploads).
11. How many credits do I need to be admitted to the graduation session?
The total of CFU planned for your course structure (177 in total).
12. How many credits are assigned to the dissertation?
3 CFU in total.
13. How the initial grade will be calculated?
The initial grade is based on your GPA, to calculate it you apply the following formula: (GPA*110)/30. The Commission then rounds such grade to the higher or lower unit (example: if the grade is 94.43, it becomes 94; if the grade is 94.53, it becomes 95 etc.).
14. What other points will be added to my initial grade?
The "career points" are added to the initial grade, in the following way:
- 4 points if the grade is equal or higher than 102;
- 3 points if the grade is included between 99 and 101;
- 2 points if the grade is included between 95 and 98;
- 1 point if the grade is included between 91 and 94.
The grade (composed by initial grade and career points) will receive 1 point if the student will graduate on schedule and 3 additional points for the quality of the thesis.
Honors: the candidate that reaches the final grade of 110/110 can receive the Honor ("cum laude") if the Commission deliberates unanimously.
15. What are the deadlines for dissertation?
Usually the procedure for graduation on DELPHI opens two months before the thesis dissertation session and it is available until one month before the discussion.
Students have to present to the Student Secretariat the following documents:
- Application released from DELPHI
- A copy of the payment of "Bollettino 500" of 16 euro.
- Booklet (or a photocopy in case the student has to sustain a last exam to close his/her academic career)
And upload the final version of the thesis (in zip format) within 5 days before the discussion (both in DELPHI and Turnitin).
16. What is Turnitin and how does it work?
Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism detection service. Students who are going to graduate will receive Turnitin access to check their thesis plagiarism. Students have a maximum of 4 loadings. The bachelor allows a 20% of plagiarism maximum, to not have reduction on the final grade or to permit the dissertation.
17. I have graduated from the bachelor in Business Administration & Economics and I need a degree certificate. How can I obtain it?
Students who are already graduated have the possibility to obtain three different Degree Certificates:
- Degree Certificate: the degree certificate can be issued by the Student Secretary of the School of Economics (at the Ground Floor of Building B). You have to bring two duty stamps of euro 16.00 each, one for the request and one for each copy of the certificate. The document is available in English or Italian. In order to obtan it, you have to fill-in this module. The Degree Certificate is available also in your personal DELPHI page, on "Print Certificates" option (available after your dissertation).
- Diploma Supplement: once graduated, the Students' Administrative Office of the School of Economics (at the Ground Floor of Building B) can issue the diploma supplement containing the exams' list and marks (and also the final GPA). The document is available in English or Italian and it is free. In order to obtain it, you have to fill-in this module.
- Degree Parchment: You will receive it during the Proclamation Day; if you will be absent during the Proclamation, it is possible to obtain it in our Student Secretary. In both cases, please remember to bring with you a copy of your personal ID/passport and to fill-in this module.
Section F - APPLICANTS AND CURRENT STUDENTS - Tuition Fees, Scholarship
Reference link: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/tuition-fees/ and https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/scholarship/
1. How much the tuition fee for the Bachelor course in Business Administration & Economics?
Tuition fees changes in accordance with the income nationality.
All information available at the following link: http://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/tuition-fees/ and in the Student Guide.
2. How is it possible to pay?
You can pay by cash at any Unicredit Bank branch or by credit card paying at the following link: https://online-retail.unicredit.it/ibx/web/public/universityTaxes.jsp?url=confirm&univ=vergata&action=pag .
Please use ONLY the information contained in the bulletin created by the DELPHI system, CTRL and “causale” (Payment description) are different anytime. It is not possible to pay by using a money transfer.
Finally, please always remember to validate the payment by inserting the CTRL code, the AUTH code (released by the bank) and the date of the payment in the DELPHI system.
In here you can find an useful guide on payment instructions.
3. For Enrolment to years after the first. If I did not pass all the exams of the first year, can I apply the following year (e.g. second year)?
The duration of a bachelor degree course is 3 years, regardless of number of passed exams the student continues to enroll in succession, and after the third year they are considered off-course students.
Please note: At the time of registration in any year after the third, when the system Totem asks to indicate the year of enrolment, it is necessary to write "3 Fuori Corso” (3 off-course).
4. What does it mean applying with a “cautelativa” (provisionally), and how to do it?
Students enrolled in the last year of course or off-course, who intend to graduate in the winter session (March/April), can defer the enrolment to the next year with a "cautelativa" (provisionally) application.
From September but no later than December 31th of each year, in your personal Delphi page you must enter all personal data as if you would enroll normally in the next year, and simply tick the box "domanda cautelativa" (provisional application).
At the end of the procedure, a zero-amount bulletin will be generated by the system if the payments for the previous instalments have been made regularly and on time, otherwise a penalty will be applied.
The application must be completed, validated by December 31th, and kept by the student. No document should be delivered to the student secretary.
Attention: The student who enrolls in a “cautelativa” (provisionally) way must still obtain the ISEE-university certification (or the “Scheda Raccolta Dati” in case of a foreign family income) from any CAF within December the 15. In this way, you would avoid paying the maximum amount of tuition fees in case you may fail to graduate within the winter session (March/April).
For any further information and/or clarifications about the procedure, please refer to the Student Guide and/or the Student Secretary > Front office hours: Monday and Friday 9-12 am, Wednesday 9-12 am - 14-16 pm ; segreteria-studenti@economia.uniroma2.it.
5. Are there scholarships available for students?
Every year we offer awards to our best first year students and to our best graduates.
Furthermore we support students with application for scholarships from Lazio region, Italian government, foundations, and other sources.
Visit the dedicated section for further information: http://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/scholarship/.
6. Who can apply for LazioDisco Scholarship?
Students can apply for scholarships and accommodation at the student welfare service provided by Regione Lazio. Usually applications are open from May until July every year.
More information in here: https://economia.uniroma2.it/ba/business-administration-economics/scholarship/
7. Which are the benefits of LazioDisco Scholarship?
All the information are available in the Call for Application.
8. When can I apply for LazioDisco Scholarship?
All the information about Laziodisco are available in here.
9. Which documents do I need to apply for LazioDisco Scholarship? (Only Non-EU Students)
In order to apply for the scholarship, you will have to prepare the following documents:
- Certificate declaring the composition of your family unit;
- Documents declaring the gross income earned by each member of your family unit during the previous year (the maximum income for the family necessary to get the scholarship was the equivalent to € 23 000).
- Certificate declaring the family property on 31st of December, specifying the area in square meters of each house/apartment, or if they are on loan, or the place is rented.
All these documents should be presented to the competent Italian Authorities in your country to be signed and stamped.
Bring the original with you to Rome. This document is an ESSENTIAL part of the application for benefits as it attests your family income. Hence, it is important that you prepare this document before you arrive in Rome.
10. Do I have to pay back the scholarship?
In order to receive the whole scholarship first year students must obtain 20 credits by 10 August of the next year.
Those acquiring 20 credits after 10 August , and before 30 November , will only receive half of the overall sum of the study grant (1st instalment).
The study grants and other benefits are subject to revocation if the student fails to achieve 20 credits by 30 November. In this case, the student will have to pay back the scholarship
Second year students will have to pay back the scholarship only if they have made a false statement in order to get the scholarship.