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Research fields: Bayesian modeling of spatially correlated data, Bayesian nonparametric inference, Modeling cancer epidemiological data

PhD in Methodological Statistics, University of Trento


Short Bio
As a master student in Mathematics at University of Milan, Italy, I fell in love with the idea of applying mathematical rigor to real life problems. During my PhD in Methodological Statistics at the University of Trento, Italy, I had the opportunity to deepen Bayesian theory and I realized that my true scientific passion was developing innovative methods for health science data.  After a postdoc at the Harvard School of Public Health,  as an assistant professor at Bocconi University in Milan and then an associate professor at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, I focused my research on Bayesian modelling of spatially correlated data, Bayesian nonparametric inference, and modelling cancer epidemiological data.


MSc in Economics course:

