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Recruitment for field experiment (Italian proficiency required, €60+ pay!)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dear all,

this is to inform you that a colleague of mine is looking for potential participants to a field experiment that will take place in Rome in the next months. Since italian proficiency is required, in the following I will give you the details in Italian:


L'esperimento su campo richiede a ciascun partecipante di visitare un negozio a Roma per due volte, fingendosi cliente ("mystery shopper").  Ovviamente il tutto sarà preceduto da una sessione di orientamento in laboratorio, in cui riceverete indicazioni esaustive su quanto vi verrà chiesto di fare. La retribuzione minima prevista è di 60€ (sessanta euro!).

Per manifestare il vostro interesse a partecipare, lasciate la vostra mail a questo link: https://tinyurl.com/esperimentotorvergata

Se avete dubbi o curiosità, potete scrivere a esperimentosulcampo+tv@gmail.com


Grazie e a presto,



Exam Marks First general

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Dear all,

I have uploaded a pdf file (here) with the marks you have obtained at the exam plus the extra points you earned for participating in the experiments. Let me know if everything is correct.

If you see a star/asterisk near your mark, it means that the mark is conditional on whether you fill out the preliminary survey I have circulated some time ago (here). So, please, do this by this Saturday, so that I can proceed to register the marks on Delphi.



Mock Exam

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Dear all,

this is to inform you that I have uploaded the solutions to the Practice we solved on March 26 and a Mock Exam (here) intended to give you an idea of the kind of questions and exercises I might propose you with, and the general structure of the exam.

I also remind you that the material in the slides' appendices is NOT mandatory, but just intended to assist you in your studies, and that auctions are excluded from the topics that can be asked you in this session.

See you tomorrow,


Remote experimental session

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

This is intended only for students who will not be able to join the experimental session of today.

Dear students,

I am considering organizing a short online experiment for those that are unable to attend the session of today, which unfortunately is lab-only (unfortunately that software does not allow otherwise).

Interested students, please send me an email and I'll see how and when to organize it.



Experimental session of 27

Friday, March 22, 2024

Dear all,

apologies for this second email, but here is some important information about the experimental session of wednesday 27 held by Prof. Papa (and me) in S2.

In short: rejoyce greedy selfish payoff maximizers! This time, you will be paid monetarily based on the decisions you make in the experiment. All you need is a PayPal account (amount transferred max in 1 week).

To do that, before or after the experiment, you will have to:
1) show your Identity card number;
2) provide the email associated with the PayPal account;
3) sign a document authorizing the use of your data.

For this reason, if you can*, please come 5 minutes before 4pm (at least to complete these steps).

Note also that you might be subvidided into two shifts (16-17 and 17-18) based on how many of you show up (due to lab max capacity) and also on individual time constraints (e.g., you cannot leave after 18 for some prior commitment). This will be discussed beforehand on wednesday, so no worries.

Thank you.


*How likely it is in your opinion that the lecture prior to mine ends at 16 or before? Can some of you send me an email to share your thoughts/beliefs on the matter? Thank you

Experimental sessions + survey

Friday, March 22, 2024

Dear all,

this is to give you some indications on the upcoming experimental sessions (25/3 and 27/3) and the payoff structure for your participation in the activies, so read it carefully.

First of all, I kindly ask you to fill out this preparatory survey before the experiment of monday 25:


The survey lasts around 15min and asks you about your personal characteristics and preferences, and also your matriculation number, which I will need to track attendance.

Second, there are two experiments scheduled, one on monday 25 in S4 and one on wednesday 27 in S2, at lecture time.

The experiment of monday 25 is open also to students attending on remote. I simply ask them to log on Teams around 4pm, as they would normally do for the lectures. Students attending in presence will join me in S4 at 4/4.15pm.

The payoff structure is as follows:

  • survey completion + experiment of monday 25: +1 point
  • survey completion + experiment of wednesday 27: +1point

Thank you. If you have any questions about the survey or the sessions, just let me know.

Have a nice weekend,



Today practice!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

TL;DR: today no frontal lecture, but we practice on some exercises and questions

Dear all,

apparently it is now spring and we are also nearing the end of the course. I have realized that I have covered much of what I wanted to teach you, and thus I believe that today we can slow down a little and simply revisit together some exercises and topics.

So here is the proposal for today: I have uploaded a pdf ("Practice", available here) with some questions and exercises that we will solve together "live". I would like you to solve each exercise on your own, with guidance on my part or on the part of your colleagues; we could consider also the idea of having volunteers solving them at the blackboard.

Sounds good?

I also remind you that on March 25 and 27 there will be experimental sessions in S2/S4, and that on the 26 I might schedule another practice session and/or comment on the results on the experiment of the 25. In simple words, I will not add any further topics for the exam, and you can use the time left to prepare for it.
