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Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The programme provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.

Detailed information on these opportunities, including eligibility criteria, is available in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide

In our School of Economics, we have the International Relations Office which promotes and manages more than 139 partner Universities.

Erasmus+ Programme 

By choosing to study abroad with the Erasmus+ program, you have a great chance to improve your communication, language and inter-cultural skills and to gain soft skills which are highly valued by future employers.

Every year Tor Vergata University supports the mobility of about 1200 students. The agreements between the universities that allow such exchanges, representing the most part of the countries of the European Union, are about 600 - 139 for the School of Economics.

Erasmus+ allows a number of mobility periods for each study cycle. A total of 12 months of mobility are allowed for each cycle of study.

All the information about our Erasmus+ programme (Call, Partner Universities, Procedure to follow) are available here.

The Erasmus+ Office in the School of Economics is in the Building B, Ground Floor.

Contacts and receiving hours are available on this page.

Extra-EU Mobility 

The goal of the Overseas program is to allow students of Tor Vergata University of Rome to spend one semester at an extra-European partner university under a cooperation agreement framework for exam purposes.

The Call for application for the a.y. 2025/26 is open - Apply now!

All informations about the program are available on this page: Overseas Program.

This program is managed by the Office Erasmus+ ExtraEU and Overseas, located in:

Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Via Cracovia 50, 00133 Roma
Building C – first Floor

Office Hours:
Monday, Friday 9.00 – 12.00
Wednesday 9.00 – 12.00, 14.00 – 16.00

Email students.exchange@international.uniroma2.it


Have you chosen your destination and need the approval of your Erasmus/Overseas package? Check in here the rules and procedure!

RECOGNITION OF THE EXAMS (also for Overseas programme)

Here you can check our rules for the courses recognition, while in here it is possible to check the exams that have been already accepted in the past years. 

The form below must be used to send requests for recognition of Erasmus exams for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Economics course at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

In order to process the request, please provide the following information:
- Name of the exam to be recognized by Tor Vergata with the DELPHI exam code (as indicated in the degree program study plan), number of credits and number of hours of teaching in respect to the Tor Vergata exam;
- Exam name to be proposed as equivalent (at host university), with the number of credits, number of teaching hours and the link to the course syllabus on the host university’s website.

In order to proceed with the exams recognition, follow these instructions:

- Download the module below and fill-in all the requested information;

- Send it via e-mail to bae@economia.uniroma2.it

- Wait for the final decision.