The dates of the exams are available in the webpage of each course. You can access to the list of the course clicking here.
The attendance of an exam requires booking, by following the procedures listed below.
- Enter in your personal page in DELPHI
- Click on “Examination Booking”
- Click on “Calendar of Exam Test”
- Click on “Tutte”
- Select the academic year: THE CURRENT ONE for all the subject scheduled on the first semester; THE PREVIOUS ONE for all the subject scheduled on the second semester or if you are enrolled in Domanda Cautelativa
- Session: All if you want to see the entire academic year (until September 2022); Winter if you want to see the winter session
- Click on “Next”
- Enter in your personal page in DELPHI
- Click on “Examination Booking”
- Click on “Calendar of Exam Test”
- Click on “Tutte”
- Select the academic year: THE CURRENT ONE
- Session: All if you want to see the entire academic year; Summer or Autumn if you want to see the current session
- Click on “Next”