Facoltà di Economia

Lucia LeonelliProf.ssa Lucia Leonelli
Preside della Facoltà

La Facoltà di Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" è un centro di formazione e di ricerca di eccellenza, riconosciuto a livello nazionale ed internazionale, ed è costituito da due dipartimenti: Economia e Finanza e Management e Diritto.

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La Facoltà di Economia è costituita dai dipartimenti:

Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza

Prof. Vincenzo Atella

Dipartimento di Management e Diritto

Prof.ssa Martina Conticelli

Iscrizioni e Trasferimenti

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Terza Missione

La Facoltà di Economia, da sempre impegnata a favore della crescita del tessuto socioeconomico italiano e nella cooperazione internazionale, declina la sua Terza missione impegnandosi in una ricerca di eccellenza utile a fini produttivi, capace di contribuire all’avanzamento della conoscenza, dei saperi culturali, scientifici e tecnologici atti a migliorare il benessere della società, attraverso una formazione di qualità, la creazione di partnership istituzionali e progetti con le imprese e per il territorio, il supporto della proprietà intellettuale e dell’imprenditorialità, il placement dei propri laureati, la promozione di iniziative volte a garantire sviluppo sostenibile, innovazione sociale, civic engagement e resilienza.

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Aggiornato A.A. 2022-2023

Aggiornato A.A. 2022-2023


Academic Year 2022-2023


Global Economics


Prof. Barbara Annicchiarico


Course Description

The course touches upon the essential elements of macroeconomics in the context of advanced mixed market-based economies. The course focuses on labor, firms and technology, money and finance, macroeconomics and consumption, and macroeconomic policy. The last part of the course is devoted to globalization and economic relations between nation-states, an analysis of the major economic crises, and an introduction to environmental macroeconomics.


Teaching Method

The course combines the traditional teaching method based on lectures, exercises, and problems, with experiments in active classroom learning with students being assigned material before class, which is then used as a basis for discussion and activity.

For further details, see below, Presentation #0 and the syllabus


Reading List

Last update: 9 December 2022

IMPORTANT: This list will be subject to changes and updates during the semester. The final reading list for each topic will be available step by step. In this way, I'll be able to tailor the contents of this course to students' needs, interests, and backgrounds. Please check this syllabus regularly for any updates. 

Please notice that

  • Starred (*) readings are required and can be objects of examination.

  • Unless otherwise stated, the technical contents of Einstein boxes are optional.
  • Other readings are optional and are provided for your interest and benefit. These readings will not be objects of examination. 


Topic 1 The capitalist revolution, technological change, population, and growth

The capitalist revolution, income measures, and economic growth 

Final readings and material

*Unit 1 CORE textbook: Introduction, from 1.1 to 1.9,  1.11, and 1.12. Einstein box.  

*Presentation 1A 

*Global Economics Lab #1A

Jones, C. I., & Romer, P. M. (2010). The new Kaldor facts: ideas, institutions, population, and human capital. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics2(1), 224-45.

Video: Why economics needs data

Human Capital Index

Technology, population, and growth

Preliminary readings and material

*Unit 2 CORE textbook: Introduction, from 2.2 to 2.11. Einstein box.

*Presentation 1B 

*Global Economics Lab #1B

Video: Why Britain industrialised when others did not

Topic 2 Labor supply: scarcity, work, and choice

Final readings and material

*Unit 3 CORE textbook: Introduction, from 3.1 to 3.11.

*Presentation 2 

*Global Economics Lab #2

Video: Why do we work so hard?


Topic 3 Labor demand: owners, managers, and employees

Final readings and material

*Unit 6 CORE textbook: Introduction, from 6.1 to 6.8; 6.10.

*Presentation 3 

*Global Economics Lab #3

ILO-Minimum Wage Policy Guide


Topic 4 The labor market: Wages, profits, and unemployment

Final readings and material

*Unit 9 CORE textbook: Introduction, from 9.1 to 9.3, 9.5, 9.6, from 9.9 to 9.11. Einstein box in 9.5.  

*Presentation 4 

*Global Economics Lab #4


Topic 5 Banks, money, and the credit market

Final readings and material

*Unit 10 CORE textbook: Introduction, from 10.1 to 10.12. 

*Presentation 5 

*Global Economics Lab #5

ECB - What is money? 

ECB - Standing facilities 


Topic 6 Economic fluctuations and unemployment

Final readings and material

*Unit 13 CORE textbook: all sections. 

*Presentation 6 

*Global Economics Lab #6


Topic 7 Unemployment and fiscal policy 

Final readings and material

*Unit 14 CORE textbook: all sections. 

*Presentation 7

*Lecture Notes #1

*Global Economics Lab #7


Topic 8 Inflation, unemployment, and monetary policy

Final readings and material

*Unit 15 CORE textbook: Introduction, from section 15.1 to 15.3, from 15.5 to 15.11.

*Presentation 8 

*Lecture Notes #2

*Global Economics Lab #8


Topic 9 The nation and the world economy

Final readings and material

*Unit 18 CORE textbook.

*Presentation 9 

Global Economics Lab #9: Guided class discussion. 

*Dani Rodrik: Globalisation: The Trade-Offs 

Topic 10 The Great Depression, Golden Age, and the Global Financial Crisis

Final readings and material

*Unit 17 CORE textbook: Introduction, 17.1, 17.7, 17.8, 17.10, 17.11.

*Presentation 10 

There is no GELabS on this topic. 

Non-attending students are strongly encouraged to watch these videos: *Video 1 ; *Video 2

Eurocrisis in a nutshel: Video 1

Reading 1

The financial crisis is explained with an example (Matilde's bar). See Class Material

Topic 11 Climate actions and environmental macroeconomics

Final readings and material

*Unit 20 CORE textbook: Introduction, 20.2, 20.3, 20.7, 20.8, 20.9.  

*Presentation 11 

*GELabS 11: Guided class discussion






Core Econon - The Economy - Economics for a changing world

Data Sources

Penn World Table

Maddison Historical Statistics

Our World in Data

World Bank Indicators

Employment - ILOSTAT

Labour Statistics - OECD

FRED - Economic Data