A fundamental requirement for the exam is to book on the Delphi system within the scheduled time interval. Failure to book does not allow you to take the exam. In case of problems in booking during the period in which it is possible to book, notify the teacher immediately.
Arrive in the classroom 15 minutes before the start of the test.
The student must have a valid identity document with him. Students must leave the classroom if they cannot be identified with certainty.
- Rules during the exam
It is not possible to leave the classroom during the test.
The student can withdraw after 10 minutes have elapsed from the start of the test to allow late students to enter the classroom. The student who remains in the room after the tenth minute is required to hand in the assignment.
Late students who arrive 10 minutes after the test start cannot enter the classroom and will have to book a subsequent session.
- Exam test
The exam is written and focuses on the course program.
The test consists of three questions, each presenting one or more sub-points to be developed. At least one question will be based on the comment on a table of a paper analyzed in class.
Calculator use, mobile phones, and other electronic tools are not allowed unless otherwise indicated by the teacher.
Grades expressed in 30/30 are published on the course website.
Students can take the exam in any session appeal.
However, it is possible to reject the final grade just once. The resit grade will be registered. Fail will always be registered.
The student who presents himself to the exam by answering the initial call and then decides to withdraw is considered present at the exam. The next time the student takes the exam, the grade will be recorded.
- Vision of the task and acceptance of the vote
The student can view the assignment on the day and time indicated by the teacher and, in any case, in the 15 days following the exam.
Under "normal" conditions, the task discussion only occurs in the presence.
It is possible to refuse the vote only once.
The student who does not intend to accept the grade must notify the professor by email (and not by the Delphy system) within the day and time indicated when publishing the results.