Facoltà di Economia

Lucia LeonelliProf.ssa Lucia Leonelli
Preside della Facoltà

La Facoltà di Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" è un centro di formazione e di ricerca di eccellenza, riconosciuto a livello nazionale ed internazionale, ed è costituito da due dipartimenti: Economia e Finanza e Management e Diritto.

Continua a leggere la presentazione della Facoltà

La Facoltà di Economia è costituita dai dipartimenti:

Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza

Prof. Vincenzo Atella

Dipartimento di Management e Diritto

Prof.ssa Martina Conticelli

Iscrizioni e Trasferimenti

In questa sezione trovi tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per accedere alla nostra offerta formativa (bandi, test di ammissione, borse di studio, residenze e alloggi...)
Il tuo futuro comicia da qui!

Terza Missione

La Facoltà di Economia, da sempre impegnata a favore della crescita del tessuto socioeconomico italiano e nella cooperazione internazionale, declina la sua Terza missione impegnandosi in una ricerca di eccellenza utile a fini produttivi, capace di contribuire all’avanzamento della conoscenza, dei saperi culturali, scientifici e tecnologici atti a migliorare il benessere della società, attraverso una formazione di qualità, la creazione di partnership istituzionali e progetti con le imprese e per il territorio, il supporto della proprietà intellettuale e dell’imprenditorialità, il placement dei propri laureati, la promozione di iniziative volte a garantire sviluppo sostenibile, innovazione sociale, civic engagement e resilienza.

Scopri di più...


The exam results are on the course website

sabato 13 luglio 2024

Dear All,

the exam test (including the project work) are on the course website and during the week-end I'll put them on Delphi.

For any communication related to the marks (refusing your mark a missing groupwork grade or anything else), don't write me e-mails, but leave a message directly on Delphi.

All the best


Sample test

venerdì 7 giugno 2024

Dear All,

on the course website you will find a sample test (one for attending and the other for non attending students).

Let me highlight that the first 4 questions are taken from the slides (and potentially can be the same for attending and non attending). The last two questions are only for non attending students (on extra chapters of the book).

If you have taken part to the OBCD pilot, the sample test will weight 50% (and the project will be the remaining 50%) no matter whether you are attending or non attending.

Write me in case there is anything unclear.

All the best


Chances are ...

mercoledì 22 maggio 2024

Dear All,

apparently not all of those who registered are present (and some arrive very in late). Be aware that in few remaining classes the attendance to this course  are under scrutiny, so please behave by the books (be on time, register only once arrived, stay till the very end).

It is better having your true attendance than getting a sanction for a misbehaviour!

All the best



Today the class will be online

martedì 21 maggio 2024

Dear All,

also today the class will be online.

This morning, I would be grateful if you could try and follow it from your own device (or you could group yourselves around a few devices).

Link: https://zoom.us/my/aulagg2sciences 

This afternoon, you can follow it also from home, as there will be no class afterwards.

See you in 5 minutes!

All the best



P.S.: Later I'll inform you about tomorrow class ....

Additonal readings for the non-attending students

mercoledì 8 maggio 2024

Dear All,

as from the syllabus:

Non-attending students, in addition to slides and selected readings, have to prepare four chapters of the textbook: J. Tidd, and J. Bessant, Managing Innovation. Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018 (6th edition), namely

  1. Building the Innovative Organization
  2. Developing an Innovation Strategy
  3. Innovation Networks
  4. Decision Making Under Uncertainty

All the best


The new slides are on the course website

mercoledì 8 maggio 2024

Dear All,

the new slides are on the course website (and I've uploaded a new version of the second set of slides with the updated links - no other change in the contents).

Do not forget t go through the video I suggest earlier ... it is very useful in order to get more into design thinking.

All the best


Video on Design. Thinking

mercoledì 8 maggio 2024

Dear All,

later today, I'll ask you to watch this video on Design Thinking:


Don't open it right now ... wait for our discussion!

Link for today class

mercoledì 8 maggio 2024

Dear All,

here is the link to today class: Link: https://zoom.us/my/aulagg2sciences



Classes this week

lunedì 6 maggio 2024

Dear All,

I've got a small injury and I cannot come to the university this week and I'll have to teach online.

On Tuesday and Thursday, you are supposed to be at the University to attend the class regularly (on Thursday, the classhas been moved to 11:00am).

On Wednesday, you can decide to attend it either at the universit or at home (as you prefer).

Sorry for the inconvenience and looking foward to seeing you tomorrow.