Dear students,
ALL next exams will be ADMINISTERED ONLY via Moodle, which you can access with any laptop/tablet of your own.
It will not be possible to take the exam in any other way. In case of problems, they must be reported via email before the exam. Alternatively, it will not be possible to carry out the test.
To access Moodle you can reach it following this link (you can search by the name of the course, QUANTITATIVE METHODS, choosing "GRASSI-STEFANUCCI-8011794"). The first time you will need to log in with your credentials (the same as you use to access Microsoft Teams). Afterwards, you can simply click on OpenId Connect.
The exam will be available as a link in the Exam section, on the day of the exam. For now, you can access a trial exam, prepared to help you become confident with the platform.
You are strongly invited to access Moodle and the Trial Exam well in advance with respect to the exam call, to become familiar with the application. The day of the exam, we will not be able to solve any technical issue (forgot password, invalid login, unable to find the exam, etc.).
NOTE FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS: We remind all the students of the Erasmus program that exams attended after the expiration date of their visiting time will not be assessed, and not accounted for in their personal records. Please, check it out.
Useful instructions for the day of the exam:
- Only students regularly enrolled in Delphi will be allowed to enter the exam.
- The number of questions and the duration of the exam will be communicated on the day of the exam.
- Please be informed that the time will count as soon as you start your Moodle exam. During the entire duration of the exam, you will be able to see the time left to finish right below the questions navigation tab (on the right side of your screen).
- You will only have one "attempt" to access the exam. Once you finish answering all questions (you can revise your answers by browsing the navigation tab on the right-hand side of your screen), you can submit the exam by clicking on "Invia tutto e termina tentativo".
- It is a closed book exam. You are not allowed to use any external help or support, either on paper or electronic. Violations of this indication and cheating in any form will result in the cancellation of the exam, the impossibility for the student to attend the exam call for the entire session, and the obligation for the professors to send a report on this misconduct to the Coordinator of the program.
- On the day of the exam, you will bring the printed version of the statistical tables, the paper for computations will be provided by us. You will need to bring with you your own device to enter the exam, your ID, pens and a calculator NOT YOUR SMARTPHONE).
Good luck.