Aggiornato A.A. 2021-2022
General Module (Prof. Angela Romano and Dr. Aleksandra Komornicka):
“International System(s): Politics, Economy, and Governance in the XX Century world” – 10 CFU
Special Module (Prof. Uzi Rabi):
"States, Cultures and Identities: The Middle East Meets Europe" – 2 CFU
The course explores how the major political, economic, and social developments in Europe and the rest of the world shaped the governance of the international system from the late nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century.
The general module will consider the ways in which European countries intersected processes of nation building with imperial expansion in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia; explore the causes and consequences of the World Wars on the international system; analyse how Cold War and decolonization after 1945 redefined Europe’s place in the world and shaped new international relations; examine how globalization and the end of the Cold War changed the world order and morphed it into today’s system. In the conclusive part, the general module will offer a section dedicated to exploring the ever-changing relationship between religion(s) and international politics; the section will be led by guest lecturer Dr Jacopo Cellini.
The special module will zoom in on the case of the Middle East area, exploring diverse situations and the most recent developments in a comparative perspective, which will allow students to detect national peculiarities as well as regional commonalities.
Overall, the aim of the course is to familiarize students with the main events and interpretations of global and international history, as well as with the multi-layered nature of historical processes. Students will learn to detect how these layers intertwined and influenced one another and will discover the variety of approaches historians adopt to inquiry into the past.
Find more information in the Syllabus