Aggiornato A.A. 2022-2023
Fintech, New innovative Trends: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Artificial Intelligence
(A.Y. 2022/2023)
Prof.ssa Silvia Intini, PhD
1. Contact Information and Office Hours
Instructor: Prof.ssa Silvia Intini, PhD (
Office hours: by appointment (submit requests by email)
2. Aim of the Course
The aim of the course is to analyse the new opportunities and innovations available in finance thank to the technology. The course focuses on blockchain technology and its innovations (cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, NFT, DeFi); the evolution of money (e-money, CBDCs) and payment circuits (digital payments); artificial intelligence and its applications.
At the end of the course students will know how the technology is changing the financial world. Students will be able to recognise opportunities and weaknesses of new fintech projects. Finally, they will know to critically discuss the evolution that is affecting payments, financial institutions, and financial instruments.
3. Contents of the Course
- What is Fintech
- E-Money and Payment circuits
- What is a Blockchain and its applications
- New form of “money”: Cryptocurrencies, stablecoins and tokens
- What is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and its evolution around the world
- Cryptocurrencies’ Markets and MiCa Regulation.
- Open banking, DeFi and PSD2
- Artificial Intelligence and applications
Students will be invited to work in groups and to prepare presentations to develop team-working skills and public speaking skills.
4. Course Materials
The course is based on Classes and Seminars.
Materials will be provided by the teacher during the course and uploaded on the webpage of the course on the Faculty website.
5. Class Attendance
Class attendance is not mandatory (no monitoring activities of the class attendance will be done). However, the core of the course are classes and seminars, hence the teacher recommends class participation.
6. Exam and Grading
Depending on the number of participants, individual students or groups of students have to prepare a presentation based on the topics explained during the course. The presentation should be focused on a comparison between a traditional and Fintech company.