Facoltà di Economia

Lucia LeonelliProf.ssa Lucia Leonelli
Preside della Facoltà

La Facoltà di Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" è un centro di formazione e di ricerca di eccellenza, riconosciuto a livello nazionale ed internazionale, ed è costituito da due dipartimenti: Economia e Finanza e Management e Diritto.

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La Facoltà di Economia è costituita dai dipartimenti:

Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza

Prof. Alberto Iozzi

Dipartimento di Management e Diritto

Prof.ssa Martina Conticelli

Iscrizioni e Trasferimenti

In questa sezione trovi tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per accedere alla nostra offerta formativa (bandi, test di ammissione, borse di studio, residenze e alloggi...)
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Terza Missione

La Facoltà di Economia, da sempre impegnata a favore della crescita del tessuto socioeconomico italiano e nella cooperazione internazionale, declina la sua Terza missione impegnandosi in una ricerca di eccellenza utile a fini produttivi, capace di contribuire all’avanzamento della conoscenza, dei saperi culturali, scientifici e tecnologici atti a migliorare il benessere della società, attraverso una formazione di qualità, la creazione di partnership istituzionali e progetti con le imprese e per il territorio, il supporto della proprietà intellettuale e dell’imprenditorialità, il placement dei propri laureati, la promozione di iniziative volte a garantire sviluppo sostenibile, innovazione sociale, civic engagement e resilienza.

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Aggiornato A.A. 2024-2025

Aggiornato A.A. 2024-2025


a.y. 2024 2025

Prof.ssa Simonetta Pattuglia

e-mail: pattuglia@economia.uniroma2.it twittername: @SPattuglia (news about the topics of the Course)

Office Hours: To be weekly checked with the Professor by email

Tutor Società Italiana Marketing Award: Federica Vitali federica vitali @gmail.com




The Course will be based on the new potentialities that the marketing system is showing towards companies, products, services, people and processes reflecting the enormous changes occurring in theory and practice.

The content and organization respond to the new analytical, strategic and operational trends: from the traditional customer relationship management to the need of new research and segmentation and to big data analysis and AI orientation; from brand management to new event management and experiential marketing and to new brand purposes; from targeting to “fragmenting” and online marketing; from traditional instruments and media to new forms of corporate and marketing integrated communications; from transactional marketing to the very last influencer marketing and customised relationship marketing and communication

New paradigms, platforms and instruments such as geomarketing, unconventional marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, IoT-Internet of Things, Metaverse and new applications of IA platforms (to products, services, territory, time and entertainment) will be provided. New convergence platforms - web, social, and mobile – will be focused and integrated in the marketing processes.

New company communications are heavily involved in this huge analytical and strategic scenario: on and offline processes and integrations are the daily challenge for individuals, small and big peer groups, management of companies, and public sector.

The Course develops a peculiar analysis on the role and the perspectives new technologies and media show in this panorama and particularly after the pandemic disruption. The digital platforms and the social technologies are leading the companies to set new strategies and new business models to launch and manage products, services and brands, processes and experiences oriented to new consumers belonging to different generations: Alpha, Z, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers.

The Course will focus with a special attention media and entertainment channels internet, broadcasting and cinema, mobile and social, apps, IoT and virtual reality, considered as instruments not only devoted once to the information or communication or entertainment sectors but as platforms in which analytical skills, strategic activities and operational marketing could convey a new way of realising management innovation.

The Course intends also to evaluate the role of communication in the modern value creation processes and to analyse the most important areas/tools, nowadays available (adv, native adv, programmatic adv; online and offline public relations; promotions and sponsorships) for implementing effective communication initiatives on an economic as well as on a social level.

In our contemporary MarketingCube - digital, emotional, experiential - dimensions only apparently dystonic (electronic/digital vs physical/emotional) converge in a complex management able to lead to meaningful experiences, customer and stakeholder satisfaction and loyalty, company profitability.

The Course will host some Managerial Lectures from various industrial sectors and companies: FAO, Microsoft, Pininfarina, Procter & Gamble

Class participation and attendance are very important and highly recommended (less then 90% of attendance will not lead to the pre-exam)


- Kotler P., Kartajawa H., Setiawan I., Marketing 6.0. The future is immersive, John Wiley & Sonos, Dec. 2023
- Pattuglia S. Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Management. The case study of Fiat 500, Macmillan Ideas, online open access
- Pattuglia S., Leone N., Bellotto M., De Luca P., (2023) Marketing Opportunities in the Metaverse. A Narrative Literature Review in an Interdisciplinary Perspective and some Exploratory Cases, Proceedings XX SIM Conference “Marketing Florence, 20-21 ottobre, ISBN 978-88-947829-0-5
- Teacher’s slides 



(pre-exam provided only for people attending the Course), PROJECT WORK, ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING

The exam (pw+we) is evaluated X out of 30 (25% project work, 75% oral exam). Single assignment on specific topics could provide +/- 1 point.

Project work : the 2024-2025 project work will be based on the Società Italiana Marketing Award www.premiomarketing.com "REGIONALE TRENITALIA CASE" and will be discussed on DEC. 17th and 18th 

The exam will be on 2024, DEC. 20th h.10-12am (written examination, 5 open ended questions)