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Regolamento esame

Exam format for the class of Environmental Economics:
Coherently with the Dean’s guidelines approved with D.R. n.888/2020, available at the following link: https://web.uniroma2.it/module/name/Content/newlang/italiano/navpath/HOM/action/showpage/content_id/83741
the rules of the exam are explained below.
1. ATTENDING STUDENTS (who have already presented a paper):
The exam paper includes three (essay-type) questions. Students are required to answer one question only. Additional answers will not be graded. The exam lasts 30 minutes. The final grade will take into account the overall evaluation from both the oral presentation and the written exam.
The final exam is a written test consisting of three (essay-type) questions, where students are required to discuss some topics among those presented in class. The final grade is the average of the grades obtained in the three essays.

Exam procedure (for all students)
The exam in the written format will be administered from remote using Microsoft Teams; please make sure you have a valid login.
During the exam, you will need a laptop with a functioning camera and microphone. You will also need your smartphone with CamScanner (or any equivalent scan or camera app) installed; please familiarize with the app in advance. You will need Microsoft Teams installed on both devices.
Before the exam, those who have registered for the exam (through Delphi, as usual) will be invited to join the exam on Microsoft Teams.
On the day of the exam, you have to join the exam on Microsoft Teams and to be prepared with at most eight blank paper sheets (A4 format). Please, make sure that you have also a valid document (identity card, passport, libretto) to allow the instructor to correctly identify you.
At the beginning of the exam, the exam paper will be made available to all students through the “Attività/Activites” feature on Microsoft Teams. You will then have 5 minutes to copy the questions on your blank paper sheets, in the very exact format.
After the initial 5 minutes, you should place your laptop in a position such that your entire working area is shown, including your hands and the whole desk you are sitting at. This may require placing your laptop sufficiently far away from you; please, get prepared beforehand by testing the correct position for your laptop. On your desktop, you can have only some writing instruments together with the (blank) paper sheets. You must keep your mobile phone with you, keeping it face down and leaving it untouched for the duration of the exam.
Please write on the top of each page your name (and the number of the question you are answering for non attending students). If your answer is more than one page long, repeat this info on all the pages and write clearly the page number on each sheet.
During the exam, you cannot ask questions. If you have doubts on the text of the exam, please provide comments on these doubts in your answer.
At the end of the exam, when you are given permission to do so, you have to use your mobile phone to scan all your (used) sheets of paper and upload them on Microsoft Teams through the “Attività/Activites” feature. You have only 5 minutes to do so; only files updated within these 5 minutes will be graded.
The camera and the microphone on your laptop will have to be on and functioning for the entire duration of the exam, including when you scan your exam paper. Failure to do so may result in you being disqualified from the exam.