Aggiornato A.A. 2019-2020
The course gives an introduction of the recent trends of public sector modernization and pays attention on externalization of service delivery. In this context the course focuses on interdependence between business and government in public services, outlining the different forms of public-private partnership (PPP).
Learning Objects:
Knowledge and Understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the theories and practices of cooperation between public and private sectors in delivering public services. The different forms of PPP will be analyzed with reference to the management processes and the different implications on the economic system. At the end of the course students should understand the role public-private partnerships have in modern economy. In particular students are required to know:
- Risks and opportunities of public-private partnerships strategies;
- The main contexts in which public-private partnerships are utilized;
- How public private partnerships influences both private enterprises strategy and public policy process;
- The managerial challenges public private partnerships involve.
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Practical evidence of the concepts will be given with examples, exercises, and case studies arising from the real-life context. Moreover, during the course, students are required to practically apply tools and techniques studied in the theoretical part.
Making Judgements
Identifying key variables in public private-partnerships and making judgements about their effectiveness and implications.
Communication Skills
Introducing and discussing about public management issues with appropriate vocabulary.
Learning Skills
Analyzing in a critical way concrete situations and case studies, working in team and managing strict deadline.
The programme is organised as follows:
Unit 1: Introduction
The interdependence between Business Organizations and Governments: key factors (Globalization, Internationalization etc.) and context.
Unit 2: The agreement between Public Administrations and Business organizations
The path and the goals of Public Administrations
The path and the goals of Business organizations
The convergence between the two systems
Unit 3: Public-private partnership: different forms of collaboration
Contractual public-private partnership
Institutional public-private partnership
Public-private partnership as a network governance
Unit 4: The critical aspects into the relationship
Conflict of interests, lobbing, corruption etc.
Unit 5: Co-Production in the public and the business sector
Teaching methods:
The course will include :
- academic lectures
- lectures by testimonials