Facoltà di Economia

Lucia LeonelliProf.ssa Lucia Leonelli
Preside della Facoltà

La Facoltà di Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" è un centro di formazione e di ricerca di eccellenza, riconosciuto a livello nazionale ed internazionale, ed è costituito da due dipartimenti: Economia e Finanza e Management e Diritto.

Continua a leggere la presentazione della Facoltà

La Facoltà di Economia è costituita dai dipartimenti:

Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza

Prof. Vincenzo Atella

Dipartimento di Management e Diritto

Prof.ssa Martina Conticelli

Iscrizioni e Trasferimenti

In questa sezione trovi tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per accedere alla nostra offerta formativa (bandi, test di ammissione, borse di studio, residenze e alloggi...)
Il tuo futuro comicia da qui!

Terza Missione

La Facoltà di Economia, da sempre impegnata a favore della crescita del tessuto socioeconomico italiano e nella cooperazione internazionale, declina la sua Terza missione impegnandosi in una ricerca di eccellenza utile a fini produttivi, capace di contribuire all’avanzamento della conoscenza, dei saperi culturali, scientifici e tecnologici atti a migliorare il benessere della società, attraverso una formazione di qualità, la creazione di partnership istituzionali e progetti con le imprese e per il territorio, il supporto della proprietà intellettuale e dell’imprenditorialità, il placement dei propri laureati, la promozione di iniziative volte a garantire sviluppo sostenibile, innovazione sociale, civic engagement e resilienza.

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Exam (April session)

martedì 2 aprile 2024

Dear all,

I remind you few indications about the upcoming exam session.

For attending students:

The group essay should be submitted by only one representative for each group. The pre-registration is going to finish soon (at 12pm today). So please hurry up. For the oral exam instead, we will meet on the 4th of April from 10 am and we will proceed according to your booking number in Delphi, exception made for the specific cases you have sent me via email/message.


For non-attending students:

We will meet directly on the 3rd of April at 10 am at the Faculty (you can see the class number directly from the screens on the day of the exam). The exam will last two hours as per syllabus. Once graded you will see your grade directly in Delphi and you can agree with it or decide to reject the grade and sit in a next session.

break the leg! 


Welcome to the module Entrepreneurship and Business Model

sabato 17 febbraio 2024

Dear students,

First of all, let me welcome you to the Module “Entrepreneurship and Business Model” (2024). Let me introduce myself, I am prof. Pellegrini and I will guide you in this learning process.

I hope you will find this module as interesting and developing as the previous editions. Being back in presence without restrictions is a nice achievement. This semester, as the previous, we adopted a blended teaching approach, so I will be in presence and we will have a physical class, but in addition the lectures will be streamed online on the TEAMS platform. Yet, the online platform will be your “virtual space” to work joint with your group. Indeed, as indicated in the syllabus the attending students will be required to make formative assessments along the module (no formal grade). However, this will give you the status of attending students.

Our first lecture will be Wednesday (21th of February) at 2 pm to 4 pm in classroom P12 (first floor, building A). The full schedule is the following: Wednesdays (P12), Thursdays (P8), and Fridays (S8) always from 2-4 pm.

The module is design with an experiential-centered approach to stimulate as much as possible your entrepreneurial thinking and acting, in addition to some (hopefully) inspiring new contents. As I just said, the lectures as per regulations the lecture are in presence and this will facilitate your “learning journey” as in most of the session there are specific exercise to be done in class that will help you and partially do your weekly assignments. So the attendance is mandatory.

After three years of using TEAMS, most of the following information are well known to all of us, but a reminder does not harm.

Prior to enroll and participate to the lectures, please make sure (only if you are a new student):

    1. To activate Office 365 account Activate your Office 365 account (necessary only if you have not already done so). A guide to do so is available at: http://docs.ccd.uniroma2.it/office-365/. If you lost your password, you can reset it by accessing Delphi (http://delphi.uniroma2.it), selecting “activation of other services -> Microsoft Office365 activation -> First Activation / Reset Password
    2. To install TeamsDownload and install the TEAMS app on your devices (desktop, ios and android app or via the web) from the site: https://teams.microsoft.com/downloadsIf your device is not in the supported list it is possible to access TEAMS via webapp: in this case we recommend installing the Google Chrome browser. Support Contact: office365@support.uniroma2.it
    3. Familiarize with the new tool. Some useful resource may be: Starting guide: https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/MicrosoftTeams/get-started-with-teams-quick-startTraining for end users: https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/microsoftteams/enduser-training Support Contact: office365@support.uniroma2.it In any case we at the following link you may find updates indication about teams with tutorials (still in Italian, but the support team promised to provide new tutorials at least with English subtitles): https://web.uniroma2.it/module/name/PdnHome/newlang/italiano/navpath/TEA.

To participate to the virtual module please use one of the alternative methods (again presence is preferred):

    1.  Directly from Web (browser working best is Google Chrome): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3AcCHT9FZHKRxRsgkb3xF-kdcazTqM82M2Grg0ZdgAJl01%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=921c7894-4940-4473-99fc-1c9c80cb22ae&tenantId=24c5be2a-d764-40c5-9975-82d08ae47d0e
    2. From the Microsoft Teams using this code when requested to participate to a team (if you downloaded it and installed in your PC): c9ogj3g (this code can be found in your classroom schedule on the faculty webpage).


As previously said, I suggest you to be in presence due to the experiential cut of the module. In any case, I have already created the calendar of next online lectures in the Microsoft Teams platform. This timetable is already visible from the meetings reminders posted the general channel. However, if you want to have them in your calendar too once you clicked on the meetings (three meetings once per day of lecture), add them to your calendar (YOU NEED TO DO THIS FOR ALL 3 SERIES OF PLANNED EVENT). In order to participate in the actual online lessons, it is necessary that you on the day of the scheduled lesson

    1. Go to your calendar
    2. Click on the lesson of the day on the time indicated
    3. Click on the “participate” button

If you have any doubts or problems, please contact me. It is particularly important to attend the first lecture so the syllabus (already available on the website of the faculty) will be explained in details. 

I am sure we will have a great interaction and learning experience. See you on Wednesday

Kind regards



ENT & BM Thursday Lectures