Obiettivi Formativi
OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI: L’obiettivo principale è quello di fornire una conoscenza di base di tutti gli elementi dell'amministrazione economica delle imprese.
CONOSCENZA E CAPACITÀ DI COMPRENSIONE: Capire e comprendere i concetti di amministrazione delle imprese ed i fondamenti della gestione aziendale (strategia, organizzazione, misurazione, rendicontazione) le funzioni manageriali (marketing, funzione finanziaria, funzione risorse umane ecc.) Comprendere qual è il ruolo di un'organizzazione nella società, le sue responsabilità e come creano valore.
CAPACITÀ DI APPLICARE CONOSCENZA E COMPRENSIONE: essere in grado di applicare la propria conoscenza e trarre conclusioni originali, usando strumenti e tecniche manageriali.
AUTONOMIA DI GIUDIZIO: utilizzare le proprie conoscenze per emettere giudizi validi sul costo-beneficio delle azioni manageriali.
ABILITÀ COMUNICATIVE: ampliare le skill comunicative, usando un linguaggio appropriato
CAPACITÀ DI APPRENDIMENTO: sviluppare le capacità necessarie per intraprendere studi successivi con un alto grado di autonomia
Learning Objectives
LEARNING OUTCOMES: to provide a basic knowledge of all the elements of business administration.
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: to understand business administration and the fundamentals of business management (strategy, organization, measurement, reporting) managerial functions (marketing, financial function, human resources, etc.) Understand what the role is of business organizations in society, theri responsibilities and how they create value.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: to be able to apply one's knowledge and draw original conclusions, using managerial tools and techniques.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: to be able to use the knowledge acquired during the course to assess the pros and the cons of managerial actions.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: to devolelop communication skills, using appropriate business language.
LEARNING SKILLS: to develop the skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy
Essendo un esame programmato al primo semestre del primo anno, non ci sono prerequisti specifici
Being an exam scheduled in the first semester of the first year, there are no specific prerequisites
- Problemi economici, attività economiche e differenti tipi di aziende;
- La creazione del valore nelle imprese
- La cultura organizzativa e il suo impatto sul business
- La globalizzazione e le sue implicazioni sulla gestione aziendale
- Le strategie e i sistemi di programmazione e controllo
- La leadership
- La struttura organizzativa
- Introduzione alla contabilità dei costi
- Introduzione al bilancio
- Economic problems, economic activities and different types of companies;
- The creation of value in companies
- Organizational culture and its impact on business
- Globalization and its implications on business management
- Strategies and planning and control systems
- Leadership
- The organizational structure
- Introduction to cost accounting
- Introduction to financial accounting
Testi Adottati
Fundamentals of Management (Mike Smith) McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011
Fundamentals of Management (Mike Smith) McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011
Modalità di svolgimento
- Lezioni frontali del docente
- Slides proiettate durante il corso
- Note del professore sugli argomenti
- Discussioni in aula condotte dal docente
- Discussione sui lavori di gruppo
- Assignment su casi studio
Teaching methods
- Lecture by teacher
- Slides projected during the course
- Teaching notes
- Class discussion conducted by teacher
- Discussion groups project work
- Textbook and case studies assignments
Regolamento Esame
L'esame si differenzia tra studenti frequentanti e non frequentanti.
Per gli studenti frequentanti sono previste alcune attività in classe svolte in gruppo che concorrono alla valutazione (fino ad un massimo di tre punti aggiuntivi). Per gli studenti frequentanti inoltre la verifica di apprendimento si basa su una prova intermedia e un esame finale. In entrambi i casi la prova è scritta ed è costituita da 15 domande a scelta multipla (1 punto per ogni risposta corretta) e 3 domande aperte (max 5 punti per ogni risposta).
Per gli studenti non frequentanti è previsto un esame scritto costituito da 15 domande a scelta multipla (1 punto per ogni risposta corretta) e 5 domande aperte (max 3 punti per ogni risposta).
Per superare l’esame occorre riportare un voto non inferiore a 18/30; a tal fine, lo studente deve dimostrare di aver acquisito una conoscenza sufficiente degli argomenti che costituiscono il programma di esame e di essere in grado di applicare praticamente i concetti base della business administration; per conseguire una votazione superiore a 25/30, lo studente deve inoltre aver acquisito una solida e approfondita conoscenza sugli argomenti che costituiscono il programma di esame e dimostrare una buona capacità di applicazione dei concetti chiave della business administration; per conseguire un punteggio pari a 30/30 e lode, lo studente deve invece dimostrare di aver acquisito una conoscenza eccellente di tutti gli argomenti trattati durante il corso e dimostrare una capacità di attuare le logiche e gli strumenti della business administration.
Exam Rules
For attending students there are some classroom activities carried out in groups that contribute to the final assessment (maximum 3 additional grades). Furthermore, for attending students, the assessment is based on an intermediate test and a final exam. In both cases, the exams are written and consist of 15 multiple choice questions (1 point for each correct answer) and 3 open questions (max 5 points for each answer).
For non-attending students there is a written exam consisting of 15 multiple choice questions (1 point for each correct answer) and 5 open questions (max 3 points for each answer).
To pass the exam, students must get a mark of at least 18/30; to this end, students must demonstrate a sufficient knowledge about the topics covered in the program and that they must be able to apply the business administration concepts at a basic level; to achieve a grade higher than 25/30, students must also have acquired a solid and in-depth knowledge about the topics covered in the program and demonstrate a good ability to apply the business administration concepts; to achieve a score of 30/30 cum laude, students must show an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered during the course and an excellent ability to apply the business administration concepts.
Obiettivi Formativi
L'obiettivo principale di questo corso è quello di introdurre gli studenti nel mondo del business dando un quadro concettuale semplice ma completo sulla condizione di vita e le
manifestazioni di esistenza di tutti i tipi di entità economiche (a scopo di lucro e senza scopo di lucro), anche se l'attenzione principale sarà rivolta alle cosiddette entità economiche a scopo di lucro (le imprese). Inoltre questo corso vuole mettere in pratica la teoria e stimolare la cooperazione tra studenti e tra studenti e docenti. Alla fine di questo
corso gli studenti devono essere in grado di porre le base per avviare un business di successo contribuendo al bene comune della società.
In particolare, i principali sotto-obiettivi sono i seguenti:
- Familiarizzare con il linguaggio del business;
- Conoscere e comprendere i concetti di amministrazione di un'azienda, le caratteristiche dei processi di gestione (strategia e pianificazione, struttura organizzativa, gestione delle
risorse umane, processo decisionale, monitoraggio e reporting, ecc.) e le funzioni di gestione (Marketing, Operations, Human Funzione risorsa, funzione finanza e contabilità).
- Comprendere l'esistenza delle organizzazioni, qual è il loro ruolo nella società, quali sono le loro responsabilità e come e per chi creano valore;
- Conoscere le differenze tra una piccola impresa (ad esempio una piccola azienda familiare) e una grande azienda condotta da società multinazionali in tutto il mondo (ad
esempio Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
- Migliorare le capacità di apprendimento e la capacità di gestione del tempo, con l'analisi di situazioni reali e casi di studio
- Essere in grado di applicare le conoscenze e trarre conclusioni originali (pensiero critico), utilizzando gli strumenti e le tecniche di gestione e formando giudizi sul rapporto
costo-efficacia della gestione
- Dimostrare e capacità di effettuare valutazioni nell'ambito dei business, tenendo conto, simultaneamente, degli aspetti economici, sociali e ambientali.
- Migliorare le capacità comunicative, utilizzando un linguaggio appropriato durante la presentazione delle problematiche gestionali.
- sarà valutata attraverso le domande aperte formulate per richiedere agli studenti di fare collegamenti tra gli argomenti studiati e di esprimere un contributo personale (esempi di
applicazione dei concetti, casi di studio presentati in classe).
Learning Objectives
The main objective of this course (the WHY) is to introduce students into the field of business giving an easy and complete framework on the life condition and the existence
manifestations of all types of economic entities (for profit and non-for-profit), even if the main focus will be on the so called for-profit economic entities (i.e. business entities).
Moreover this course wants to put theory into practice and stimulate the cooperation among students and among students and professor. At the end of this module students should be able to establish a successful business contributing to the common good of the society.
In particular, the main sub-objectives are as follows:
- Familiarize with the language of business;
- Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a business, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human
resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting
- Understand the organizations’ existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
- Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca
Cola, Facebook, Google).
- Enhance the learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies
- Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judgments about the cost-effectiveness
of management
- Demonstrate and ability to make assessments within the field of Fundamentals of business, taking into account, symultaneously, relevant economic, social and
environmental aspects.
- Improve the communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues.
will be assessed through the open questions formulated to require students to make connections between the topics studied and to express a personal contribution (examples
of application of the concepts, case studies presented in the classroom).
Essendo un esame programmato al primo semestre del primo anno, non ci sono prerequisti specifici
Being an exam scheduled in the first semester of the first year, there are no specific prerequisites
- Problemi economici, attività economiche e differenti tipi di aziende;
- La creazione del valore nelle imprese
- La cultura organizzativa e il suo impatto sul business
- La globalizzazione e le sue implicazioni sulla gestione aziendale
- Le strategie e i sistemi di programmazione e controllo
- La leadership
- La struttura organizzativa
- Introduzione alla contabilità dei costi
- Introduzione al bilancio
- Economic problems, economic activities and different types of companies;
- The creation of value in companies
- Organizational culture and its impact on business
- Globalization and its implications on business management
- Strategies and planning and control systems
- Leadership
- The organizational structure
- Introduction to cost accounting
- Introduction to financial accounting
Testi Adottati
Fundamentals of Management (Mike Smith) McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011
Fundamentals of Management (Mike Smith) McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011
Modalità di svolgimento
- Lezioni frontali del docente
- Slides proiettate durante il corso
- Note del professore sugli argomenti
- Discussioni in aula condotte dal docente
- Discussione sui lavori di gruppo
- Assignment su casi studio
Teaching methods
- Lecture by teacher
- Slides projected during the course
- Teaching notes
- Class discussion conducted by teacher
- Discussion groups project work
- Textbook and case studies assignments
Regolamento Esame
L'esame si differenzia tra studenti frequentanti e non frequentanti.
Per gli studenti frequentanti sono previste alcune attività in classe svolte in gruppo che concorrono alla valutazione (fino ad un massimo di tre punti aggiuntivi). Per gli studenti frequentanti inoltre la verifica di apprendimento si basa su una prova intermedia e un esame finale. In entrambi i casi la prova è scritta ed è costituita da 15 domande a scelta multipla (1 punto per ogni risposta corretta) e 3 domande aperte (max 5 punti per ogni risposta).
Per gli studenti non frequentanti è previsto un esame scritto costituito da 15 domande a scelta multipla (1 punto per ogni risposta corretta) e 5 domande aperte (max 3 punti per ogni risposta).
Per superare l’esame occorre riportare un voto non inferiore a 18/30; a tal fine, lo studente deve dimostrare di aver acquisito una conoscenza sufficiente degli argomenti che costituiscono il programma di esame e di essere in grado di applicare praticamente i concetti base della business administration; per conseguire una votazione superiore a 25/30, lo studente deve inoltre aver acquisito una solida e approfondita conoscenza sugli argomenti che costituiscono il programma di esame e dimostrare una buona capacità di applicazione dei concetti chiave della business administration; per conseguire un punteggio pari a 30/30 e lode, lo studente deve invece dimostrare di aver acquisito una conoscenza eccellente di tutti gli argomenti trattati durante il corso e dimostrare una capacità di attuare le logiche e gli strumenti della business administration.
Exam Rules
For attending students there are some classroom activities carried out in groups that contribute to the final assessment (maximum 3 additional grades). Furthermore, for attending students, the assessment is based on an intermediate test and a final exam. In both cases, the exams are written and consist of 15 multiple choice questions (1 point for each correct answer) and 3 open questions (max 5 points for each answer).
For non-attending students there is a written exam consisting of 15 multiple choice questions (1 point for each correct answer) and 5 open questions (max 3 points for each answer).
To pass the exam, students must get a mark of at least 18/30; to this end, students must demonstrate a sufficient knowledge about the topics covered in the program and that they must be able to apply the business administration concepts at a basic level; to achieve a grade higher than 25/30, students must also have acquired a solid and in-depth knowledge about the topics covered in the program and demonstrate a good ability to apply the business administration concepts; to achieve a score of 30/30 cum laude, students must show an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered during the course and an excellent ability to apply the business administration concepts.
Aggiornato A.A. 2022-2023
Il corso di Fundamentals of Business Administration si propone come obiettivo principale quello di fornire una conoscenza di base di tutti gli elementi dell'amministrazione delle imprese.
Lo studente sarà in grado alla fine del corso di :
- Capire e comprendere i concetti di amministrazione delle imprese e le caratteristiche dei processi manageriale (strategie, pianificazioni ecc) le funzioni manageriali (marketing, funzione finanziaria, funzione risorse umane ecc).
- Comprendere qual è il ruolo di un'organizzazione nella società, le sue responsabilità e come creano valore.
- Essere in grado di applicare la propria conoscenza e trarre conclusioni originali, usando strumenti e tecniche manageriali.
- Utilizzare le proprie conoscenze per emettere giudizi validi sul costo-beneficio delle azioni manageriali.
- Ampliare le skill comunicative, usando un linguaggio appropriato durante la presentazione di problemi di natura manageriale.
- Ampliare la capacità di apprendimento come la gestione del tempo attraverso lo studio e le analisi di situazioni reali e casi studio
- Problemi economici, attività economiche e differenti tipi di organizzazione;
- Creazione del valore sostenibilità delle imprese, nel contesto nazionale e internazionale;
- struttura organizzativa;
- Strategie;
- Introduzione al cost accounting;
- Introduzione al financial accounting;
- Conflitti di interesse, corruzione e lobbying.
Metodi di Insegnamento
- Lezioni frontali del docente
- Slides proiettate durante il corso
- Note del professore sugli argomenti
- Discussioni in aula condotte dal docente
- Discussione sui lavori di gruppo
- Assignment su casi studio
Materiale didattico
- Slide disponibili on-line
- Articoli suggeriti dal docente
Testo suggerito:
Mike Smith - Fundamentals of Management - McGraw-Hill Education
letture obbligatorie: cap 1 (sez. 1.2 -1.3); cap 2 (sez. 2.1 - 2.2 -2.3); cap 4 (sez. 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3); cap 5; cap 8 (sez. 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 - 8.4); cap 12 (sez 12.5); cap 14( sez. 14.4); cap 17 (sez 17.5); cap 20 (pp 500-502).
letture suggerite: restanti capitoli
Aggiornato A.A. 2022-2023
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic knowledge about the fundamentals of business, in particular students will:
- Familiarize with the language of business;
- Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a busi-ness, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting Function);
- Understand the organizations’ existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
- Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
- Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judg-ments about the cost-effectiveness of management;
- Improve their communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues;
- Enhance their learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies;
- Give a complete framework for the other courses on business (e.g. management and organization; business strategies; financial accounting; business law; marketing).
- Economic problem, economic activities and different types of organization;
- Value creation and sustainability in business and non-business entities, in national and global context;
- Organizational structure;
- Strategies;
- Introduction to management control;
- Introduction to financial accounting;
- Conflict of interests, corruption and lobbying.
There are four ways to learn in this course (HOW to learn):
1) Attend the lectures and study these teaching notes;
2) Watch/study the YouTube videos;
3) Read the Project Works discussed in previous years;
4) Complete the assignments.
Teaching methods
- Lecture by teacher
- Slides projected during the course
- Teaching notes
- Class discussion conducted by teacher
- Discussion groups project work
- Textbook and case studies assignments
Teaching materials
- Teaching notes of the course (available on-line)
- Slides projected during the course
- Suggested articles
Suggested book:
Mike Smith - Fundamentals of Management - McGraw-Hill Education
mandatory readings: cap 1 (sez. 1.2 -1.3); cap 2 (sez. 2.1 - 2.2 -2.3); cap 4 (sez. 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3); cap 5; cap 8 (sez. 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 - 8.4); cap 12 (sez 12.5); cap 14( sez. 14.4); cap 17 (sez 17.5); cap 20 (pp 500-502).
suggested readings: other parts
Aggiornato A.A. 2021-2022
Il corso di Fundamentals of Business Administration si propone come obiettivo principale quello di fornire una conoscenza di base di tutti gli elementi dell'amministrazione delle imprese.
Lo studente sarà in grado alla fine del corso di :
- Capire e comprendere i concetti di amministrazione delle imprese e le caratteristiche dei processi manageriale (strategie, pianificazioni ecc) le funzioni manageriali (marketing, funzione finanziaria, funzione risorse umane ecc).
- Comprendere qual è il ruolo di un'organizzazione nella società, le sue responsabilità e come creano valore.
- Essere in grado di applicare la propria conoscenza e trarre conclusioni originali, usando strumenti e tecniche manageriali.
- Utilizzare le proprie conoscenze per emettere giudizi validi sul costo-beneficio delle azioni manageriali.
- Ampliare le skill comunicative, usando un linguaggio appropriato durante la presentazione di problemi di natura manageriale.
- Ampliare la capacità di apprendimento come la gestione del tempo attraverso lo studio e le analisi di situazioni reali e casi studio
- Problemi economici, attività economiche e differenti tipi di organizzazione;
- Creazione del valore sostenibilità delle imprese, nel contesto nazionale e internazionale;
- struttura organizzativa;
- Strategie;
- Introduzione al cost accounting;
- Introduzione al financial accounting;
- Conflitti di interesse, corruzione e lobbying.
Metodi di Insegnamento
- Lezioni frontali del docente
- Slides proiettate durante il corso
- Note del professore sugli argomenti
- Discussioni in aula condotte dal docente
- Discussione sui lavori di gruppo
- Assignment su casi studio
Materiale didattico
- Slide disponibili on-line
- Articoli suggeriti dal docente
Testo suggerito:
Mike Smith - Fundamentals of Management - McGraw-Hill Education
letture obbligatorie: cap 1 (sez. 1.2 -1.3); cap 2 (sez. 2.1 - 2.2 -2.3); cap 4 (sez. 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3); cap 5; cap 8 (sez. 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 - 8.4); cap 12 (sez 12.5); cap 14( sez. 14.4); cap 17 (sez 17.5); cap 20 (pp 500-502).
letture suggerite: restanti capitoli
Aggiornato A.A. 2021-2022
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic knowledge about the fundamentals of business, in particular students will:
- Familiarize with the language of business;
- Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a busi-ness, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting Function);
- Understand the organizations’ existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
- Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
- Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judg-ments about the cost-effectiveness of management;
- Improve their communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues;
- Enhance their learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies;
- Give a complete framework for the other courses on business (e.g. management and organization; business strategies; financial accounting; business law; marketing).
- Economic problem, economic activities and different types of organization;
- Value creation and sustainability in business and non-business entities, in national and global context;
- Organizational structure;
- Strategies;
- Introduction to management control;
- Introduction to financial accounting;
- Conflict of interests, corruption and lobbying.
There are four ways to learn in this course (HOW to learn):
1) Attend the lectures and study these teaching notes;
2) Watch/study the YouTube videos;
3) Read the Project Works discussed in previous years;
4) Complete the assignments.
Teaching methods
- Lecture by teacher
- Slides projected during the course
- Teaching notes
- Class discussion conducted by teacher
- Discussion groups project work
- Textbook and case studies assignments
Teaching materials
- Teaching notes of the course (available on-line)
- Slides projected during the course
- Suggested articles
Suggested book:
Mike Smith - Fundamentals of Management - McGraw-Hill Education
mandatory readings: cap 1 (sez. 1.2 -1.3); cap 2 (sez. 2.1 - 2.2 -2.3); cap 4 (sez. 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3); cap 5; cap 8 (sez. 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 - 8.4); cap 12 (sez 12.5); cap 14( sez. 14.4); cap 17 (sez 17.5); cap 20 (pp 500-502).
suggested readings: other parts
Aggiornato A.A. 2020-2021
Il corso di Fundamentals of Business Administration si propone come obiettivo principale quello di fornire una conoscenza di base di tutti gli elementi dell'amministrazione delle imprese.
Lo studente sarà in grado alla fine del corso di :
- Capire e comprendere i concetti di amministrazione delle imprese e le caratteristiche dei processi manageriale (strategie, pianificazioni ecc) le funzioni manageriali (marketing, funzione finanziaria, funzione risorse umane ecc).
- Comprendere qual è il ruolo di un'organizzazione nella società, le sue responsabilità e come creano valore.
- Essere in grado di applicare la propria conoscenza e trarre conclusioni originali, usando strumenti e tecniche manageriali.
- Utilizzare le proprie conoscenze per emettere giudizi validi sul costo-beneficio delle azioni manageriali.
- Ampliare le skill comunicative, usando un linguaggio appropriato durante la presentazione di problemi di natura manageriale.
- Ampliare la capacità di apprendimento come la gestione del tempo attraverso lo studio e le analisi di situazioni reali e casi studio
- Problemi economici, attività economiche e differenti tipi di organizzazione;
- Creazione del valore sostenibilità delle imprese, nel contesto nazionale e internazionale;
- struttura organizzativa;
- Strategie;
- Introduzione al cost accounting;
- Introduzione al financial accounting;
- Conflitti di interesse, corruzione e lobbying.
Metodi di Insegnamento
- Lezioni frontali del docente
- Slides proiettate durante il corso
- Note del professore sugli argomenti
- Discussioni in aula condotte dal docente
- Discussione sui lavori di gruppo
- Assignment su casi studio
Materiale didattico
- Slide disponibili on-line
- Articoli suggeriti dal docente
Testo suggerito:
Mike Smith - Fundamentals of Management - McGraw-Hill Education
letture obbligatorie: cap 1 (sez. 1.2 -1.3); cap 2 (sez. 2.1 - 2.2 -2.3); cap 4 (sez. 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3); cap 5; cap 8 (sez. 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 - 8.4); cap 12 (sez 12.5); cap 14( sez. 14.4); cap 17 (sez 17.5); cap 20 (pp 500-502).
letture suggerite: restanti capitoli
Aggiornato A.A. 2020-2021
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic knowledge about the fundamentals of business, in particular students will:
- Familiarize with the language of business;
- Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a busi-ness, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting Function);
- Understand the organizations’ existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
- Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
- Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judg-ments about the cost-effectiveness of management;
- Improve their communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues;
- Enhance their learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies;
- Give a complete framework for the other courses on business (e.g. management and organization; business strategies; financial accounting; business law; marketing).
- Economic problem, economic activities and different types of organization;
- Value creation and sustainability in business and non-business entities, in national and global context;
- Organizational structure;
- Strategies;
- Introduction to management control;
- Introduction to financial accounting;
- Conflict of interests, corruption and lobbying.
There are four ways to learn in this course (HOW to learn):
1) Attend the lectures and study these teaching notes;
2) Watch/study the YouTube videos;
3) Read the Project Works discussed in previous years;
4) Complete the assignments.
Teaching methods
- Lecture by teacher
- Slides projected during the course
- Teaching notes
- Class discussion conducted by teacher
- Discussion groups project work
- Textbook and case studies assignments
Teaching materials
- Teaching notes of the course (available on-line)
- Slides projected during the course
- Suggested articles
Suggested book:
Mike Smith - Fundamentals of Management - McGraw-Hill Education
mandatory readings: cap 1 (sez. 1.2 -1.3); cap 2 (sez. 2.1 - 2.2 -2.3); cap 4 (sez. 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3); cap 5; cap 8 (sez. 8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 - 8.4); cap 12 (sez 12.5); cap 14( sez. 14.4); cap 17 (sez 17.5); cap 20 (pp 500-502).
suggested readings: other parts
Aggiornato A.A. 2019-2020
Aggiornato A.A. 2019-2020
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic knowledge about the fundamentals of business, in particular students will:
Familiarize with the language of business;
Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a busi-ness, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting Function).
Understand the organizations’ existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judg-ments about the cost-effectiveness of management;
Improve their communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues;
Enhance their learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies;
Give a complete framework for the other courses on business (e.g. management and organization; business strategies; financial accounting; business law; marketing).
Economic problem, economic activities and different types of organization;
Value creation and sustainability in business and non-business entities, in national and global context;
Organizational structure;
Introduction to management control;
Introduction to financial accounting;
Conflict of interests, corruption and lobbying.
There are four ways to learn in this course (HOW to learn):
1) Attend the lectures and study these teaching notes;
2) Watch/study the YouTube videos;
3) Read the Project Works discussed in previous years;
4) Complete the assignments.
Teaching methods
Lecture by teacher
Slides projected during the course
Teaching notes
Project Works discussed in previous years
Class discussion conducted by teacher
Recitation oral questions by teacher answered orally by students
Discussion groups project work
Debate (informal) on current issues by students from class
Class discussions conducted by a student or student committee
Textbook assignments
Use of slides
Use of filmstrips
Teaching materials
- Teaching notes of the course (available on-line)
- Slides projected during the course
- Suggested articles
Aggiornato A.A. 2018-2019
Aggiornato A.A. 2018-2019
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic knowledge about the fundamentals of business, in particular students will:
Familiarize with the language of business;
Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a busi-ness, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting Function).
Understand the organizations’ existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judg-ments about the cost-effectiveness of management;
Improve their communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues;
Enhance their learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies;
Give a complete framework for the other courses on business (e.g. management and organization; business strategies; financial accounting; business law; marketing).
Economic problem, economic activities and different types of organization;
Value creation and sustainability in business and non-business entities, in national and global context;
Organizational structure;
Introduction to management control;
Introduction to financial accounting;
Conflict of interests, corruption and lobbying.
There are four ways to learn in this course (HOW to learn):
1) Attend the lectures and study these teaching notes;
2) Watch/study the YouTube videos;
3) Read the Project Works discussed in previous years;
4) Complete the assignments.
Teaching methods
Lecture by teacher
Slides projected during the course
Teaching notes
Project Works discussed in previous years
Class discussion conducted by teacher
Recitation oral questions by teacher answered orally by students
Discussion groups project work
Debate (informal) on current issues by students from class
Class discussions conducted by a student or student committee
Textbook assignments
Use of slides
Use of filmstrips
Teaching materials
- Teaching notes of the course (available on-line)
- Slides projected during the course
- Suggested articles
Aggiornato A.A. 2017-2018
Aggiornato A.A. 2017-2018
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic knowledge about the fundamentals of business, in particular students will:
Familiarize with the language of business;
Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a busi-ness, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting Function).
Understand the organizations’ existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judg-ments about the cost-effectiveness of management;
Improve their communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues;
Enhance their learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies;
Give a complete framework for the other courses on business (e.g. management and organization; business strategies; financial accounting; business law; marketing).
Economic problem, economic activities and different types of organization;
Value creation and sustainability in business and non-business entities, in national and global context;
Organizational structure;
Introduction to management control;
Introduction to financial accounting;
Conflict of interests, corruption and lobbying.
There are four ways to learn in this course (HOW to learn):
1) Attend the lectures and study these teaching notes;
2) Watch/study the YouTube videos;
3) Read the Project Works discussed in previous years;
4) Complete the assignments.
Teaching methods
Lecture by teacher
Slides projected during the course
Teaching notes
Project Works discussed in previous years
Class discussion conducted by teacher
Recitation oral questions by teacher answered orally by students
Discussion groups project work
Debate (informal) on current issues by students from class
Class discussions conducted by a student or student committee
Textbook assignments
Use of slides
Use of filmstrips
Teaching materials
- Teaching notes of the course (available on-line)
- Slides projected during the course
- Suggested articles
Aggiornato A.A. 2016-2017
Aggiornato A.A. 2016-2017
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic knowledge about the fundamentals of business, in particular students will:
Knowledge and Understanding
Know and understand the concepts of the administration of a business, the characteristics of management processes (strategy and planning, organizational structure, human resource management, decision making, monitoring and reporting, etc..) and management functions (Marketing, Operations, Human Resource function, Finance and Accounting Function).
Know the differences between a small business (e.g. a small family firm) and a big business conducted by multinational corporations all around the world (e.g. Apple, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google);
Understand the organizations' existence, what is their role in society, what are their responsibilities and how and for whom they create value;
Applying Knowledge and Understanding
Be able to apply knowledge and to draw original conclusions (critical thinking), by using management tools and techniques and by making judgments about the cost-effectiveness of management;
Learning Skills
Familiarize with the language of business;
Improve their communication skills, using an appropriate language during the presentation of management issues;
Enhance their learning ability as well as time management capacity, with the analysis of real situations and case studies
The programme is organised as follows:
Economic activities and different types of organization;
Globalization and National cultures;
Planning and strategy;
Organizational structure, teamwork and leadership;
Introduction to management control;
Introduction to cost accounting;
Introduction to responsibility accounting;
Introduction to financial accounting;
Introduction to social responsibility.