Facoltà di Economia

Lucia LeonelliProf.ssa Lucia Leonelli
Preside della Facoltà

La Facoltà di Economia dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" è un centro di formazione e di ricerca di eccellenza, riconosciuto a livello nazionale ed internazionale, ed è costituito da due dipartimenti: Economia e Finanza e Management e Diritto.

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La Facoltà di Economia è costituita dai dipartimenti:

Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza

Prof. Vincenzo Atella

Dipartimento di Management e Diritto

Prof.ssa Martina Conticelli

Iscrizioni e Trasferimenti

In questa sezione trovi tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per accedere alla nostra offerta formativa (bandi, test di ammissione, borse di studio, residenze e alloggi...)
Il tuo futuro comicia da qui!

Terza Missione

La Facoltà di Economia, da sempre impegnata a favore della crescita del tessuto socioeconomico italiano e nella cooperazione internazionale, declina la sua Terza missione impegnandosi in una ricerca di eccellenza utile a fini produttivi, capace di contribuire all’avanzamento della conoscenza, dei saperi culturali, scientifici e tecnologici atti a migliorare il benessere della società, attraverso una formazione di qualità, la creazione di partnership istituzionali e progetti con le imprese e per il territorio, il supporto della proprietà intellettuale e dell’imprenditorialità, il placement dei propri laureati, la promozione di iniziative volte a garantire sviluppo sostenibile, innovazione sociale, civic engagement e resilienza.

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In this section you can find a series of useful information for registering and attending classes at the Faculty of Economics


To get the "SCHEDA RACCOLTA DATI" from any Caf Office

Foreign students, who are financially dependent on their family residing abroad, and Italian students with income abroad can pay University fees (2nd and 3rd installments) based on their family income by submitting the Scheda Raccolta Dati. The Scheda Raccolta Dati must be obtained from any CAF Office by December (check the appropriate channels for the exact date).

International students’ family income can only be certified by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities (local Consulate or local Embassy), which students should consult in order to know what documents are needed for such certification. Once the proper documentation is submitted to the Italian Diplomatic Authority, it will provide the student with the certified documents that need to be taken to any CAF Office (Italian Tax Service Centres) after arriving in Rome.

To certify the family income, international students have to follow the procedure below:

  • Obtain your Family Income Declaration in your own Country which should include:
  1. Composition of your family
  2. Family income
  3. Real estate assets of your family
  • Bring your family income statement to the Italian Embassy in your home Country and let them approve and translate it into Italian.
  • Once in Italy, go to the Agenzia delle Entrate to obtain the Italian Fiscal Code.
  • Finally, you should go to a CAF Office to obtain the Scheda Raccolta Dati. Please find in here the list of documents to submit to the CAF.

All the students have to present the Scheda Raccolta Dati and all the documents submitted to the CAF to the Students' Administrative Office of the School of Economics (via Columbia, 2 - Building B, Ground Floor) by mid-December.
If you choose to not disclose your family income, you will have to pay the maximum range for fees based on the class of taxation (Ordinary, Superior or Maximum) or the fixed annual fee for non-EU students even if they are recipients of the DISCOLazio scholarship.

THE “CAF OFFICE” CLOSEST TO OUR UNIVERSITY IS ON VIALE ANTONIO CIAMARRA 3/9 – 00173, ROMA, (RM) -  Info: infocafroma@cafcisllazio.it

White Code

The University of Rome Tor Vergata is pleased to announce that a basic health care centre is now available for our foreign students and those coming from other Italian regions except Lazio Region.

This initiative was strongly wanted by our Rector, prof. Giuseppe Novelli, by dr. Giuseppe Colpani, General Director of University of Tor Vergata, Dr. Tiziana Frittelli, General Director of Tor Vergata University Hospital,  Prof. Stefano Marini, President of IMS (International Medical School), Prof. Andrea Magrini, Head of the Department of Occupational Medicine and Prof. Tonino Marsella, Forensic Medicine. The service is free of charge for all Italian students residing outside Lazium, for all European students who have an ENI card number and for students of any nationality enrolled in the Italian National Health Service (SSN/SSR).  Support will also be given to those students that want to be enrolled in the National/Regional Health Service.

Examination rooms, located in the Occupational Health Department, will be open on Mondays and Thursdays 14-16 on the second floor of the University Hospital.

This facility is organized on a walk-in basis, without any appointment. Students can benefit from the following services:

  • A normal medical examination
  • ECG and blood pressure check
  • Prescriptions (according to the doctor’s examination) of therapies, blood tests, instrumental investigations, specialist examinations
  • Health certificates for gym.

A professional MD and an IMS student about to graduate will be working together in this health facility. The future IMS graduate will help the doctor in case of cultural or linguistic barriers hindering access to primary care. On the same days and time there will also be a nutritionist to treat eating disorders; customized diets may also be prescribed.
The following medical services will not be available: vaccinations, emergency, surgical medications or diagnostic and surgical procedures.

Residence Permit

The Italian Immigration Act provides that citizens who are not members of the European Union who intend to stay in Italy for more than three months, require a residence permit within 8 working days of their arrival in Italy.

First application

If you are an EU citizen, you do not require a residence permit as such, but you have to register with your local civil records office in order to obtain the issue of the “attestazione anagrafica”.
If you live in Rome you can find on the website www.comune.roma.it , the form for the “Dichiarazione di Residenza”, that you have to fill in and present to your “Ufficio Anagrafico del Municipio” by person or through e-mail, certificate e-mail, fax or recommended letter with these documents in attachment:

  1. the passport or identity card
  2. self-certification of enrollment at our University

If you are a non-EU citizen, you can apply for the stay permit at any Italian Post Office filling the “Yellow Kit”, that you can find in the Post Office. (You can also ask for the kit at the Welcome Office, where someone will help you to fill it in).
It has to be submitted to a post office displaying the “Sportello Amico” logo, along with:

  1. photocopy of your passport (only the pages with your personal details and the visa stamp);
  2. documentation stating the chosen course and its duration and the stamp of the Italian diplomatic representation which issued the Visa;
  3. a copy of the receipt of payment of the health insurance (who does not have it, can buy it directly in the Post Office at a cost of 98 euro for one year or 49 euro for 6 month);
  4. a copy of the Italian Fiscal Code;
  5. the Formal admission letter from our University;
  6. the receipt of the payment due for the application for the Electronic Stay Permit. The cost of the Electronic stay permit is of € 30,46, and has to be paid with a bollettino in the Post Office. In addition, a €  30 payment to the postal operator must be made at the time of submission of the application;
  7. one “marca da bollo” of 16 euros, available at any tobacconist’s

The post office will give you an official document (lettera di convocazione) with the date of your appointment with the specific branch of the Commissariato or Ufficio Immigrazione where you have to show up.
On the day of the appointment, do not forget to bring with you the original documents enclosed in the kit, the post office receipt and 2 passport size photographs.




In order to renew your residence permit you have to fill in the application kit, specifying that it is a renewal. Deliver the kit to any post office displaying the “Sportello amico” logo, along with the following documents:

  1. photocopy of your passport (only the pages with your personal details and the visa stamp);
  2. a copy of your residence permit;
  3. a copy of the documentation demonstrating the availability of adequate financial resources, for example, proof that you hold a scholarship or details of your current account;
  4. a certificate of enrolment with exams taken;
  5. copy of the receipt of payment of the health insurance.

Please note!

It is advisable to begin the renewal procedure 60 days before the expiry date.


  • € 16 for 1 revenue stamp (available at any tobacconist’s), which has to be sticked on your residence permit application
  • € 30 to be paid at the post office at the application acceptance
  • € 70,46 to be paid at the post office for the issue of an electronic Residence Permit.

What is the tessera sanitaria?

The tessera sanitaria is the national health card which can be used to access the Italian Health System. Students have a fixed contribution (150 euros) which once paid would give them access to the Public Health care for a year (from January to December). It provides one with a general practitioner who can be visited free of charge for any illness whatsoever. Moreover, the tessera sanitaria also acts as a European health insurance card providing you health insurance and facilities all over Europe. 

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory for all students for the entire course of their study and stay in Italy.

It is extremely important to have valid health insurance, as it is also required in order to apply for a residence permit within 8 days of your arrival in the country. Perhaps you already have health insurance, which was taken out in your home country and validated by the diplomatic representation prior to your departure.
If not, the two safest options are:

  • voluntary registration with the Italian national health service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale or SSN), which gives you the opportunity to choose a doctor (general practitioner), who will deal with health problems free of charge, and prescribe medicines, tests and specialist examinations when necessary. Registration is valid from 1st January to 31st December.
  • the INA-Assitalia policy, which only covers emergency health care in public hospitals, is valid for 6-12 months from the date of purchase.

To register with the SSN you have to

  1. Go to a post office and use a payment slip to make a payment of 149.77 euros (cost of the service for one solar year) to post office current account n.370007, registered to: Regione Lazio, specifying the following reason for payment “Iscrizione volontaria al SSN” (which means voluntary registration to SSN).
  2. Registering with the local health authority office nearest to your residence address bringing with you:

If you are an EU citizen:

  • your payment receipt
  • your TEAM/EHIC card or the E106 Model card issued by your country of origin.
  • The TEAM/EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) should be requested from the local health authority of your home country prior to departure. In any event, old forms such as the E111 or E128 will still be considered valid.

If you are a non-EU citizen:

  • your payment receipt
  • Italian fiscal code
  • passport
  • your residence permit application receipt
  • self-certification of residence or home
  • self-certification of enrolment to our University

To take out a policy with INA-Assitalia you have to go to a post office and make a payment of € 98.00 (for one year) or € 49.00 (for six months) to post office current account n. 71270003, registered to: Agenzia Generale di Roma INA-Assitalia, specifying the following reason for payment “Polizza sanitaria studenti stranieri for 6 or 12 months”.

More information available here.

Italian Fiscal Code

The individual tax number (codice fiscale) is an identification code issued by the Ministry of Finance which is needed in order to open a current account or sign contracts and is issued by the Tax Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). It can be requested from abroad both by Italian and foreigners through the consular office.
The tax number is issued immediately upon application through Fisconline, an on-line service of the Tax Agency, and a card bearing the number is subsequently sent by mail. To request a tax number at a consular office it is necessary to complete a special form and show an identification document. For specific modalities (via fax, mail, etc.) please visit the website of the competent consular office.

In case you have not obtained it at the Italian Embassy, in Italy it can be requested from your local “Ufficio delle Entrate” (Tax office). A complete list of offices in the Lazio region can be found on this website

The documents requested to get the Italian Fiscal Code are:

  • a valid passport with Visa (if required) and a copy of the first page of your passport and Visa

For further information, please click here .


Office Hour: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7.50 am to 1.30 pm - Tuesday and Thursday from 7.50 am to 3.30 pm

email: dp.iiroma.utroma5@agenziaentrate.it 


Enrollment Procedures for International Students

Statement of Comparability or Declaration of Value

In order to enroll in a course at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, foreign students holding a qualification achieved abroad have to submit a statement of comparability issued by CIMEA or a Declaration of value issued by the Italian competent authority.

Comparability refers to identifying the level of the foreign qualification based on the framework established by the Bologna Process and on the EQF (European Qualifications Framework). This does not ratify the formal recognition at University of Rome. However, it is a useful indicator for the evaluation of the qualification for the purpose of gaining access to higher education.

General Admission Requirements

Bachelor's Degree Programs

  • When mandatory, pass the admission test or take the assessment test
  • Hold a diploma obtained abroad after a minimum of 12 years of education and which allows you to enroll in a university in your country
  • In case of a school education of less than 12 years, higher education institutions may alternatively request:
    • The academic transcripts certifying the passing of all the exams foreseen for the first year of university studies in the case of the eleven-year local school system, or the academic transcripts certifying the passing of all the exams scheduled for the first two academic years in the case of a ten-year local school system.
    • An official Italian or foreign post-secondary study qualification obtained in a nonuniversity higher education institution in a subject related to the chosen course, lasting one year in the case of an eleven-year local school system, or two years in the case of a ten-year local school system, respectively.
    • Certificates from other Italian universities regarding the completion of a foundation course which compensates for the years of missing education.

The certifications for passing foundation courses can also be used in order to fill those additional requirements required for entry to the courses, which are different from the years of schooling, but in no case can they remedy the absence of a “Diploma of upper secondary school or other qualification obtained abroad, recognised as acceptable”.

A pre-school year can also be considered a 12-year equivalent if the attendance was compulsory and part of the curriculum, and also in cases where the pre-school program was provided with the teaching of reading and writing in the language of the given Country together with some basic mathematics.

Master's Degree Programs (two-year programs)

  • Qualification obtained in a foreign university or a post-secondary qualification achieved in a non-university higher education Institute which allows you to continue your studies in the academic institutes in your country


Specific regulations are established for:

  • USA qualifications (American High School Diploma), British qualifications, Greek qualifications and qualifications issued by Ecclesiastical universities located in Italy and approved by the Holy See (See Attachment 1 here)
  • Italian qualifications obtained from schools in border areas or Italian sections of foreign schools, International Baccalaureate qualifications, qualifications issued from the Republic of San Marino, qualifications obtained from foreign schools in Italy or European schools (See Attachment 2 here)


Find the specific eligibility criteria of each academic program through the calls for applications published on their respective websites that are linked in this page.

Documents for enrollment

Documents needed for enrollment in a:

  • Bachelor's degree program
    • A true copy of either of the following:
      • the final title obtained after at least 12 years of education together with the Statement of Comparability issued by the CIMEA
      • the final title obtained after at least 12 years of education with official translation in Italian and validated by the Italian authorities in the Country of the educational system attended. This validation is not necessary if the certification presents the “Aja Apostille”; accompained by the original of the Declaration of Value of the final title issued by the Italian competent authorities for the territory.
      • the alternative certificates for titles obtained after less than 12 years of education indicated in the admission requirements (previous FAQ)
    • Copy of the certificate that states the student has passed the admission test for access to university courses if foreseen and mandatory in your home country (i.e. Selectividad in Spain, Prova de Aferiçao o Prova geral de Acesso in Portugal, etc.) together with an official translation in Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities. This validation is not necessary if the certification contains "the Aja Apostille".
    • Copy of your residence permit (for non-EU students officially resident in Italy)
    • Copy of your fiscal code
    • Copy of your letter of admission, when required


  • Master's degree program
    • A true copy of either of the following:
      • final academic title together with the Statement of Comparability issued by the CIMEA
      • final academic title legalized or apostilled and officially translated into Italian and accompanied by the Declaration of Value issued by the Italian competent authorities abroad
    • Transcript issued by the competent university which states the exams passed with an official translation into Italian and validated by Italian competent authorities; as well as, for each subject, a description of the programs attended to obtain the qualification in question. The transcript can be replaced by a “Diploma Supplement”.
    • Copy of your residence permit (for non-EU students officially resident in Italy)
    • Copy of your fiscal code
    • Copy of your letter of admission, when required

Additional documents for enrollment for MARCO POLO students:

  • Three passport-size photos
  • Copy of your pre-enrollment with an authenticated signature of the Italian Diplomatic authorities in your Country
  • Copy of the passport pages with your personal data and visa
  • Copy of the Italian language certification (level not lower than B1)

ATTENTION: all documents in a foreign language must be provided with an official translation into Italian and consular validation (you can contact a local translator and then request the Italian competent authorities in your Country to certify the validity of the translation. This procedure is not necessary if the certificate contains “the Aja Apostille”).

EU and non-EU residents in Italy and Italian citizens with a foreign qualification

This category includes EU citizens (also Italians), equivalent and non-EU citizens with a residence permit, who have a foreign qualification. Citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Republic of San Marino are considered as equivalent students; as well as refugees and holders of subsidiary protection status, including staff in service in Diplomatic Representations abroad and in international bodies located in Italy – accredited to the Italian State or the Holy See – and their dependent families (spouse and children).

If you are EU or non-EU citizen holding a residence permit (art. 26, law no. 189/2002) and a qualification obtained abroad you will be admitted to the university under the same conditions as an Italian qualification holder, hence with no limitations in terms of places available and without having to take an Italian language test.


Enrollment Procedures

  • Start the application procedures on the Delphi platform
  • Complete the steps of the application
  • Select "print" to obtain the enrollment application and the list of documents that must be uploaded
  • Take note of the CTRL and fiscal code
  • Proceed by selecting point B "You have already filled out an application" in this section of the Delphi platform
  • Insert the fiscal code and CTRL obtained in the previous steps
  • Upload the required documents as an individual pdf file for each document
  • Follow the steps for printing the postal order, online payment, validation and printing the ID number and the password that will be communicated via e-mail by the International Students Office after verifying the uploaded documentation
  • Provide the documents uploaded via the Delphi system in original copy to the International Students Secretarial Office (Via Cracovia 50, block D, floor 0); non-EU citizens have to provide the valid residence permit, too

In the event of irregularities in the documentation provided relating to the foreign education qualification, the enrollment will be automatically cancelled ex officio.

Non-EU students not resident in Italy

This category includes students with citizenship of a non-EU Country and not resident in Italy, who are hence applying for a student visa.

  1. Before you leave
    • Submit your pre-enrollment via the Universitaly website.
    • Complete the procedures required by the chosen degree program such as enrollment in the admission tests or curricular evaluation.
    • Submit the required documents to the Italian Competent Authorities. Check the list of required documents from the updated Student Guide.
  2. Once in Italy
    • Take and pass the Italian language test, unless you choose a program that is entirely taught in English.
    • Submit a residence permit request to the competent "Questura".
    • Submit a fiscal code request to obtain a 16-digit alphanumeric code that will be useful for enrollment, opening a bank account, signing a contract and registering with the National Health System.
    • Obtain a health insurance that is necessary for the residence permit application.
    • Complete the enrollment procedures.
      • Start the application procedures on the Delphi platform
      • Complete the steps of the application
      • Select "print" to obtain the enrollment application and the list of documents that must be uploaded
      • Take note of the CTRL and fiscal code
      • Proceed by selecting point B "You have already filled out an application" in this section of the Delphi platform
      • Insert the fiscal code and CTRL obtained in the previous steps
      • Upload the required documents as an individual pdf file for each document
      • Follow the steps for printing the postal order, online payment, validation and printing the ID number and the password that will be communicated via e-mail by the International Students Office after verifying the uploaded documentation
      • Provide the documents uploaded via the Delphi system in original copy to the International Students Secretarial Office (Via Cracovia 50, block D, floor 0); non-EU citizens have to provide the valid residence permit, too

In the event of irregularities in the documentation provided relating to the foreign education qualification, the enrollment will be automatically cancelled ex officio.

MARCO POLO Project Chinese students

The “Marco Polo” Project consists in a governmental agreement, between Italy and China, with the purpose of supporting the presence of Chinese students in Italian universities.

The students who participate in this project will have a chance to arrive earlier than other international students in Italy in order to learn Italian for 10 or 11 months (level of Italian required B2).

At the end of the course after passing the final test and the admission test provided for the admission to the chosen programme, students will be able to enroll following the procedures reported in the public call of the specific programme.

  1. Before you leave
    • Submit your pre-enrollment via the Universitaly website before applying for the study visa
    • Complete the procedures required by the chosen degree program such as enrollment in the admission tests or curricular evaluation.
    • After the pre-enrollment, if an Italian language course is required for these Chinese students, is it recommended that the Italian language course duration is not inferior to 10 months (preferably 80/100 monthly hours) in order to guarantee a consistent and continuous exposure to the Italian language to obtain a B1 starting level with the aim of a progressive language skills improvement in the following years.
      Tor Vergata University of Rome, as part of the Marco Polo Project, provides an 11-month Italian language and culture course for a total of 1.000 hours
    • In addition to the general admission requirements, passing the GAO KAO in China is required unless you are from Hong Kong and Macao.
  2. Once in Italy
    • Submit a residence permit request to the competent "Questura".
    • Submit a fiscal code request to obtain a 16-digit alphanumeric code that will be useful for enrollment, opening a bank account, signing a contract and registering with the National Health System.
    • Obtain a health insurance that is necessary for the residence permit application.
    • Complete the enrollment procedures.
      • Start the application procedures on the Delphi platform
      • Complete the steps of the application
      • Select "print" to obtain the enrollment application and the list of documents that must be uploaded
      • Take note of the CTRL and fiscal code
      • Proceed by selecting point B "You have already filled out an application" in this section of the Delphi platform
      • Insert the fiscal code and CTRL obtained in the previous steps
      • Upload the required documents as an individual pdf file for each document
      • Follow the steps for printing the postal order, online payment, validation and printing the ID number and the password that will be communicated via e-mail by the International Students Office after verifying the uploaded documentation
      • Provide the documents uploaded via the Delphi system in original copy to the International Students Secretarial Office (Via Cracovia 50, block D, floor 0); non-EU citizens have to provide the valid residence permit, too

Tuition Fees

The University has set up a system for calculating student fees as follows:

  1. an all-inclusive contribution that takes into account the ISEE-University, the Degree Course, the CFU acquired and the cohort.
  2. a fixed annual fee for non-EU students, for whom the ISEE calculation is inapplicable, in addition to the regional tax and the stamp duty. The DISCOLAZIO scholarship recipients are exempted from paying the regional tax only.

Check the Student Guide or the call for applications of courses to find the updated tuition fees for the academic year.

Payment method for fees - PagoPA

The PagoPA system guarantees electronic payments to the public administration.

Payments can be made in the following ways: 

  • online using your credit card at utov.it/pagopa;
  • via APP IO of PagoPA if you have SPID credentials;
  • via home/mobile banking through the CBILL circuit or members of the PagoPA system;
  • at all bank branches or ATMs that allow you to pay through the CBILL circuit or are members of the PagoPA system;
  • in the Sisal/Lottomatica betting shops.

The updated list of all Payment Service Providers (PSP), where you can pay via PagoPA, can be found at the following link: https://www.pagopa.gov.it/it/dove-pagare/

After payment, the student must return to the Delphi reserved page and validate the payment.

Full or Partial Exemptions from Tuition Fees

Full Exemptions

  • Students with disabilities (66% or higher)
  • Victims of organized crime and terrorism, and injured people in the course of duty
  • Political refugees
  • Recipients of DISCOLAZIO scholarship
    Non-EU students, who do not present the ISEE in conformity with art. 8 of the DPCM no. 159 dated 2013, are required to pay the fixed annual contribution even if in possession of the DISCOLAZIO scholarship (the recipients of the DISCOLAZIO scholarship are not required to pay the regional tax).
  • Foreign students with scholarships granted by the Italian government
  • Students with an Italian high school grade of 100/100 (first year only)
  • Winners of the National Mathematics Olympics and similar initiatives
  • Olympic medalists

Partial Exemptions

The reductions in force for partial exemptions cannot be accumulated. Furthermore, please note that these reductions cannot be added to the 30% discount foreseen for part-time courses.

  • Students with disabilities between 46% and 65%
    They are entitled to a 20% reduction on their second installment.
  • Students with siblings currently enrolled at Tor Vergata University of Rome
    Each sibling is entitled to a 10% reduction of the second installment, if their ISEE-University is equal to or lower than € 40 000.
  • Employees of the Tor Vergata University of Rome 
    They will have an automatic right to a 50% reduction in university fees regardless of their income level.
  • Children of Tor Vergata University of Rome employees enrolled at the university
    Students are entitled to a 50% reduction of the second installment if they have at least one parent working for the university with an open-ended or fixed-term contract with an ISEE-University of no more than €50 000.
  • Students residing in Italy outside of the Region of Lazio
    Students who officially reside in Italy outside of the Lazio region are entitled to a 5% reduction of university fees.
  • Students with a bachelor's degree final grade of 110/110 who decide to enroll in a master's degree course
    A 10% reduction in university fees is foreseen for students who have graduated at the Tor Vergata University of Rome or another Italian university with a final grade of 110/110 and who decide to enroll in a master's degree course.
  • Olympians
    Students participating in the Olympic Games are entitled to a 30% reduction of the "all-inclusive" tuition fee.
  • Maternity
    During maternity, students can decide to interrupt their studies. Should students opt for this possibility of a one year break, the starting point will be based on the date of birth of their child. Mothers, from this date, will be able to choose within the following three years when exactly to exercise this right. Students deciding not to interrupt their studies for maternity reasons are entitled to a 30% reduction of university fees foreseen for their degree course for one year. Please note that it is possible to apply for this reduction by no later than 31st December.


How to find the schedule of lectures?

You may consult the following page to see the timetable of lectures of the day for the whole School of Economics:

Today's lectures (mobile)

Today's lectures (web)


To check the timetable for a specific program, you may find the schedule on the website of the program. The website for each academic program can be found in the following page:

Academic Programs

How to find the rooms for lectures or exams?

The rooms for lectures or exams are indicated on the timetable or on the screens at the entrance area of both buildings. Building A is primarily where lectures and events are held. The rooms are named with a letter and a number. The name of the room can be interpreted as:


  • I - -1 Floor
  • T - Ground Floor
  • P - 1st Floor
  • S - 2nd Floor


  • Even numbers - Right wing
  • Odd numbers - Left wing


There are 3 multimedia rooms used mainly for events:

  • Sala Consiglio - Building B 2nd Floor
  • Aula Tesi/TL - Building A Ground Floor
  • Aula Magna - Building A Ground Floor

What does it mean when I have different rounds of examination?

The system of exams foresees three different sessions (sessioni): two sessions are scheduled following the end of each of the two semesters and one session is scheduled in September. Each session consists of two rounds (appelli) or two different exam dates that are usually separated by two weeks. Students can decide which exam date to book within each session. In case the student rejects the grade (or fails) of the first or second round, they can take the exam again in September session before the fall semester begins.

How to book an exam?

Exams are booked on the Delphi platform. Students have to login to the Student Section of the platform then select "Examination Booking" or "Prenotazione esami". Select "Book examination" then choose the exam date of the course you want to book. Complete the survey about the course and finalize the exam booking. The booking period for an exam date ends a few days before the exam date itself. 

What are the language requirements for different courses?

Different courses may have different language requirements which could be found on their websites but a minimum level of B1 is required in the language in which the course is being taken.

Where can I find study rooms at the School of Economics?

There are three study rooms at the ground floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor of Building A and one study room at the ground floor of Building B. The study rooms may be used for group works and discussions. For a quiet environment, it is recommended to go to the Vilfredo Pareto library. The SED Computer Room, which is located in the ground floor of Building B, is also available for studying and provides spots with or without computers.

What is the Libretto di Iscrizione? What do I do if I lose it?

The Libretto di Iscrizione is the booklet where all your grades are entered. It can also be used as your student ID. You will receive one at the start of the year once the enrollment process is complete. In case you misplace the libretto you are obliged to report it and get a replacement.

Can I buy lunch at the University?

Most schools have a cafeteria or a bar in their premises which offers a wide range of choices. Moreover, the University also has a canteen (mensa) where one can get tasty food at an affordable price. The University mensa can be found at the following address: Via Cambridge, 115, 00133 Roma RM, Italy. Download the DISCo Mensa App, available both on Android and iOS, and register in order to gain access to discounted meal prices based on your family income.

How to reach the School of Economics with public transportation?

Students can take the 20 or 20L bus from the Anagnina station of the Metro A line. The other bus lines that connect the School of Economics with the surrounding areas are 552, 506, 507 and 509. There is also a free shuttle bus service provided by the University that connects the various schools of the University with the Tor Vergata train station, the Metro A Anagnina station, the CX Place and the Metro C Torre Angela station. 

Students can purchase tickets and passes for the public transportation network of Rome. The monthly pass costs €35 and the yearly pass costs €250. Find information here on where to purchase tickets and passes.

IT Services

Are Delphi and DIDA the same?

No, Delphi is the University platform for services related to the student's career.

Dida is the platform of the School of Economics for accessing teaching materials, Courses and Exams calendar, the course newsletter, and so on.

The two systems use different or independent passwords.

I lost my DIDA password

To reset your DIDA password, follow the steps on this page.

You would need your matricola number or your university email.

I lost my Delphi password

To reset your Delphi password, follow the steps on this page.

You would need your Fiscal Code and your matricola number.

How can I activate my university email?

To reset the password, do the following:

  • Login to the Students section of the Delphi platform
  • Select "Activate Other Services"
  • Select "Launch Microsoft Office365"
  • Select "First Activation/Reset Password"
  • Click "Reset"
  • Set a password and confirm

I lost my university email password (@students.uniroma2.eu)

To reset the password, do the following:

  • Login to the Students section of the Delphi platform
  • Select "Activate Other Services"
  • Select "Launch Microsoft Office365"
  • Select "Set/Reset Password"
  • Click "Reset"
  • Set a new password

How can I access the Office365 services?

To access the Microsoft Office 365 services offered by the University for free, login to the Microsoft portal with your university email and corresponding password.


As a non-EU, what is the first thing one should do on arrival?

Complete your quarantine requirements as suggested by the Italian government and then start with the application for the permesso di soggiorno.

I am a student who has been vaccinated outside the EU. Is it possible to get the green pass?

At the moment the green pass is issued by the Italian government to people vaccinated in Italy. However if you are vaccinated by a vaccines approved by the Italian government then the University has arranged the following procedure while waiting for the specific directives to be issued by the competent authorities:

  • Set an appointment with the Welcome Office by clicking on the following link: prenotazioni.uniroma2.it/welcome-office/
  • Go to the appointment and submit the certificate of the vaccine or any other appropriate documentation

Subsequently, the student will be contacted to receive the provisional exemption certificate for the anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, which will allow to obtain the certificate of exemption from the Green pass as required by the ministerial decree 35309 of 4 August 2021 (Certificate of exemption for the anti-COVID-19 vaccine).

What are the COVID-19 rules to be followed in university?

The following rules are mandatory: 

– it is mandatory to use respiratory protection devices (es. surgical masks etc)

– it is recommended to respect an interpersonal safety distance of at least 1 meter

– it is forbidden to enter or remain in the university premises for people with symptoms

respiratory or body temperature above 37.5 °

What if I still face travel restrictions to Italy or if I cannot be at the university in person?

All lessons are also held online for students unable to attend. You can find the Course Team link on the course page on the Faculty website.