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All the information about the selection criteria and the application process

are available in this webpage click here


The bachelor course in Business Administration & Economics is an undergraduate degree course useful to cope with the complexity of a global economy. The program provides the competencies and the conceptual and methodological tools to meet the challenges of the economic system and the internal dynamics of organizations and institutions that elaborate their strategies in it. It is a three-year program fully taught in English: the first two academic years share a base of common training courses, while in the third year, students can choose between two different curricula, Business Administration (course code T16) or Economics (course code T17).

Activities for a.y. 2024/2025

For A.Y. 2023/24, the teaching activities will return to in-person. Lectures will be held in person, although the possibility of streaming lectures at a distance will be offered. However, the exams will be held exclusively in-person, with no exceptions.

Programme Type

Laurea (First cycle degree - 180 ECTS)

Degree Programme

L-18 (for Business Administration curriculum); L-33 (for Economics curriculum)

Type of Access

200 spots available


English (International course)


Full time


Economics and Finance (Excellence Grant 2023-2027 by MIUR)


Course Structure 2024/2025 is on line

click here:

Course Structure 2024/2025 (for students enrolled in the academic year 2024/2025)

Student Guide a.y. 2024/2025

Here is all the information about enrolment, enrolment to following years, tuition fees, ISEEU, etc. for the a.y. 2024/2025. Click Here!

How to Request a Temporary Microsoft Teams Account

New students who have not enrolled yet may request a temporary Microsoft Teams Account here.

For assistance, contact us: welcome@uniroma2.onmicrosoft.com.