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Module 1


Updated A.Y. 2021-2022

Course Description

Change brings uncertainty, for the better or worse. When uncertainty is associated with negative results, it is called risk. And when uncertainty is associated with positive results, it is called opportunity. Both risk and opportunity are probabilities, meaning they did not happen yet. As individuals, businesses, governments and society, we strive for change. Our decision-making process is shaped by how we understand the risk & opportunities around us, what is acceptable and what is not, and how we manage crises if things go bad. This course provides a systematic approach to before, during and after a crisis or disaster. It builds on personal experience of students and recent events across the world. It also covers how factors such as rapid urbanization, demographic shift, consumption patterns etc. affect the risk in our societies and the systemic shock brought by climate change. The capacity to understand our risk and to manage it is a core tool to manage change. And as individuals, as governments, as businesses, as societies we change. This course aims to increase your capacity in managing change. The learning objectives are:

  • Understand key concepts governing before, during and after a crisis.
  • Acquire practical tools such as scenario, life safety, seizing an event to manage crises.
  • Learn how to apply these strategies into various fields of work.

Find more information in the Syllabus