Once the admitted candidates completed the pre-enrolment procedures indicated in Article 7, they have to enroll within the dates shown on the Student Guide A.Y 2024-25 by following the instructions at these link:
http://web.uniroma2.it/en/percorso/admissions/sezione/how_to_enroll https://studenti.uniroma2.it/en/immatricolazione/
Candidates with a qualification obtained abroad and non-EU candidates residing abroad
Candidates with a qualification obtained abroad will be admitted to the selection process subject to conditions.
In the case of successful candidates, they must proceed to enrolment by following the instructions available at the following link:
Non-EU students resident abroad, in order to obtain a visa, mandatory for the enrolment, must submit the pre-enrolment application together with the official translation and legalization issued by the competent Italian authorities of the final title through the Universitaly portal (https://www.universitaly.it/ )by July 31st 2024,wait for the validation of the application by the University, and then contact their diplomatic representative to complete the required procedures.
In the event of irregularities in the documentation provided relating to the foreign qualification, the student's enrolment will be automatically cancelled.
In general, in order to enrol on three-year degree courses and single-cycle master's degree courses, students must have a secondary school diploma obtained abroad after at least 12 years of education.
If qualifications obtained after less than 12 years of education are to be assessed, the following may be applied as an alternative:
- Academic certification of successful completion of all the examinations required for the first year of university studies in the case of an 11-year local school system, or academic certification of successful completion of all the examinations required for the first two academic years in the case of a 10-year local school system;
- An official Italian or foreign post-secondary qualification from a non-university education institution in a subject related to the chosen course, with one year's duration in the case of a local 11-year school system, or two years' duration in the case of a local 10-year school system;
- Certifications from other Italian universities regarding the passing of foundation courses, which make up for the missing years of education;
- Certifications from other Italian universities relating to the completion of foundation courses, even if lasting less than one academic year, which confer the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to attend the chosen course of study at the same
The above-mentioned additional and complementary certifications to secondary school qualifications obtained with less than 12 years of education, allow in Italy only enrolment in the first academic year and cannot be evaluated for enrolment with course shortening, in order to avoid double evaluation of the same qualifications. Certificates of successful achievement of preparatory courses may also be used to meet the additional requirements for admission to courses that differ from the years of education, but in any case they cannot make up for the absence of a "Diploma of upper secondary school or other qualification obtained abroad, recognised as suitable" (DM 270/2004 and DPR 212/2005) or the passing of any academic aptitude test that may be required for admission to the university of the country of origin.
In the calculation of the twelve years, the pre-school year is to be considered, where it occurs and is officially recognised as an integral part of the school curriculum at national level, provided that attendance of this year is compulsory and an integral part of the curriculum and that the programme provides for the teaching of reading and writing in the language of the country and the first elements of arithmetic.
For further information on the qualifications validity obtained abroad, see the ministerial procedures published at the following link: http://www.studiare-in-italia.it/studentistranieri/ (click on “Disponibile la versione in lingua inglese” for the English version). In particular, it is strongly recommended to consult Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 in case of a US qualification, a qualification from the United Kingdom, a qualification issued by university institutes of ecclesiastical studies based in Italy and approved by the Holy See, an Italian qualification obtained in border schools or Italian sections of foreign schools, an International Baccalaureate qualification, from the Republic of San Marino, obtained in foreign schools operating in Italy or European schools.
In order to finalise the enrolment, foreign diplomas must be accompanied by the documentation indicated under point three of this link: http://web.uniroma2.it/en/percorso/admissions/sezione/how_to_apply.
Be aware that Tor Vergata University of Rome reserves the right to request additional documentation.
For further information, visit the University website in the International Students section
http://web.uniroma2.it/en/percorso/admissions/sezione/how_to_enroll .
Students with a foreign qualification and study visa applicants have to formalize their enrolment procedures within the deadlines set through the International Students Office, Via Cracovia, 50 - 00173 ROMA - Edificio D piano 0 stanza n. 1 (email address: international.students@uniroma2.it ).
PLEASE NOTE: All students with a foreign title will have to bring in person the originals of the documentation uploaded on the DELPHI platform at the International Students Secretariat by November 30, 2024. Otherwise, they could not finalize their enrolment. On the other hand, non-EU citizens with a valid stay permit and final title from a school with a didactical italian system will have to formalize their enrolment at the Student Secretariat of economics faculty.
Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (DSA)
The University reserves the right to verify the truth of all statements made. Please also note that anyone who produce false statements, make false documents or uses them is punished under the Criminal Code and the related laws.
At the time of enrolment, in order to request partial or total exemption from fees (where applicable) or all the services provided by law and provided by CARIS, students, in addition to ticking the relevant box when enrolling on Delphi, must produce the certifications to the CARIS Secretariat, also by sending a good quality scan in PDF format, to the email address: segreteria@caris.uniroma2.it .
All documents containing sensitive data will be kept by the CARIS office in compliance with the regulations in force.
In particular:
- Students with a disability equal to or greater than 66% or with recognition of disability pursuant to art. 3, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the law of 5 February 1992, n. 104 are totally exempt from payment of university fees and contributions for enrolment and must follow the same procedure 'on-line
enrolment’ provided for all students, self-certifying the disability in the same application form. In order to proceed with the enrolment procedure, they will then have to deliver or send to the CARIS Secretariat all the documentation issued by the competent authorities certifying their disability status.
- It is also possible, following the same procedure, to request a 20% discount on the amount of the second instalment for students with a recognized disability between 46% and 65%.
In case of non-presentation or ineligibility of the documentation submitted by the student, it will be required to pay all university fees and contributions.
During the course of studies, the request for dispensatory measures and compensatory tools for each individual course to be followed or exam must instead be made with specific written requests to CARIS.
There is no exemption from payment of fees for students with DSA, who may however request dispensatory measures and compensatory tools for the entrance test and for their university course by following the same procedures for accreditation and delivery of documents as outlined above.
For information and contacts please consult the website http://caris.uniroma2.it